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Organic Materials

In 2005, 245.7 million tons of municipal solid waste or MSW (more commonly known as trash or garbage) were generated in the United States. Organic materials—comprised of yard trimmings, food scraps, wood waste, and paper and paperboard products—are the largest component of our trash and make up more than two-thirds of the solid waste stream.

photos of yard trimmings, food scraps, wood waste, and paper wood waste food scraps yard trimmings Reducing, reusing, recycling, and rebuying—the four "Rs"—is key to diverting organic materials from landfills or incinerators and protecting human health and our land, air, and water. Waste reduction and recycling prevents greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions, reduces pollutants, saves energy, conserves resources, and reduces the need for new disposal facilities.

This Web site provides information on organic materials, including

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