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How to Apply

  1. Visit www.epa.gov/pesticides/jobs.

  2. Click on "Vacancy Announcements" for a list of current openings within OPP.

  3. Click on the job title that interests you to get a full description of the position and the qualifications required. To apply for openings within OPP or other offices within EPA, you must then exit OPP's "Vacancy Announcements" and access EZHire@EPA , EPA's Web-based automated recruitment and job application system.

  4. Access EZHire@EPA at www.epa.gov/ezhire. Click on the "How to Apply" section for all new users. Next click on the "Login/Register/Browse" section. Scroll down to the bottom and click on the "Proceed to Register" section. Follow the instructions provided for the EPA's EZHire jobs on-line and to receive an email confirmation receipt of your application. If you are found ineligible for a particular position, you will automatically receive an email explaining the reason why. You may contact the Human Resource Specialist listed on the vacancy announcement for further explanation.

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