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Dryden Flight Research Center
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Alan Brown
NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
(661) 276-2665
Apr. 20, 2005
RELEASE : 05-22
Dryden's Lori Losey Named NASA Videographer Of Year
A videographer at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center has won the aerospace agency's highest award for videography for 2004.

Lori Losey, an employee of Arcata Associates at Dryden, was honored with NASA's Videographer of the Year award for her work in two of the three categories in the NASA video competition, public affairs and documentation.

In the public affairs category, Losey received a first-place citation for her footage of an Earth Science mission that was flown aboard NASA's DC-8 Flying Laboratory in South America last year. Her footage not only depicted the work of the scientists aboard the aircraft and on the ground, but she also obtained spectacular footage of flora and fauna in the mission's target area that helped communicate the environmental research goals of the project.

Losey also took first place in the documentation category for her acquisition of technical videography of the X-45A Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle flight tests. The video, shot with a hand-held camera from the rear seat of a NASA F/A-18 mission support aircraft, demonstrated her capabilities in recording precise technical visual data in a very challenging airborne environment.

The award was presented to Losey during a NASA reception at the National Association of Broadcasters convention in Las Vegas April 19.

A three-judge panel evaluated entries for public affairs, documentation and production videography on professional excellence, technical quality, originality, creativity within restrictions of the project, and applicability to NASA and its mission. Entries consisted of a continuous video sequence or three views of the same subject for a maximum of three minutes duration.

Linda Peters, Arcata Associates' Video Systems Supervisor at NASA Dryden, noted, "Lori is a talented videographer who has demonstrated extraordinary abilities with the many opportunities she has received in her career at NASA."

Losey's award was the second major NASA video award won by members of the Dryden video team in two years. Steve Parcel took first place in the documentation category last year for his camera and editing work in documenting a checkout flight of the Helios Prototype solar-electric aircraft equipped with a supplementary experimental fuel cell power system in June 2003.


PHOTO EDITORS: Publication-quality photos to support this release are available for downloading from the Internet at:


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