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Davis Timber Company

Davis Timber Company
EPA ID: MSD046497012
Location: Hattiesburg, Lamar County, MS
Congressional District:
NPL Status: Proposed: 05/11/00; Final: 07/27/00
Project Manager

Site Profile

For documents not available on the website, please contact the Region 4 Freedom of Information Office (http://www.epa.gov/region4/foiapgs/submit.htm).

Site Background: The Davis Timber site is a former timber processing and wood preserving operation facility in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, that was operated by the Davis Timber Company from 1972 until the late 1980's.  Wastewater, containing pentachlorophenol, dioxin and furan compounds, was discharged into an onsite storage pond, which was reportedly backfilled and capped in 1980.  Prior to closing this pond, pentachlorophenol and dioxin contaminated wastewater was released into surface water drainage pathways.  Between 1974 and 1987, several fish kills in Country Club Lake, one mile downgradient of the facility, were reported.  Pentachlorophenol, dioxins and furans have been detected at elevated levels in onsite soils and also in sediments in Mineral Creek and Country Club Lake.  

The site was finalized on the NPL in 2000.

The state of Mississippi has collected fish from Country Club Lake seven times since 1987, and analyzed the fish tissue for dioxin compounds.  Upon obtaining the first set of fish tissue data, MDEQ issued a notice to local residents (in 1989) recommending that fish from Country Club Lake not be consumed .  Dioxin levels in fish have decreased significantly over the last ten years.  In June 2001, the state of Mississippi lifted its ban on the consumption of fish caught in waters near this site.  In 2004, MDEQ collected fish again from Country Club lake and analyzed the tissue for dioxin.

Cleanup Progress:  Remedial Investigation Underway 
The Remedial Investigation began in May 2000.  Four field efforts took place between 2000 and 2002 to characterize on-site soils, creek and lake sediments, surface water, and groundwater.  Analytical results from the RI sampling events indicate the presence of contamination (predominantly dioxins and semi-volatile compounds) in the on-site soils, at the former PCP impoundment, and in sediments.  The sediment contamination is predominantly in East Mineral Creek. 

In July 2002, EPA prepared a report compiling all data collected during the RI, which summarized findings and conclusions of the sampling investigation.  In 2006, EPA finalized the remedial investigation and ecological and human health risk assessments for the site.  The feasibility study is being conducted, and EPA will propose a cleanup strategy for the site.  The cleanup strategy will be recorded in a proposed plan, which is expected to be completed by September 2007.


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