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Research Project: Bioinformatics and Comparative Genomic Analyses F L. Buchneri Nrrl B-30929

Location: Bioproducts and Biocatalysis Research

2007 Annual Report

1a.Objectives (from AD-416)
To annotate and characterize the genome of Lactobacillus buchneri in order to predict the inherent metabolism of this novel biocatalyst for the purpose of optimizing conversion of biomass to biofuel and bioproducts. An additional aim is to generate necessary data for submission of a peer reviewed research paper in which the genome sequence data is presented.

1b.Approach (from AD-416)
Through a previous collaboration between Dr. Mills and ARS, the L. buchneri genome will be sequenced by the Joint Genome Institute. The Mills lab will work with ARS to do several in silico analyses. This will include, reconstruction of the L. buchneri metabolism with specific emphasis on sugar fermentation pathways, endproduct production pathways and cell redox systems. In addition the Mills lab will carry out comparative genomic analyses to existing lactic acid bacterial genomes and train Dr. Liu in bioinformatics techniques. The goal of this effort is twofold. The first will be to develop appropriate bioinformatics data to enable a peer reviewed publication on the L. buchneri genome. The second will be to identify genes/gene systems in L. buchneri that are targets for additional biocatalyst improvement via metabolic engineering methods.

3.Progress Report
This report documents accomplishments under a Specific Cooperative Agreement between Agricultural Research Services (ARS) and the University of California, Davis, CA. Additional details of research can be found in the parent project 3620-41000-121-00D, entitled "Microbial Catalysts to Produce Fuel Ethanol and Value Added Products." The objective of this cooperative research project is to annotate and characterize the genome of Lactobacillus buchneri in order to predict the inherent metabolism of this novel biocatalyst for the purpose of optimizing conversion of biomass to biofuel and bioproducts. This specifically relates to Objective 2 of the parent project to engineer lactic acid bacteria to make ethanol and byproducts. Recently, a new strain of L. buchneri was isolated from a commercial ethanol plant. This strain was deposited as L. buchneri NRRL B-30929, and a proposal to sequence the genome of NRRL B-30929 was funded by DOE BER energy initiatives. High-quality genomic DNA samples of NRRL B-30929 were prepared and provided to the Joint Genome Institute (JGI). The genome sequencing is in progress. The goal of this specific cooperative research is two-fold. The first will be to develop appropriate bioinformatics data to characterize the L. buchneri genome. The second will be to identify genes/gene systems in L. buchneri that are targets for additional biocatalyst improvement via metabolic engineering methods. This project has just been initiated. Activities for the project will be monitored by the ADODR via e-mails and direct interactions with the cooperators during on-site visits to UC Davis and the cooperator’s visits to ARS facility.


Project Team
Liu, Siqing
Project Annual Reports
  FY 2008
  FY 2007
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Last Modified: 05/12/2009
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