PMEL Home Page FOCI Home Page


March 14, 1996


Cruise No: MF9607
Area: Central and Eastern Bering Sea


Depart	Dutch Harbor	April 17

Arrive	Kodiak		April 29

Participating organizations:
NOAA - Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC)
NOAA - Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL)
Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia
University of South Florida


Fisheries Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (FOCI) is a joint effort by scientists at PMEL and AFSC to understand the biological and physical processes which cause recruitment variability of commercially valuable fish and shellfish stocks in Alaskan waters. The Bering Sea FOCI program is presently studying the effects of the biotic and abiotic environment on the early life stages of walleye pollock spawned in the central and eastern Bering Sea. There are two aspects to the study: the acquisition and analysis of time-series data, and specific research topics to be covered on a cruise-by-cruise basis.


We plan to obtain information on the inflow and outflow through Amukta Pass (near 172 degrees W) by use of CTD casts and a 25 - hour time series of ADCP measurements. Deep CTD casts will be made south of the Aleutian Islands to the east and west of Amukta Pass. Weather permitting, we will retrieve two subsurface moorings and deploy two surface moorings over the south eastern Bering Sea shelf. Various observations by net tows, water samples and a small surface buoy will be used to obtain information on plankton, chlorophyll, and sea color. Various measurements may be conducted in support of observations by a research aircraft. If time is available, a CTD grid near Unimak Pass will be occupied.


1.1. Chief Scientist: Ronald K. Reed / 526-6818

The Chief Scientist has the authority to revise or alter the technical portion of the instructions as work progresses provided that, after consultation with the Commanding Officer, it is ascertained that the proposed changes will not: (1) jeopardize the safety of personnel or the ship; (2) exceed the overall time allotted for the project; (3) result in undue additional expenses; (4) alter the general intent of these project instructions.

1.2 Participating Scientists

Ronald Reed	M/USA		PMEL

William Parker	M/USA		PMEL

Carol DeWitt	F/USA		PMEL

Lisa Britt	F/USA		AFSC

Aurea Ciotti	F/Brazil	Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia

Gordana Lazin	F/Brazil	Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia

Jen Patch	F/USA		University South Florida

Engineer TBN	M/USA		PMEL

1.3 Ship Operations Contact:

Larry Mordock
(206) 553 - 4764
1801 Fairview Ave. East
Seattle, WA 98102-3767



The ship will depart Dutch Harbor and steam directly to Amukta Pass and take a CTD section that was occupied during 1993 - 1995. A 25 - hour ADCP time series will be taken by steaming back and forth across the pass. At various sites Methot tows or Tucker sled trawls will be made; chlorophyll will be determined as well as ocean color from a small buoy. Deep CTD sections will be taken along 173.5 degrees W and approximately 170 degrees W. Some water samples from these casts will be analyzed for chlorophyll. Casts will be taken to near bottom or to approximately 3500 m in greater depths. After completion of this work, the ship will steam to the southeastern Bering shelf. Two subsurface current moorings will be recovered, and some of the equipment will be reused on two surface moorings (BSM2 and BSM3; Table 1) to be deployed at the same sites. A number of bongo tows for larvae and calVET tows will be made at these sites, as well as measurements of chlorophyll and ocean color. It there is time available, a grid of CTD stations near Unimak Pass will be occupied before departure for Kodiak.


CTD/Water Sample Operations
PMC's Sea-Bird CTD will be the primary system used. (PMEL's CTD stand, which has been modified for the attachment of a Sea-Tech fluorometer, will be used). CTD data will be acquired on a PMEL computer using SEASOFT software. The capability to display CTD data using the SCS system and monitors will be available. Survey technicians and scientists will keep the "CTD Cast Information/Rosette Log" in addition to the wire usage log. The CTD should descend at a rate of 30m/min for the first 200m and 45m/min below that. The ascent rate should be 50m/min. The FOCI fluorometer, light meter, and chlorophyll absorbance meter (ChlAM) should be mounted on the rosette for all casts where possible. However, the ChlAM can not exceed 300m and the fluorometer and light meter cannot exceed 500 m. Water samples will be collected with 10-l Niskin bottles. Depth, fluorescence and light levels will be recorded on the "CTD Cast Information/Rosette Log" for all water bottle samples.

CTD Calibration: Salinity comparisons will be conducted on every cast (or as specified by the Chief Scientist). No reversing thermometers will be required. The CTD systems will be equipped with dual thermistors. A survey technician will run the AutoSal analysis during the cruise and record the readings on an AutoSal log.

Bongo Larval Condition Tows
A live tow for larval pollock uses the 60cm bongo with 0.333 mm or 0.505 mm net mesh with taped codends. The selection of the mesh size will depend on the time of field collections, larval size, amount of algae, etc. This is meant to be a vertical tow with ship speed used only to maintain a zero wire angle. The bongo is lowered at 50 m/min to a gear depth of 70 meters. The wire in speed should be 10 m/min, begin timing tow when net starts up. Do not rinse down the nets when they return to the deck, but do open the codends immediately into clean (live) 5 gallon buckets. The samples are carefully transferred into a bowl over ice and due to time restrictions are sorted quickly for live larvae (wigglers).

CalCOFI Vertical Egg Tow (CalVET)
Vertical tows to collect microzooplankton and free-floating copepod eggs will be conducted during patch studies, sometimes in conjunction with CTD/bottle casts. When done in conjunction with a CTD cast, the CTD will be stopped at 15 m during its descent, and the net frame's top and bottom will be attached to the wire so that the net flushes during its descent while the ship stands hove to. After standard descent to desired depth (usually 60 m), the net will then be retrieved at a rate of 60 m/min. The samples will be washed into the cod ends, then preserved in 32 oz. jars with formalin for later analysis. Once the net frame has been removed from the wire, then the CTD/bottle cast can begin. The CalVET net can also be deployed from the starboard quarter-deck.

Methot trawl
The Methot trawl is deployed using the Marco winch off the stern of the vessel (without the stern platform). A Scanmar acoustical depth sensor, with a readout in the trawl house (or alternatively, an electronic BKG or CTD), will be used to receive real-time depth information. A scientist or survey tech in the trawl house will relay orders for stopping and starting the winch to the winch operator based on trawl depth. The ship's speed should be 2.5 to 3.0 kts. This trawl will be deployed at 40 m/min and retrieved at 20 m/min. Tows will be oblique or stepped oblique from 100 m to the surface. Methot trawls may be conducted in daytime or at night with little or no advanced warning, as where and when they will be done depends on plankton catches or acoustic sign. Because this information is instantaneous, the trawl will need to be activated quickly with little time lost. Location and time of tows is at the discretion of the chief scientist or scientific watch leader.

Tucker trawls
The Tucker trawl will have 505 mm mesh netting and will be used in a standard manner. Depth of the net will be monitored with an electronic BKG or attached CTD. The net is deployed at constant wire speed of 40 m/min to a depth of 100 m. The winch is stopped and the net allowed to stabilize for 30 sec. A messenger is sent, opening the first net. The nets are retrieved at a wire speed of 20 m/min. The ship speed is adjusted to maintain a 45 degree wire angle during the entire tow. If both nets are to be used, at a predetermined depth, a second messenger is sent, closing the first net and opening the second, which is allowed to stabilize and then is retrieved as before. If the Tucker is used for the major part of the larval survey, it will probably be used in an oblique fashion, with only one net open. When the nets reach the surface, they are brought aboard and hosed down to wash the sample to the codend. Flow meters are read. Tows not meeting specifications may be repeated at the discretion of the scientific watch.

Chlorophyll Samples
Chlorophyll samples will be taken from the 2-l Niskin bottles. Sampling depths depend on the fluorescence profile. A typical strategy would be samples at 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 or 60 m depending upon which is closest to the fluorescence maximum. If the maximum is deeper, sampling should be moved deeper with less samples in the mixed layer.

When microzooplankton samples are to be collected from the same Niskin bottle, 500 ml of water is first removed from the water bottle using a graduated cylinder. Chlorophyll and nutrient samples are obtained from the 500 ml in the graduated cylinder. See the FOCI Field manual for sampling collection filtration and preserving details. The -70 degrees C freezer is required for sample storage.

Seachest and Uncontaminated Sea water
Sea surface temperature, conductivity and fluorescence will be continuously monitored. Data from the Sea-Bird thermosalinographinstalled in the sonar void seachest shall be sent to SCS. In addition, the uncontaminated sea water from this chest will be pumped to the Chemistry Laboratory and through a fluorometer. The scientists will be responsible for regularly cleaning the cuvette inside the fluorometer and obtaining and processing the calibration samples. Calibration samples will be taken at each bongo station or one hour apart, whichever is more frequent.

At the beginning of the cruise, the ship's chief survey technician will be responsible for ensuring that the data streams from the instruments are correctly logged by the SCS. During the cruise, the survey technicians are responsible for checking the logger once per watch to determine that the instruments are functioning, and for taking salinity calibration samples every other day. After the cruise, the chief survey technician should prepare an ASCII DOS formatted diskette that contains 1 minute averages of time, position, T, S, F and water depth.


ADCP Observations:
The purpose of the Vessel-Mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (VM-ADCP) is to measure the ocean current velocity continuously over the upper 300 m of the water column, usually in 8 m depth increments. Current velocities relative to the earth at this spatial and temporal resolution cannot be measured by other methods: CTD sections, current meter moorings, or drifting buoys.

ADCP data is also used to estimate the abundance and distribution of biological scatterers over the same depth range and in the same depth increments.

ADCP Data Collection:
ADCP measurement requires four instruments working in concert: the ADCP, the ship's gyrocompass, a GPS receiver, and a GPS Attitude Determination Unit (ADU). The ADCP is connected to a dedicated PC and controlled by RD Instruments' Data Acquisition System (DAS) software. Version 2.48 of DAS software will be used as the controlling software. The DAS software shall be configured to use the user-exit programs AGCAVE.COM and UE4.EXE.. Separate written instructions detailing the ADCP setup and configuration files are kept in the ADCP notebook in the DataPlot compartment.

The ADCP PC is interfaced to the ship's gyrocompass, to the primary scientific GPS receiver, and to the GPS Attitude Determination Unit. The navigation GPS shall be configured to send only NMEA-0183 messages $GPGGA and $GPVTG at the maximum fix update rate for the receiver (usually 1 or 2 second rate), and with the maximum number of digits of precision (optimally 4). The Ashtech 3DF Attitude Determination Unit shall be configured to send the $PASHR,ATT message at least once, preferably twice, per second, and the NMEA-0183 message $GPGGA once each second. The user-exit program UE4.EXE shall be configured to control acquisition and processing of GPS and ADU messages, and to synchronize the PC clock with the time reported by the primary GPS.

The ADCP PC logs data from the profiler to SyQuest disks and optionally sends a complete data structure to SCS for logging on that system. This redundancy in data logging is desirable for post-cruise processing flexibility. The user-exit progam UE4.EXE should be configured to send an "RDI-style" ensemble to SCS.

PMEL supplies the SyQuest disks for FOCI projects. No more than one SyQuest disk will be required for the cruise. At the end of the cruise, a backup of the SyQuest should be made to a unique subdirectory of another disk maintained by the ship for this purpose until the original data is certified at PMEL.

Detailed, post-cruise processing of ADCP data is designed to take advantage of a higher quantity of navigation data than is retained by the ADCP acquisition software. Thus, the ship's SCS is relied on to log GPS navigation data at maximum available rates. The SCS system shall log output from the best two navigation receivers at all times during a cruise. For the purpose of designating a primary and secondary GPS system, precedence shall be assigned according to the following list of GPS receivers available on the Miller Freeman:

1. Trimble Centurion with encryption key installed and enabled (PPS-GPS)
2. Northstar 941X receiving differential corrections from radiobeacon (DGPS)
3. Trimble Centurion operating without encryption key (SPS-GPS)
4. Northstar 941X without differential corrections (SPS-GPS)
5. Magnavox MX-200 (SPS-GPS)
6. Ashtech 3DF ADU (SPS-GPS)

Changes in the availability of GPS equipment shall be communicated to PMEL to allow the above list to remain current. It is the responsibility of the ship to install and enable the appropriate encryption key for use of a PPS-GPS receiver.

The SCS file SENSOR.DAT should be configured to enable logging only of the NMEA-0183 format messages $GPGGA and $GPVTG from navigation sources; derived sensor messages are not desirable for post-cruise processing.

Similarly, only raw messages from the gyrocompass ($HEHDT) and GPS ADU ($PASHR,ATT) are desirable for logging.

SCS should log the primary GPS data at 1 second intervals, the secondary GPS data at 10 second intervals, gyro data at 10 second intervals, GPS ADU messages at 10 second intervals, and the temperature and input voltage of the ADCP electronics (deck unit) at 60 second intervals. The latter are used for adjusting the acoustic backscattered signal strength to absolute levels and relating the signal to biological scatterers.

ADCP Underway Operations:
The ADCP operates continuously during the entire cruise. At the start of a cruise, the system shall be configured and started according to the provided checklists "Before Leaving Port" and "Underway to Operations Area". The ADCP and its interface to the gyro and navigation must be checked daily by completing the "ADCP Daily Log" and also at the end of the cruise with the ship tied to the pier. The centerboard height affects the depth of sampling. The centerboard shall be lowered as soon as practical upon leaving port and remain lowered throughout the cruise. If it is necessary to raise the centerboard during the cruise, the times of raising and lowering must be logged in the Marine Operations Abstract (MOA).

In case of problems please describe the problem, error message numbers, flashing lights, etc. on the log sheets. Also contact Dan Dougherty (206-526-6844; e-mail DOUGHERTY@PMEL.NOAA.GOV) or Ned Cokelet (206-526-6820; e-mail COKELET@PMEL.NOAA.GOV) at PMEL as soon as possible.

Dedicated ADCP transects should be run at constant heading (not constant course-over-ground) if practicable, thus minimizing gyro lag. However, transects along lines of current-meter moorings should remain on the line with the ship's heading gradually adjusted to accomplish this. Sharp turns should be avoided. The ship's speed should be constant. 12 kts is often satisfactory, but the ship may have to slow down if the ADCP's percent good pings decreases below 75% in the upper 200-250 m due to sea state.

The ADCP should operate in bottom track mode when the water depth is less than about 500 m for more than a few hours. This gives currents better-compensated for transducer misalignment but somewhat lower in statistical significance because the number of pings is reduced. For extended periods in deeper water, an ADCP configuration without bottom tracking should be used.

ADCP Backtrack-L Calibration:
At least one backtrack-L calibration maneuver per cruise should be executed to test the instruments and to calibrate the transducer misalignment angle for which a 0.5� error can seriously bias the measurements. The "misalignment angle" may change with the ship's trim as well as with remounting the ADCP transducers. The basic idea is to measure the current twice on closely spaced parallel tracks of opposite heading when the ADCP and GPS are working well. The maneuver consists of 4 legs (N, S, E and W headings) connected by simple U-turns forming an L shape. Each leg should be 30 minutes long - the first 10 minutes are to allow the ship and instruments to stabilize on the new heading. The entire calibration should require about 2 1/2 hours with 5 minutes allowed for each turn. The following should be considered:

1. Negligible currents are best, but stronger currents are acceptable as long as they are reasonably uniform and steady. Avoid regions of strong horizontal shear due to topography, flow through passes, eddies and current boundaries. In tidal currents measure when the current is steadiest, often at maximum flood and ebb rather than at slack water.

2. Calibration legs can be done in any order provided opposite-headed legs are sequential.

3. Opposite-headed legs should be parallel and closely spaced, but not retraced. Use U-turns to minimize gyro oscillations. Avoid Williamson and hairpin turns.

4. The ADCP's PC screen should show at least 75%-good pings down to 250 m.

5. The ship should go fast enough to detect a misalignment error (over 5 kts), but slow enough to satisfy condition 4. This depends on sea conditions. 10-12 kts is often satisfactory.

6. Choose a time when GPS is navigating and is expected to remain so over the next 2 hours.

ADCP Absolute Backscatter Calibration:
A test to calibrate the absolute backscatter strength and to determine the background noise level of the ship-ADCP system may be performed once per cruise at the discretion of the Chief Scientist. Specific instructions in such event will be provided by PMEL personnel aboard, and cannot be anticipated in advance of the cruise.

Typically, such a test will be attempted in conditions when weather is relatively calm, and the water depth exceeds 250 m. This test may require that the main power plant, pumps, sonars, and other sources of acoustic and electronic noise be shut down. If conducted in the course of normal operations, the work will require about 1 hour. There may be opportunities for variations of the test any time the ship is at anchor, requiring the cooperation of the ship's officers and engineering watch.

The ship will be equipped with a radiometer to measure solar energy. The scientists will supply the calibrated instrument, mounting hardware and cable to run to DataPlot. We will need the assistance of the ship's Electronic Technician and SCS Manager to correctly install the instrument and make sure that the data stream is being logged by the SCS.


The following systems and their associated support services are essential to the cruise. Sufficient consumables, back-up units, and on-site spares and technical support must be in place to assure that operational interruptions are minimal. All measurement instruments are expected to have current calibrations, and all pertinent calibration information shall be included in the data package.

3.1 Equipment and Capabilities to be Provided by the Ship

bullet SEAS XBT launcher, recorder, and probes for synoptic weather report,

bullet Oceanographic winch with slip rings and 3-conductor cable terminated for CTD,

bullet Wire-angle indicator and readout for oceanographic winch to be used with bongo and tucker trawl,

Oceanographic winch for bongo net and Tucker trawl sampling with slip rings and 3-conductor cable terminated for electronic Time-Depth recorder. Wire should be capable of 1200 lb loading,

bullet Sea-Bird 911 plus CTD system to be used with PMEL stand (primary system)(The underwater CTD unit should have mounts compatible with the PMEL CTD stand).

bullet Sea-Bird 911 plus CTD system with stand (back up system)
(Each CTD system should include: underwater CTD, deck unit , tape recorder, weights, and pingers ).

bullet 2-liter sampling bottles for use with rosette (10 plus 4 spares),

bullet For CTD field corrections: IAPSO water and AUTOSAL salinometer,

bullet Meter block for plankton tows,
bullet Wire speed indicator and readout,

bullet For meteorological observations: 2 anemometers (one the R. M. Young system interfaced to the SCS), calibrated air thermometer (wet-and dry-bulb) and a calibrated barometer and/or barograph,

bullet Freezer space for storage of fish samples (blast and storage freezers),

bullet Simrad EQ-50 echo sounder ,

bullet JRC JFV-200R color sounder recorder,

bullet RDI ADCP with PC-compatible data acquisition computer and SyQuest drives,

bullet Use of 386 PC in DataPlot for data analysis,

bullet SCS (Shipboard Computer System),

bullet Stern platform in place,

bullet Laboratory space with exhaust hood, sink, lab tables and storage space,

bullet Sea-water hoses and nozzles to wash down nets,

bullet Adequate deck lighting for night-time operations,

bullet Navigational equipment including GPS and radar ,

bullet Safety harnesses for working on quarter deck and fantail,

3.2 Equipment to be Provided by the Project

bullet PMEL PC with SEASOFT software for CTD data collection and processing,

bullet Fluorometer, light meter, and chlorophyll absorbance meter (ChlAM) which may be mounted on CTD,

bullet Temperature thermistors for CTDs (one for primary system, one for back up system),

bullet CTD rosette sampler,

bullet 60-cm bongo sampling arrays,

bullet 20 cm bongo arrays,

bullet Spare wire angle indicator,

bullet Electronic BKG computer, printer and software,

bullet Tucker trawl, complete 1 M sampling array,

bullet ScanMar,

bullet Methot frame and trawl,

bullet CalVET net array,

bullet Surface moorings (FOCI bio-physical platform moorings),

bullet Subsurface moorings,

bullet Argos tracked drifter buoys, with optical sensors, (If scientists from Dalhousie University participate in cruise)

bullet Miscellaneous scientific sampling and processing equipment ,

bullet Sorting tables, baskets for processing trawl catches,

bullet Scientific ultra-cold freezer.

3.3. Scientific Computer System (SCS)

The ship's Scientific Computer System (SCS) shall operate throughout the cruise, acquiring and logging data from navigation, meteorological, oceanographic, and fisheries sensors.

The SCS data acquisition node will provide project scientists with the capability of monitoring sensor acquisition via text and graphic displays. A data processing node will be available to project scientists throughout the cruise, configured according to the specifications of the FOCI SCS administrators.

Sensor identification, and data acquistion and logging parameters are specified in the system file SENSOR.DAT. This file shall be maintained in a current state by the ship's SCS manager. Specific FOCI requirements for the content of the SENSOR.DAT file were provided by the FOCI SCS administrators at the start of the 1996 field operations season. A listing of the sensor specifications is attached as an appendix to these instructions. Changes to the SENSOR.DAT specifications may be made by the ship's SCS manager on a cruise-by-cruise basis, at the request of the chief scientist. All changes in content of the SENSOR.DAT file shall be communicated to the FOCI SCS administrators.

SCS sensor data logged to disk files are organized into several logical groupings according to intended post-cruise processing. These logical groupings were specified by the FOCI SCS administrators at the start of the 1996 field operations season. The ship's SCS manager will assign data elements from newly-installed sensors to the appropriate logical group(s), and inform the FOCI SCS administrators of such changes.

At regular intervals, not to exceed every 5 days, SCS ship's manager will archive data from disk files to 8-mm tape cartridge for delivery to the project representative at the end of the cruise. To ensure compatibility with the laboratory tape drive mechanisms, backup 8-mm tapes shall not be recorded with hardware compression options.

Real-time data will also be logged to QIC tapes to provide additional data security in the event of disk failure; these tapes will be archived by the ship until project data tapes have been received and verified by the laboratories.

The ship's SCS manager will ensure data quality through the administration of standard SCS protocols for data monitoring. If requested by the chief scientist, standard SCS daily quality assurance summaries will be prepared for review.

Additional recording of processed data may be requested of the ship's SCS manager; if so, specific instructions will be found elsewhere in this document. During the cruise, the scientific party may require the assistance of the ship's SCS manager to determine if all sensors are functioning properly and to monitor some of the collected data in real time to make sampling strategy decisions.

The FOCI SCS co-administrators are:
Tiffany Vance: (206)526-6767; e-mail: VANCE@PMEL.NOAA.GOV
Dan Dougherty: (206)526-6844; e-mail: DOUGHERTY@PMEL.NOAA.GOV

3.4. Ultra-cold Freezer Requirements

The scientific ultra-cold freezer will remain on the ship in operating condition from the beginning of the first FOCI cruise until the ship returns to Seattle and the samples within can be unloaded. Since valuable samples will be in the unit, operation must be continuous without interruption. Therefore, the unit should be hardwired into the ships electrical system or connected with a threaded plug. The unit must be securely fastened to a bulkhead or counter, easily accessible, with a minimum of 4" on each side around the bottom. The location, fastening and wiring should be similar to last year. In addition, a weight should be taped to the top of the unit to prevent the lid from lifting in heavy seas.

The freezer has an alarm, but the ship's personnel are requested to check the digital temperature display twice daily to insure that the operating temperature is below -60 degrees C. The unit will be locked between cruises, and a key left with the Chief Survey Tech. In the event that the unit fails, the temperature will maintain for about 12 hours if the lid isn't opened. If the unit fails and cannot be fixed on the ship, the scientific blast freezer should be pre-cooled to its minimum (-38 degrees C), and all frozen specimens should be transferred to it immediately, without thawing. Kevin Bailey (206/526-4243, 4239) must be notified.

A daily record of the temperature (digital readout) on the scientific ultra-cold freezer will be submitted to K. Bailey (AFSC) upon the ship's return to Seattle.


4.1. Data Disposition and Responsibilities:

The Chief Scientist is responsible for the disposition, feedback on data quality, and archiving of data and specimens collected on board the ship for the primary project. The Chief Scientist will be considered to be the representative of the AFSC/PMEL Lab Director for purpose of data disposition. A single copy of all data gathered by the vessel will be delivered to the Chief Scientist upon request for forwarding to the Lab Director, who in turn will be responsible for distribution of data to other investigators desiring copies.

4.2. Data requirements

The following data products will be included in the cruise data package:

Marine operations abstracts,

Marine weather observation logs,

PMEL CTD weather observation logs,

CTD audio cassettes,

CTD Cast Information/Rosette Log,

Calibration sheets for all ship's instruments used,

Autosalinometer logs,

ADCP daily log sheets,

ADCP SyQuest 105 MB disks,

SCS 8 mm backup tapes,

SeaPlot Files, disk and hard copy. NOS chart or overlay not required,

Ultra-cold freezer temperature daily log, (end of field season).

4.2.1. Marine Observation Log: A Marine Operations Abstract (MOA) form will be maintained by the ship's officers during the cruise. The Chief Scientist and the Commanding Officer or designee will negotiate the details regarding forms required by the project for each operation.

4.2.2. Station Plot: The position of each operation and station will be maintained in a SeaPlot file. A diskette and hard copy of the file will be given to the chief scienist. The requirement to plot on NOS nautical charts and provide the chief scientist with the chart or mylar overlay has been temporarily waived.

4.2.3. Navigation: Observations and reliable fixes shall be plotted and identified by date/time group or equivalent. Fixes shall be evaluated for course and/or speed made good. Primary navigational control shall be provided by GPS satellite, radar range and bearing, and visual fixes.

4.2.4. Synoptic Weather Reports: In accordance with OMO Instruction 3142 dated December 5, 1985 and Amendment 3142B dated August 4, 1986, a weather log of NOAA Form 72-1A will be maintained by ships personnel, and data will be transmitted via SEAS. The completed logs will be forwarded to NWS port meteorologists.

Complete meteorological observations will be logged on the NOAA Form 77-13d at hourly intervals for scientific data purposes.

4.2.5. Scientific Ultra-cold Freezer Log: A daily record of the temperature (digital readout) on the scientific ultra-cold freezer will be submitted to K. Bailey (AFSC) upon the ship's return to Seattle.

4.3. Cruise Reports

The Chief Scientist and Commanding Officer will jointly prepare a cruise report for submission to the Director, PMC, as required NOAA Directives Manual 17-17. The Commanding Officer's report will follow formats and reporting requirements prescribed in PMC Oporder 1.3.6.

4.4. Evaluation Report

One Ship Operations Evaluation Report is required for each leg of the primary project only, using the form provided for that purpose.


5.1. Additional Investigations

Any other work done during the cruise period will be subordinate to the main project and performed so as not to interfere with that outlined in these instructions. The Chief Scientist will be responsible for determining the priority of additional work relative to the main project.

5.2. Ancillary Projects:

1. SEAS Data Collecting and Transmission (PMC OPORDER 1.2.1.)
2. Marine Mammal Reporting (PMC OPORDER RP-12-94)
3. Nautical Charting (PMC OPORDER 1.2.6.)
4. Bathymetric Trackline (PMC OPORDER 1.2.5.)
5. Alaska Weather Reporting (PMC OPORDER 1.2.7.)
6. Sea Turtle Observations (SP-PMC-2-95, Sea Turtle Observation Program, 1995)

5.3. Piggyback Projects:

None at this time


6.1. Radio Interference

Some scientific equipment is sensitive to radio frequency interference. If interference occurs, it may be necessary to adjust operations and communications schedules if efforts to electronically isolate the equipment are unsuccessful.

6.2. Planning Meeting

A precruise meeting between the Commanding Officer and the Chief Scientist will be held prior to the start of the cruise. Its purpose is to identify the day-to-day requirements of the project in order to best utilize shipboard personnel resources and to identify overtime requirements. A brief meeting of all scientific personnel, the Field Operations Officer, Chief Boatswain, survey department, and other relevant ship's personnel should be held before the vessel reaches the experiment area for the purposes of:

a) introducing new scientific personnel to ship's procedures, proper channels, etc.;

b) discussing operating procedures for deploying various pieces of sampling equipment; and

c) coordinating scientific watch assignments

6.3. Meals

All scientists (passengers) will pay for their meals at a rate of $8.20 per day for two or more meals and $4.10 a day for one meal, in accordance with NOAA Administrative Order 203-100, and PMC Directive 87-04. The Commanding Officer will furnish NOAA Form 75-90, Authorization of Mess Obligation, for the Chief Scientist's and Commanding Officer's signature for all the scientists' meals.

6.3.1. Midnight Lunches: The scientific staff will work 12 hour watches (12 to 12). A microwave oven will be available to reheat meals requested to be set aside for the watch.

6.4. Hazardous Materials

The Chief Scientist shall be responsible for complying with NC Instruction 6280A, Hazardous Waste; policy, guidance, and training, dated February 4, 1991, paragraph 7.g and paragraph 9. By federal law, the ship may not sail without a complete inventory of MSDS, and appropriate neutralizing agents, buffers, and/or absorbents in amounts adequate to address spills of a size equal to the amount aboard.

There will be no hazardous materials involved with this cruise.


7.1. A daily JFT schedule will be maintained between KVJ and the MILLER FREEMAN Monday through Friday. Radio contact will be maintained when possible. A scientific progress report will be sent to AFSC via INMARSAT voice, Fax, or JFT at least once a week.

7.2. Since it is sometimes necessary for the scientific staff to communicate with other research vessels, commercial vessels, and shore based NOAA facilities, the Chief Scientist or designee may request the use of radio transceivers aboard the vessel.

7.4 Important phone numbers:

PMEL/CARD Fax: (206) 526-6485
PMEL/ADMIN Fax: (206) 526-6815
AFSC/RACE Fax: (206) 526-6723


Program contacts:
Phyllis Stabeno -PMEL- (206) 526-6453
Kevin Bailey -AFSC- (206) 526-4243

Important Internet e-mail addresses are:
AFSC person:
PMC radio room:
Direct to ship:

7.4. The MILLER FREEMAN is equipped with INMARSAT, a telephone/teletype satellite communication system. If the scientific staff uses this system, they will be obligated to pay for their calls, which are estimated at $7.70 per minute and Rapid fax and $4 per minute for Telex.

The Chief Scientist, or designee will have access to, and assistance provided for transmitting and receiving communications through INMARSAT as needed during the cruise.

7.5 The MILLER FREEMAN is equipped with a cellular telephone. If the Scientific Party uses this system, they will pay for incoming and outgoing calls. Cost is approximately $0.90 per minute, plus applicable long distance fees charged to the ship's number.


Table 1. CTD Station and Mooring Locations

EcoFOCI Project Office
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, Washington 98115
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  EcoFOCI Coordinator

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