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The mission of the National Weather Service (NWS) is to protect life and property. The NWS is trying to spread the word about the most deadly thunderstorm hazards... flooding/flash flooding and lightning.
Lightning and Flooding
In 2007, there were one flash flood death in Arkansas...and two lightning fatalities. Below is some safety information to help you deal with the deadliest of thunderstorm hazards.
Lightning Safety Awareness Week Lightning Safety Awareness Week (June 22-28, 2008): Believe it or not, lightning kills more people than tornadoes across the U.S. The National Weather Service is trying to spread the word about the dangers of lightning. For more information, click here.
Flood Safety Awareness Week Flood Safety Awareness Week (March 17-21, 2008): Flooding/flash flooding claims more lives across the U.S. than any other thunderstorm hazard (including lightning and tornadoes). To check out the facts, click here.
Turn Around Don't Drown logo "Turn Around Don't Drown" TM: Have you ever tried to drive through high water to reach your destination? This is not considered a good idea. To learn more, click here.


National Weather Service
Little Rock Weather Forecast Office
Page last modified: 27 February, 2008


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