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CDC HomeHIV/AIDS > Reports > Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports > 2007 > Update to Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Diagnoses of HIV/AIDS—33 States, 2001–2005

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Table 1. Estimated number and percentage of HIV/AIDS* diagnoses among adults and adolescents, by race/ethnicity and selected Characteristics—33 states, 2001–2005

  White, not Hispanic   Black, not Hispanic   Hispanic   Asian/Pacific
  Unknown   Total §
Characteristics No. %   No. %   No. %   No. %   No. %   No. %   No. %
All 54,029 29.3   93,019 50.5   33,399 18.1   1,670 0.9   914 0.5   1,140 0.6   184,170 100
Male transmission categories                                        
  Male-to-male sexual contact 35,386 42.8   29,814 36.1   15,742 19.0   861 1.0   407 0.5   452 0.5   82,662 100
  Injection-drug use (IDU) 4,090 21.1   10,463 54.0   4,472 23.1   145 0.7   98 0.5   126 0.6   19,394 100
  MSM with IDU 2,867 41.4   2,715 39.2   1,184 17.1   45 0.6   63 0.9   54 0.8   6,928 100
  High-risk heterosexual contact 2,922 13.1   14,686 65.7   4,301 19.2   235 1.1   76 0.3   146 0.7   22,365 100
  Other 254 35.3   323 44.8   130 18.0   8 1.1   2 0.3   4 0.5   721 100
  Total 45,519 34.5   58,000 43.9   25,828 19.6   1,294 1.0   646 0.5   781 0.6   132,069 100
Female transmission categories                                        
  IDU 2,552 23.3   6,438 58.9   1,737 15.9   63 0.6   70 0.6   75 0.7   10,934 100
  High-risk heterosexual contact 5,852 14.5   28,114 69.5   5,728 14.2   304 0.8   189 0.5   279 0.7   40,466 100
  Other 105 15.0   467 66.6   106 15.1   9 1.3   9 1.3   5 0.7   702 100
  Total 8,510 16.3   35,019 67.2   7,571 14.5   376 0.7   268 0.5   359 0.7   52,101 100
Age group at diagnosis (yrs)                                        
13–24 4,499 20.2   13,527 60.6   3,866 17.3   147 0.7   114 0.5   169 0.8   22,320 100
25–34 13,991 28.2   23,846 48.0   10,569 21.3   645 1.3   280 0.6   319 0.6   49,650 100
35–44 21,089 32.9   30,446 47.4   11,423 17.8   541 0.8   321 0.5   361 0.6   64,181 100
45–54 10,511 30.6   17,981 52.3   5,269 15.3   252 0.7   152 0.4   184 0.5   34,349 100
55–64 3,129 29.8   5,470 52.2   1,703 16.2   62 0.6   41 0.4   81 0.8   10,487 100
> 65 811 25.5   1,749 55.0   569 17.9   22 0.7   7 0.2   24 0.8   3,183 100
Total 54,029 29.3   93,019 50.5   33,399 18.1   1,670 0.9   914 0.5   1,140 0.6   184,170 100
Northeast 9,923 19.6   26,362 52.0   13,183 26.0   716 1.4   87 0.2   455 0.9   50,726 100
Midwest 9,271 44.8   9,503 46.0   1,457 7.0   200 1.0   128 0.6   121 0.6   20,680 100
South 29,442 28.7   55,678 54.4   15,900 15.5   588 0.6   300 0.3   514 0.5   102,421 100
West 5,393 52.1   1,477 14.3   2,859 27.6   165 1.6   400 3.9   50 0.5   10,343 100
Total 54,029 29.3   93,019 50.5   33,399 18.1   1,670 0.9   914 0.5   1,140 0.6   184,170 100
    Northeast 8,162 23.8   15,761 46.0   9,384 27.4   565 1.6   60 0.2   313 0.9   34,244 100
    Midwest 7,953 50.0   6,463 40.7   1,146 7.2   153 1.0   85 0.5   93 0.6   15,894 100
    South 24,573 33.6   34,742 47.5   12,856 17.6   441 0.6   208 0.3   333 0.5   73,152 100
    West 4,831 55.0   1,034 11.8   2,443 27.8   135 1.5   294 3.3   42 0.5   8,779 100
Total 45,519 34.5   58,000 43.9   25,828 19.6   1,294 1.0   646 0.5   781 0.6   132,069 100
    Northeast 1,762 10.7   10,601 64.3   3,799 23.0   151 0.9   27 0.2   142 0.9   16,482 100
    Midwest 1,317 27.5   3,040 63.5   311 6.5   47 1.0   43 0.9   28 0.6   4,786 100
    South 4,869 16.6   20,936 71.5   3,044 10.4   147 0.5   91 0.3   181 0.6   29,269 100
    West 562 35.9   443 28.3   417 26.6   30 1.9   106 6.8   7 0.5   1,565 100
Total 8,510 16.3   35,019 67.2   7,571 14.5   376 0.7   268 0.5   359 0.7   52,101 100
* Includes persons diagnosed with HIV infection with or without AIDS.
Data as of June 2006, adjusted for reporting delays and risk factor redistribution.
§ Because subpopulation values were calculated independently, the values might not sum to the row total.
Diagnoses were classified in the following hierarchy of transmission categories: 1) male-to-male sexual contact (i.e., among men who have sex with men [MSM]); 2) injection-drug use (IDU), 3) MSM with IDU; 4) high-risk heterosexual contact (i.e., sex with a person of the opposite sex or at high risk for HIV/AIDS [e.g., MSM or injection-drug user]); and 5) other (e.g., hemophilia or blood transfusion) and all risk factors not reported or not identified.
** Northeast: New Jersey and New York. Midwest: Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. South: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia. West: Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming.


Last Modified: August 21, 2007
Last Reviewed: August 21, 2007
Content Source:
Divisions of HIV/AIDS Prevention
National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention


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