Table A-9,, "Mean Number of Trips by All Persons by Sex, Age, Driver Status, Worker Status and Medical Condition",, (see Figure 5 in text),, ,Mean,SE All persons,4.1,0.02 Sex,, Male,4.1,0.02 Female,4.1,0.02 Age,, Less than 5 years,3.2,0.05 5-14 years,3.5,0.04 15-19 years,4,0.06 20-24 years,4.1,0.07 25-54 years,4.6,0.02 55-64 years,4.1,0.05 65 years and older,3.4,0.04 Driver status*,, "Yes, a driver",4.5,0.02 Not a driver,2.6,0.04 Employment status*,, Employed,4.5,0.02 Not employed,3.7,0.03 Medical condition*,, Medical condition limits travel,2.8,0.06 No medical condition limiting travel,4.4,0.02 *Asked of persons age 15 and older.,, NOTE: SE = standard error.,, "SOURCE: The 2001 National Household Travel Survey, person file, U.S. Department of Transportation.",,