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4. Recommended Guidelines for Controlling Infectious Disease Hazards in Hospitals


CDC, through its Center for Infectious Diseases and NIOSH, is developing new recommended guidelines for protecting health care workers from infectious diseases. For the present, the reader is referred to guidelines that CDC has already published on this topic. Reprinted in appendices 5, 6, and 8.

Appendix 5 contains the Joint Advisory Notice from the Department of Labor and the Department of Health and Human Services entitled Protection Against Occupational Exposure to Hepatitis B Virus HBV and Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV, published 10/19/87.

Appendix 6 contains nine articles from the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report with recommended guidelines for protecting health care workers against aids and hepatitis, published between 1983-88.

Appendix 8 contains three guidelines in a series of CDC recommendations for preventing and controlling nosocomial infections: infection control in hospital personnel 84, isolation precautions in hospitals, 83, and guidelines for handwashing and hospital environment control, 85.


This page was last updated: April 27, 1998

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