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Coverage for Tobacco Use Cessation Treatments

Benefits Summary

Why Is Health Insurance Coverage for Tobacco Use Treatments So Important?

Paying for tobacco use cessation treatments is the single most cost-effective health insurance benefit for adults that can be provided to employees.13,14,15

What Treatments Are Available? How Effective Are They?

Smoking cessation treatments have been found to be safe and effective. These include counseling and medications, or a combination of both.9

Prescription and Over-the-Counter Tobacco Cessation Medications*
Type Form Common Brand Name(s) Availability
Gum Nicorette® Over–the–counter (OTC)
Patch Nicoderm®, Habitrol®,
Prostep®, Nicotrol®
OTC and prescription
Inhaler Nicotrol® Prescription
Nasal Spray Nicotrol® Prescription
Lozenge Commit®** OTC
Bupropion SR Pill Zyban®, Wellbutrin® Prescription

* Approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and addressed in the 2000 PHS Guidelines.
** Received FDA approval on October 31, 2002, therefore not addressed in the 2000 PHS Guidelines.

Scientifically proven treatments can double a person's chances of quitting smoking.9

How Should Benefits Be Designed?

Benefits for proven tobacco-use cessation treatments have been shown to increase treatment use and the number of successful quitters; therefore, both the Public Health Service-sponsored Clinical Practice Guideline, Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence, and the Community Preventive Services Task Force recommend that all insurers provide tobacco cessation benefits that do the following:




Page last updated 02/28/2007