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Smoke Free Soccer: Coaches Manual


Through Many Goals Drill [see explanation below]


Have your kids practice scoring (achieving) their goals—it’s a great way to get them used to the feeling of success. One goal they should always strive for is to stay tobacco-free. Here’s a game where it’s easy to score goals, but only when they’re in control and making good decisions.

The Game

  1. Each player on the team is with a partner.
  2. Whoever has the ball is attacking, whoever doesn’t is defending.
  3. The player who dribbles the ball through either side of any of the goals gets a point.
  4. The game keeps going after goals are scored, with the player in possession of the ball trying to score another goal.
  5. Play games of 60-90 seconds.
  6. Make sure that players keep their heads up when dribbling through a goal as there may be another pair coming through the other way.
  7. Make goals at least four yards wide. The more players at the practice, the more goals needed.

Coaching Points

  1. Individual attacking and defending.
  2. Fitness.
  3. Dribbling.




Page last updated 02/28/2007