Table 2-20: Hazardous Materials Incidents by Mode: 2005,,,,, "(Not including pipelines or bulk, nonpackaged water incidents)",,,,, State,Mode,,,,Total ,Highway,Rail,Air,Water2, Alabama,192,17,7,0,216 Alaska,3,0,45,0,48 Arizona,254,10,18,0,282 Arkansas,178,11,6,2,197 California,"1,113",61,82,16,"1,272" Colorado,245,4,17,0,266 Connecticut,213,0,1,0,214 Delaware,19,2,2,0,23 District of Columbia,5,0,0,0,5 Florida,555,12,35,9,611 Georgia,389,17,19,6,431 Hawaii,5,0,7,0,12 Idaho,31,2,3,0,36 Illinois,967,54,36,2,"1,059" Indiana,303,17,16,0,336 Iowa,155,17,4,0,176 Kansas,308,12,11,0,331 Kentucky,192,24,218,0,434 Louisiana,184,72,5,0,261 Maine,26,2,1,0,29 Maryland,271,9,16,0,296 Massachusetts,215,3,10,0,228 Michigan,259,11,29,1,300 Minnesota,236,9,15,0,260 Mississippi,111,4,0,0,115 Missouri,377,12,10,0,399 Montana,27,2,2,0,31 Nebraska,47,9,10,0,66 Nevada,88,2,10,0,100 New Hampshire,23,0,4,0,27 New Jersey,380,27,20,9,436 New Mexico,54,8,5,0,67 New York,412,15,23,8,458 North Carolina,401,22,12,0,435 North Dakota,20,0,1,0,21 Ohio,"1,174",38,421,0,"1,633" Oklahoma,176,10,3,0,189 Oregon,191,8,19,0,218 Pennsylvania,807,33,21,1,862 Rhode Island,23,0,4,0,27 South Carolina,161,19,5,2,187 South Dakota,14,0,1,0,15 Tennessee,478,29,323,0,830 Texas,"1,225",81,65,5,"1,376" Utah,197,10,11,0,218,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Vermont,12,0,5,0,17,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Virginia,178,7,7,2,194,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Washington,199,20,24,3,246,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, West Virginia,36,4,2,0,42,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wisconsin,190,6,13,0,209,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wyoming,13,5,1,0,19,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "United States, total1","13,340",737,"1,630",68,"15,775",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1Total includes incidents for which the state is unreported and excludes incidents occurring in a U.S. territory or foreign country.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "2Includes only packaged shipments (i.e., nonbulk shipments).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, NOTES: Hazardous materials incident data are subject to revision and correction by the Office of Hazardous Materials Safety.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Hazardous materials transportation incidents required to be reported are defined in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 49 CFR Part 171.15, 171.16 (Form F 5800.1). Incident means any of the following events: (1) a fatality or major injury caused by the release of a hazardous material; (2) the evacuation of 25 or more persons as a result of release of a hazardous material or exposure to fire; (3) a release or exposure to fire which results in the closure of a major transportation artery; (4) the alteration of an aircraft flight plan or operation; (5) the release of radioactive materials from Type B packaging; (6) the release of over 11.9 gallons or 88.2 pounds of a severe marine pollutant; or (7) the release of a bulk quantity (over 119 gallons or 882 pounds) of a hazardous material. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Office of Hazardous Materials Safety, Hazmat Summary by State for Calendar Year 2005, Washington, DC: 2006, available at as of Oct. 5, 2006.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,