Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Highway Performance Monitoring System - Data Dictionary

Abstract: The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has the responsibility to assure that adequate highway transportation information is available to support its functions and responsibilities, including those of the Administration and the Congress. The primary purpose of the Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) is to serve these data and information needs. The HPMS provides data that reflects the extent, condition, performance, use, and operating characteristics of the nation's highways.
The HPMS by itself is not geospatial data. It is linked to another FHWA dataset, the National Highway Planning Network (NHPN), through linear referencing. The NHPN provides the geospatial component of this dataset.

Purpose: The HPMS provides data that reflects the extent, condition, performance, use, and operating characteristics of the nation's highways. It supports informed highway planning, policy making, and decision making at the national, state, and local levels.

Field Number Attribute Description Data Type
0 FID Internal feature number. Long Integer representing an object identifier
1 Shape Feature geometry. Geometry
2 METRIC Indicates the units used to report measured and other measurement related data items. Double Precision Floating Point
3 SECTION_ID This item permits locating specific roadway section data within the HPMS database. This item must con-tain a 12-character countywide unique identifier. It provides flexibility to identify sections in accordance with a State's needs independent of the unique identifier that must be maintained for sample sections. This item may be defined to suit the needs of the State and may contain any right-justified alphanumeric character. Character String
4 RUR_URB Defines whether the section is in a rural or urban area. Double Precision Floating Point
5 URB_CODE The numeric urbanized area code for sections within an urbanized area boundary when the RUR_URB attribute is coded "3" or "4". Double Precision Floating Point
6 NONATTAIN The numeric urbanized area code for the Environmental Protection Agency-named National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) nonattainment area for all rural, small urban, and urbanized area sections within the NAAQS nonattainment area boundary. When more than one urbanized area is within the nonattainment area boundary, the most populous urbanized area is coded. Double Precision Floating Point
7 F_SYSTEM the functional system upon which the section is located. Double Precision Floating Point
8 NHS Indicates whether the section is on the National Highway System (NHS) or is an NHS connector to an intermodal facility. Double Precision Floating Point
9 INTER_NUM The officially approved American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials/FHWA Interstate route number. Character String
10 SIGNING The value which best represents the manner in which the highway segment is signed with route markers. Double Precision Floating Point
11 QUALIFIER The value which best represents the manner in which the highway segment is signed on the route marker described in the SIGNING attribute. Double Precision Floating Point
12 ROUTE_NUM Alphanumeric value for the signed route number shown on the marker described in the attributes SIGNING and QUALIFIER. Character String
13 OWNERSHIP The level of government that best represents the highway owner irrespective of whether agreements exist for maintenance or other purposes. The purpose of this item is to identify the owner of public roads. Double Precision Floating Point
14 SPECIAL Indicates whether the section is on the STRAHNET or a STRAHNET connector. Double Precision Floating Point
15 TYPE_FAC This item is used to determine whether a roadway or structure is a one- or two-way operation Double Precision Floating Point
16 TRK_RTE This item is used in truck size and weight studies as an administrative identifier to determine whether a section is on or off a truck route designated under Federal regulatory authority. Double Precision Floating Point
17 TOLL This item is used as an administrative identifier to determine whether a section is on or off a toll road. Double Precision Floating Point
18 SEC_LENGTH Length, in kilometers or miles (depending upon the METRIC attribute), as measured along the centerline of the roadway. Double Precision Floating Point
19 AADT Annual Average Daily Traffic Double Precision Floating Point
20 THRU_LANES Number of Through Lanes Double Precision Floating Point
21 IRI Measured Pavement Roughness based on the Internation Roughness Index (IRI). Double Precision Floating Point
22 YEAR The year of the HPMS data. Integer
23 STFIPS State FIPS Code Character String
24 CTFIPS County FIPS Code (3 digit). Can be combined with STFIPS to obtain 5-digit County FIPS Code. Character String
25 VERSION Version of the database Character String
26 REVISION Revision of the database Character String

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