Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Public-Use Airports - Data Dictionary

Abstract: The Airports database is a geographic point database of aircraft landing facilities in the United States and U.S. Territories. Attribute data is provided on the physical and operational characteristics of the landing facility, current usage including enplanements and aircraft operations, congestion levels and usage categories. There are 20491 airport landing facilities in this dataset. This geospatial data is derived from the FAA's National Airspace System Resource Aeronautical Data Product (Effective 18 Jaunary 2007).

Purpose: The dataset provides users with information about airport locations and attributes and can be used for national and regional analysis applications.

Field Number Attribute Description Data Type
0 FID Internal feature number. Long Integer representing an object identifier
1 Shape Feature geometry. Geometry
2 SITE_NO A unique identifying number followed by an asterisk and the 'landing facility type' code. The SITE_NO forms the key to the airport records in the NFDC (5010) database. Example: 04508.*A Character String
3 LAN_FA_TY Landing Facility Type Character String
4 LOCID A unique 3-4 character identifier assigned to the landing facility (i.e. airport). Character String
5 EFF_DATE Information Effective Data (MM/DD/YYYY). This date coincides with the 56-day charting and publication cycle date. Character String
6 FAA_REGION FAA Region where the facility is located Character String
7 FAA_DISTRI FAA District or Field Office Code Character String
8 FAA_ST State Postal abbreviation, as coded by FAA Character String
9 STATE_NAME Airport's associated state or territory name, as coded by FAA. Character String
10 COUNTY_NAM Name of the county or parish associated with the airport, as coded by FAA. Character String
11 COUNTY_ST Associated county's state (post office code) state where the associated county is located; may not be the same as the associated city's state code, as coded by FAA. Character String
12 CITY_NAME Name of the city associated with the airport, as coded by FAA. Character String
13 FULLNAME Official Airport Name Character String
14 OWNER_TYPE Type of Airport Facility Owner Character String
15 FAC_USE Facility Use -- Public or Private Character String
16 FAC_CYSTZP City, State, and Zip code associated with the airport. Character String
17 ELEV Elevation in feet at the highest point on the centerline of the useable landing surface. Measured to the nearest foot with respect to mean sea level (MSL). Character String
18 AERO_CHART Aeronautical chart on which the airport facility appears. Character String
19 CBD_DIST Distance from the central business district of the associated city to the airport in nautical miles (1 nautical mile = 6,080 feet). Measured to the nearest nautical mile Character String
20 CBD_DIR Direction of airport from the central business district of the associated city. Measured to the nearest 1/8 compass point Character String
21 ACT_DATE Identifies the month and year that the facility was added to the NFDC airport database - only available for facilities opened since 1981 (MM/YYYY). Character String
22 CERT_TYPE Airport Certification Type and Date - The format is a two-character code followed by a month/year (MM/YYYY) of certification. Character String
23 FED_AGREE NASP/ Federal Agreement Code - a combination of 1 to 7 codes that indicate the type of federal agreements existing at the airport. Character String
24 INTERNATIO Customs international airport - Whether the landing facility has been designated by the U.S. Treasury as an international airport of entry for customs. Character String
25 CUST_LNDG Customs Landing Rights Airport - Whether the landing facility has been designated by the U.S. Treasury as a customs landing rights airport (some landing facilities may have these rights for cargo only). Character String
26 JOINT_USE Joint Use - Whether the landing facility has a military/civil joint use agreement that allows civil operations at a military airport or military operations at a civil airport. Character String
27 MIL_LNDG_R Military Landing Rights - Whether the airport has entered into an agreement that grants landing rights to the military. Character String
28 MIL_INT Military Emergency Interest - Military department(s) that maintains national emergency use interest in this civil facility. Data values in this field are one, two, or three alphanumeric codes indicating military emergency use interest, with each code in a series separated by a '/'. Character String
29 CNTL_TWR Airport Control Tower located on the airport. Character String
30 S_ENG_GA Based Single Engine General Aviation Aircraft Character String
31 M_ENG_GA Based Multi-engine general aviation aircraft Character String
32 JET_EN_GA Based Jet engine general aviation aircraft Character String
33 HELICOPTER Based Helicopters - General Aviation Character String
34 OPER_GLIDE Base Operational Gliders - general aviation Character String
35 OPER_MIL Based Military Aircraft - including helicopters Character String
36 ULTRALIGHT Based Ultralight aircraft - general aviation Character String
37 COMM_SERV Commercial Services - scheduled operations by CAB certified carriers or intrastate carriers and any scheduled commuter/cargo carriers (Annual Operations). Character String
38 AIR_TAXI Air Taxi operators carrying passengers, mail, or mail for revenue (Annual Operations). Character String
39 LOCAL_OPS_ General Aviation, Local Operations - Those operating in the local traffic pattern or within a 20 mile radius (Annual Operations). Character String
40 ITIN_OPS_G General Aviation - Itinerant Operations. Those general aviation operations (excluding commuter or air taxi) not qualifying as local (Annual Operations). Character String
41 MIL_OPS Military Aircraft Operations (Annual Operations). Character String
42 LATITUDE The latitude of the point expressed as a signed real number. This value is in decimal degrees with negative values indicating South latitude and positive values indicating North latitude. Double Precision Floating Point
43 LONGITUDE The longitude of the point expressed as a signed real number. This value is in decimal degrees with negative values indicating West longitude and positive values indicating East longitude. Double Precision Floating Point
44 STFIPS The 2-character FIPS code of the State or State equivalent, as coded by RITA/BTS Character String
45 ST_POSTAL State Postal abbreviation, as coded by RITA/BTS Character String
46 CY_05_ENP Total domestic enplanements (inbound plus outbound) for calendar year 2005 - this field only valid for some airports. Double Precision Floating Point
47 VERSION The VERSION is a 2-digit number that will be incremented for all records in the database whenever a new release is distributed. Character String

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