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Where Can I Find OSWER Directives and Guidance Documents?

The Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER) produces publications providing interpretation or clarification of Agency policy concerning CERCLA (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act -- the Superfund Program) and RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act), which includes the Underground Storage Tank (UST) program. These publications are referred to as 'directives' or 'guidance documents' depending on the intent with which they were written. Some subjects of these publications include permitting, enforcement, and performing remedial/removal investigations.

Our collection of OSWER directives does not circulate, but the documents can be photocopied.

What do the Directive Numbers Mean?

Directives and guidance documents are numbered and arranged according to which office within OSWER has published them.

List of Offices

OSWER Immediate Office
Office of Emergency and Remedial Response
Office of Solid Waste
Office of Underground Storage Tanks
Office of Waste Programs Enforcement

OSWER Immediate Office

9010 - Policy
9011 - Organization and Functions
9012 - Delegations of Authority
9013 - Administrative Management
9015 - Public Affairs
9016 - Interagency Activities
9018 - U/C
9019 - Contracts Management
9021 - Library Systems
9022 - Publications and Communications Material
9023 - Printing and Distribution
9024 - Budget Administration
9026 - Travel and Transportation
9028 - Data Processing Systems
9037 - Program Review and Reporting
9051 - Telecommunications
9052 - Office Services
9053 - Research and Development

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Office of Emergency and Remedial Response

9200 - Administrative Procedures
9220 - Ceiling Increases
9221 - CERCLIS
9223 - Chemical Emergency Preparedness Program
9225 - Claims
9230 - Community Relations
9234 - Compliance
9240 - Contract Lab Program
9242 - Contracts
9246 - Cooperative Agreements
9250 - Cost-Sharing
9260 - Delegations
9265 - Docket
9270 - Feasibility Studies
9272 - Federal Facilities
9275 - Financial Management
9280 - Flood Plains/Wetlands
9282 - Freedom of Information
9283 - Ground Water Contamination
9285 - Health and Safety Guidance
9295 - Interagency Guidance
9318 - National Environmental Policy Act
9320 - National Priorities List
9325 - Notifications
9330 - Off-Site Policy
9340 - Potentially Responsible Parties
9345 - Preremedial Guidance
9347 - RCRA/CERCLA Guidance
9350 - Remedial Investigations
9360 - Removal Procedures
9375 - State Participation
9380 - Technologies

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Office of Solid Waste

9400 - General OSW Policy and Procedures
9420 - RCRA Implementation Plan
9430-9432 - Hazardous Waste Management System
9433 - Rulemaking Petitions
9440-9445 - Identification and Listing of Hazardous Wastes
9450-9455 - Generator Standards
9460-9463 - Transporter Standards
9470-9477 - Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility (TSD) Administrative Requirements
9480-9488 - Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility (TSD) Technical Requirements
9490-9497 - Standards for Managing Specific Hazardous Waste and Specific Types of Facilities
9500-9504 - Permitting Policies
9520-9528 - Permitting Procedures
9540-9543 - State Authorization
9560 - Miscellaneous
9580-9581 - Administrative
9590 - Public Participation

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Office of Underground Storage Tanks

9610-9629 - Policy
9630-9649 - Grant Guidance
9650-9669 - Technical Guidance

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Office of Waste Programs Enforcement

9800-9829 - CERCLA Enforcement Policy
9830-9849 - CERCLA Enforcement Guidance
9850-9869 - CERCLA Enforcement Technical Guidance
9870-9889 - CERCLA Enforcement Management Guidance
9890-9899 - CERCLA Enforcement Other
9900-9929 - RCRA Enforcement Policy
9930-9949 - RCRA Enforcement Guidance
9950-9969 - RCRA Enforcement Technical Guidance
9970-9989 - RCRA Enforcement Management Guidance
9990-9999 - RCRA Enforcement Other

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