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Interactive Identification of New World Salix (Salicaceae) using Intkey

By George W. Argus

About Intkey
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Delta System


About the AKNHP Botany Program

Current Salix Data Update (Last updated July 25, 2007).

Salix reticulata
Salix reticulata
Photo by George Argus

The Alaska Natural Heritage Program of the University of Alaska Anchorage is pleased to host this website in affiliation with George W. Argus, Curator Emeritus, Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada.


This site includes files which may be used in the interactive identification of New World Salix (willow). The Intkey program is a part of the DELTA (DEscriptive Language for TAxonomy) system invented by Michael Dallwitz in 1980 (Dallwitz, M. J. 1980. User's Guide to the DELTA System: a general system for encoding descriptions. CSIRO Division of Entomology, Canberra, Australia).

I have been using the DELTA System for many years to manipulate Salix data in the preparation of floristic treatments (including descriptions, keys, and geography), interactive identification, and numerical taxonomic studies.

In field workshops given in Alaska, Alberta, British Columbia, California, Maine, Ontario, and Oregon I taught willow classification and biology with emphasis on interactive identification.

The purpose of this webpage is to make my Salix database widely available to anyone interested in Salix identification.

The included taxa mainly are native New World species, subspecies and varieties, but some are naturalized species and hybrids.

Each of these taxa can be scored for 232 characters including morphology and biology, geography, classification, administrative and bibliographical data, synonymy, common names, notes, and references.


To use the interactive Salix key, download the following files:

1. Salix (willows) in the New World: Guide to the Interactive Identification of Native and Naturalized New World Salix using Intkey (DELTA). (2.6 MB pdf) (Last updated July 25, 2007 ).

This Adobe pdf file contains instructions on the use of Intkey, lists of taxa and characters, character notes, glossary, and figures illustrating Salix mormphology.

Note: you will need the free Adobe Reader available here

2. Intkey.zip (Last updated July 25, 2007).

Intkey software:

DELTA.REG - Information on DELTA registration.
DELTA.USE - Information on the limited use of the Intkey software.
INTKEY5.EXE - A Windows version of Intkey.
INTKEY4.HLP - Intkey Help.
TOOLBAR.INP - Toolbar.
*.BMP - Toolbar icons.
Miscellaneous Program Files


3. SalixData.zip (Last updated July 25, 2007).

Data Files:

ICHARS - Machine language character file.
IITEMS - Machine language coded taxon descriptions.
INTKEY.INI - Initialization file for the Salix database.

These files are frequently updated. Check this site regularly for the latest version.



Argus, G. W.  2007.  Salix L. (Salicaceae) distribution maps and a synopsis of their classification in North America, north of Mexico.  Harvard Papers in Botany 12: 335-368.

Argus, G.W. 2004. A Guide to the identification of Salix (willows) in Alaska, the Yukon Territory, and adjacent regions. (Updated May 12, 2005) Download as Adobe pdf documents (2.2 MB).

Note: you will need the free Adobe Reader available here

Argus, G. W. 2006. Guide to Salix (Willow) in the Canadian Maritime Provinces (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island). Download as Adobe pdf documents. (0.3 MB pdf)

Argus, G. W. 2006. Guide to the Identification of Salix (Willow) in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Download as Adobe pdf documents. (0.2 MB pdf)

Argus, G. W. 2004. A Guide to the identification of Salix (willows) in Alberta. Download as Adobe pdf documents. (1.6 MB pdf)

Argus, G.W., C.L. McJannet and M.J. Dallwitz. 1999. Salicaceae of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.

Aiken, S. G., M. J. Dallwitz, L. L. Consaul, C. L. McJannet, R. L. Boles,  G. W. Argus, J. M. Gillett, P. J. Scott, R Elven, M. C. LeBlanc, L. J. Gillespie, A. K. Brystring, H. Solstad and J. G. Harris. 2007. Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago: Descriptions, Illustrations, Identification, and Information Retrieval. [CD-ROM] NRC Research Press, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa.

Argus, G.W. 1999. Classification of Salix in the New World. Version: 5 July 1999. Botanical Electronic News (BEN) # 227.

Argus, G.W. 1973. The Genus Salix in Alaska and the Yukon. Botany Public. No. 2. National Museum of Canada. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.


Delta System

DEscription Language for TAxonomy (DELTA)

Principles of Interactive Keys
by M.J. Dallwitz, T.A. Paine and E.J. Zurcher

DELTA Programs and Documentation


The author requests that if you use Salix Intkey you send him a brief message to argus@post.harvard.edu.


Please direct questions and comments regarding this page and Intkey to:

George W. Argus

R.R.3-310 Haskins Rd.
Merrickville, Ontario
Canada K0G 1N0

Salix ovalifolia
Salix ovalifolia
Photo by George Argus


Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage
707 A Street, Anchorage, AK 99501 257-2780 voice, 907-257-2789 fax.
© Copyright 2002, University of Alaska Anchorage
UAA is an AA/EO employer and education institution.
Last updated February 4, 2008