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DOE G 241.1A-1A

Approved 11-23-01


[This Guide describes suggested nonmandatory approaches for meeting requirements.  Guides are not requirements documents and are not construed as requirements in any audit or appraisal for compliance with the parent Policy, Order, Notice, or Manual.]


Office of Scientific and Technical Information

DISTRIBUTION:   All Departmental Elements

INITIATED BY:  Office of Scientific and Technical Information

DOE G 241.1-1A                                                       Contents                                                         Page
Part I:  Management Overview of DOE's Scientific and Technical Information Program   

2.1   Updating/Modifying This Guide

2.2   Source of Guide and Contact  I-2
3.     STI POLICY  2


6.1   STI Performance Objectives  I-4
6.2   Program Reviews I-6

Part II:  Announcement and Dissemination of Scientific and Technical Information Products

2.1    Identifying the Required Deliverables II-2
2.2    Submitting Deliverables to DOE II-3
2.3   Contract Closeout  .  II-4  



4.1   STI Product 

4.2   Announcement/Availability Categories for STI Products II-7


5.1   Introduction  II-8
5.2   Recommended Attributes of STI Products II-9
5.3   Miscellaneous Information  II-13


6.1   Announcement Record  II-17
6.2   Submission of the Announcement Record II-24
6.3   Acceptable Electronic Formats for Full-Text STI Products II-25
6.4   Submission of Full-Text STI Products to OSTI II-26
6.5   Announcing STI Products in a Distributed Environment II-27
6.6   Announcing Classified STI Products II-30

6.7   Archiving and Retention of the STI Product 

Part III:  DOE Scientific and Technical Software
1.1   Departmental Requirements  III-1
1.2   Electronic Software Management  III-1


2.1 OSTI   III-2
2.2 Specialized Information Analysis Centers   III-3
2.3 Software Originators/Creators  III-3
3.1 STI Software Appropriate for Announcement   III-4  

3.2 Announcement/Submission Criteria  

3.3 Software Categories   III-6
3.4 Announcement Record (Metadata)   III-8
4.1 Distribution of Software  III-12
4.2 Software Dissemination   III-12
4.3 License Agreements   III-13










1. Announcement/Availability Categories for STI Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-8

2. Recommended Attributes of STI Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-9


3. Publication or Issuance Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-10

4. Standard Report Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-11

5. Additional Identifying Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-12

6. Multimedia Identifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-12


7. DOE STI Metadata Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-18

8. Submission of Announcement Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-25

9. Acceptable Media and Transmission Method for Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-26


10. Electronic Formats in a Distributed Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-29

11. STI Submission, Access, and Archival Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-31

12. Software Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III-6

13. DOE Software Metadata Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III-8



DOE G 241.1A-1A

Approved 11-23-01





This Guide to the management of scientific and technical information (STI) provides nonmandatory guidelines for implementing the objective, requirements, and responsibilities of Department of Energy (DOE) O 241.1A, Scientific and Technical Information Management.  Because scientific and technical information is a key outcome of many of the Department’s funded activities, STI has an important role in accomplishing DOE initiatives, missions, goals, and objectives. Providing effective management, protection, and access to unclassified (unlimited, sensitive, or export controlled) and classified STI is vital. The Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), within the Office of Science, is charged with the responsibility of coordinating the Department’s Scientific and Technical Information Program (STIP) activities and ensuring that policies and practices are promulgated within the Department for managing STI resulting from DOE’s research and development (R&D) and related scientific, technological, and environmental activities. This Guide supercedes DOE G 241.1-1, Guide to the Management of Scientific and Technical Information, dated 8-17-98.

The Department is undergoing a transition to a decentralized, electronic STI management environment. The Concept Paper on Electronic STI Management (see Attachment 1) summarizes the decentralized activities envisioned in FY 1998 and lays the framework for that environment. This Guide reflects a number of procedural changes pertaining to the implementation of this transition.

Additional information about the Department’s STI activities is located on OSTI’s home page at and also on the STIP home page at Forms mentioned in this Guide are available on DOE’s Forms Internet site at and at



This Guide is based on best business practices as defined by DOE and contractor STIP participants from across the DOE complex. The purpose of the Guide is to assist individuals who are involved in STI whether it is unclassified (unlimited, sensitive, or export controlled) or classified to meet Departmental expectations for ensuring access to STI and for managing STI throughout the various phases of the information life-cycle: planning, creation, publication, dissemination, and preservation. It complements other DOE directives relating to information security yet specifically addresses STI products. Information management policies, principles, and practices are evolving as new electronic technologies become available. This Guide is one of the primary STIP mechanisms for sharing "best-in-class" practices, and it will be modified and updated as changes are identified by the STI community.

2.1 Updating/Modifying this Guide

Because of the rapid changes in information technologies within and external to DOE, the usefulness of this Guide requires that it be kept up-to-date. Proposed changes to the Guide may be identified by anyone involved in STI and referred to as a STIP participant (an STI point of contact). Normally, items are discussed during regularly scheduled STIP meetings and are referred to one of the STIP workgroups to make a recommendation to the entire STIP community. Agreed-upon changes will then be incorporated into this Guide.

2.2 Source of Guide and Contact

An electronic version of this Guide is available through and also through Questions concerning the Guide or recommended changes may be referred to the STI point of contact at the respective site or organization or to OSTI. To send suggestions or questions to OSTI, use the comment form on the STIP home page ( or call OSTI’s Office of Program Integration at 865-576-1035.


An overarching DOE requirement is to make STI broadly available, within applicable laws and Departmental requirements, to—

• accomplish mission objectives and strategic goals,

• promote scientific advancement,

• satisfy statutory dissemination requirements, and

• ensure a fair return on Departmental and taxpayer investment.

Requirements and responsibilities for STI are provided in DOE O 241.1A. The primary objective of the Order is to ensure that STI is identified, processed, disseminated, and preserved to enable the scientific community and the public to locate and use the unclassified and unlimited STI resulting from DOE research and related endeavors. Additionally, the requirements and responsibilities provide a mechanism to manage and protect classified, sensitive unclassified, and export-controlled STI yet make it accessible for appropriate access by the Department, its contractors, and others. Attachment 2 lists relevant authorities and other guidance.


STI consists of information products, in any format or medium, derived from scientific and technical studies, work, or investigations that relate to research, development, demonstration, and other specialized areas such as environmental and health protection and waste management.  Scientific and technical information products may be unclassified unlimited, sensitive unclassified, export controlled, classified, or declassified. DOE-funded STI originates primarily from research and other activities performed by contractors for management, operation, or integration of DOE-owned/leased facilities, direct DOE-executed prime procurements, DOE-operated research activities, and financial assistance recipients, in addition to DOE employees.

STI products and documents that provide findings, statistics, and analysis related to DOE research and development programs (excluding administrative documents) are appropriate for announcement to OSTI and are listed in Part II, Section 4, of this Guide.  Definitions are provided in Attachment 3 for other terms used in the management of STI.



STIP is comprised of DOE program managers, researchers, and STI professionals who collaborate for the timely collection and broad dissemination of the Department’s STI. Strategic goals of STIP are to—

• provide access to DOE’s STI,

• promote collaboration as a means of doing business,

• use best business practices for the life-cycle management of STI, and

• be customer-focused in providing STI products and services.

One component of the Department’s STIP activities is the Scientific and Technical Information Coordinating Group (STICG). The STICG is made up primarily of representatives from Headquarters elements that either fund research or set policies or practices affecting STI. The group, chaired by the Director of OSTI, is cognizant of Departmental STI activities and serves as an advisory body on crosscutting STI issues and initiatives.

Although OSTI has the responsibility to coordinate STIP, the success of the program depends on the active participation and involvement of each of the STI representatives from the various DOE programs, field offices, and contractors. Activities are coordinated through DOE Technical Information Officers, who are the designated STI points of contact at DOE operations and field offices, to STI managers and STI points of contact at major contractor-operated facilities and the national laboratories.



Paramount among the recent management reforms within the Federal Government is the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993, which requires agencies to—

• focus on program outcomes,

• establish measurable annual objectives that link to long-term goals,

• develop budgets that are based on planned performance, and

• report results.

DOE has initiated a number of management changes as part of that reform. Those relevant to STI include the following:

Those who either sponsor activities that produce STI or who conduct or manage activities that are within the STI life-cycle should consider the points listed above as well as the information below for review or assessment of STI.

6.1 STI Performance Objectives

The following four STI performance objectives have been established for use in the Headquarters Review of Field Federal Activities Business Management Oversight Program. They are intended to complement and help assess progress in accomplishing the STIP strategic goals. Specific measures and expectations for each objective are to be developed by the appropriate program manager when being applied to program reviews, or by the operations office for contractor assessments on a case-by-case basis.


Objective 1: Provide access to STI by making it available to OSTI.

Objective 2: Transition is being made to a decentralized electronic environment.

Objective 3: STI policies and procedures are collaboratively developed.

Objective 4: STI performance objectives are implemented with performing R&D contractors.

The contribution of the overall STIP activities to meeting Departmental goals and objectives, such as those mentioned in the DOE Strategic Plan and individual program plans, is also an important assessment.


6.2 Program Reviews

In evaluating the quality of the science and technology performed by the laboratory and its relevance to their programmatic goals, DOE program managers may periodically review the programs they fund. One aspect of the effectiveness and efficiency of research program management is the effectiveness with which technical results are communicated to maximize the value of the research results and to gain appropriate recognition for DOE and the laboratory.  Therefore, Headquarters programs that fund activities resulting in STI may want to consider criteria such as the following in their program reviews:


Several information systems or databases operated and maintained by OSTI provide information of interest to the scientific community as well as assistance in various aspects of managing the Department’s STI. Some of the tools helpful in managing and providing access are described below:

DOE G 241.1A-1A

Approved 11-23-01





This part of the Guide describes the procedures for accomplishing the broadest possible availability through appropriate review, access determination, and central announcement. It also defines STI products, electronic full-text formats and transfer procedures, announcement record submission, and some other activities carried out by DOE and DOE contractor elements as well as those carried out by OSTI. General information is provided on the agreed-upon STIP practices and procedures, but the Guide does not attempt to provide all details necessary for the complete life-cycle management of STI. If further information is needed, contact OSTI or consult with the STI Program contact at the respective site or organization (  A central locator to DOE’s publicly available STI is maintained by OSTI through the DOE Information Bridge. Additionally, OSTI fulfills Departmental mandates for broad public dissemination by administering various agreements with intermediaries for public access, including the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), GPO, and international exchanges.

NOTE: Much of the information in this Guide describes practices for management, announcement, and dissemination of unclassified unlimited STI. Additionally, exceptions are noted where applicable for practices related to sensitive unclassified, export controlled, classified, and declassified STI. References are also provided to other DOE Orders, Manuals, Guides, and other specific guidance on the management of sensitive unclassified, classified, declassified, and export controlled STI. Users of this Guide should always refer to these specific references when determining the most up-to-date and appropriate treatment of sensitive unclassified, classified, declassified, and export controlled STI. For specific references, see Attachments 2 and 4.


This section specifically addresses STI reporting for financial assistance awards and non-major facility management contracts (non-M&O/M&I contracts). The Departmental requirement for scientific/technical reporting for this type of award or contract is stated in DOE O 241.1A, 10 CFR 600, and 48 CFR 935.010. The primary purpose of scientific/technical reporting is to enable the Department to share the results of research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) funded by DOE within the Department as well as publicly. Other sections of this Guide provide additional information for use in preparing the deliverable and delivering it to the Department for announcement and availability.

2.1 Identifying the Required Deliverables

The initiator of the procurement request, usually the sponsoring program office, specifies the type, frequency, and content of any scientific/technical reports or products required under the corresponding award or contract. The contracting officer then ensures that these reporting requirements and performance objectives and measures, if any, are included in the solicitation and/or resulting award or contract. It is the contracting officer’s responsibility to communicate to the awardee/recipients the expectations and requirements regarding scientific/technical deliverables and the associated Departmental submission process.

For financial assistance instruments the "Federal Assistance Reporting Checklist" (DOE F 4600.2) specifies the required technical reporting deliverables, including the announcement form and the form of delivery. For non-major facilities management contracts, the statement of work, or the "Reporting Requirements Checklist" (DOE F 1332.1) specifies the required technical reporting deliverables, including the announcement form and the form of delivery. DOE’s contracting officers are required to ensure that the reporting deliverables are provided to OSTI as specified.

Generally, research and development awards require a final scientific/technical report or product, which is to be submitted within a certain time after the expiration of an award. Additionally, awards may call for identification of products developed under the award and technology transfer activities, i.e., journal publications; other public releases of results; Web or Internet sites that reflect project results; software; databases; inventions; patent applications and/or licensing agreements, some of which are suitable for announcement and availability as STI. Another example of an appropriate scientific/technical submission includes documents that provide an analysis or summary of what a program is doing, intended for public issuance. Documents issued by DOE must come to OSTI if DOE intends to make them publicly available through GPO and NTIS.

Scientific/technical reports and products provide the results of scientific and technical studies, investigations that relate to research, development, demonstration, and other specialized areas such as environmental and health protection and waste management. Technical reports document the findings of the funded R&D project. Commercially published books, copyrighted papers, or journal reprints cannot be disseminated by DOE. If these products are identified as deliverables, citations should be provided, showing the publisher availability. Project status reports or other status reports including project management, financial or budget, administrative information or those generated by support service contractors performing non-technical tasks are considered to be management reports and should not be sent to OSTI.

The contracting officer should ensure that the OSTI deliverable code described in item 51 of the Individual Procurement Action Report (IPAR) corresponds to the STI deliverable(s) specified by DOE F 4600.2 or DOE F 1332.1. This code is used in DOE’s Procurement and Assistance Data System (PADS) specifically to identify required scientific/technical reporting deliverables that are to be submitted to OSTI. The code should not be used to identify any other reporting requirements (e.g., they should not be used for management or financial reporting, such as project status reports).

Values for the IPAR, item 51, "OSTI Deliverable" code used to specify the required scientific/technical reporting deliverable for a particular award are described as follows:

Code Description

AD Final Report

CO Conference Paper

AU Conference Proceedings (scientific and technical conferences only)

YY Computer Software

YZ Computer Software Plus Final Report

DD Other (e.g., reports at the end of a phase or task, documents prepared for public

release, videos or movies, etc.)

AZ No Technical Information Deliverable Required

2.2 Submitting Deliverables to DOE

The awardees and financial assistance recipients submit the required scientific/technical reporting deliverables resulting from R&D funded work as specified by the "Federal Assistance Reporting Checklist" (DOE F 4600.2) and the "Reporting Requirements Checklist" (DOE F 1332.1) under "Technical Information Reporting." Information on the recommended attributes to be included in STI products is included in Part II, Section 5 of this document. Attachment 5 provides a report cover and title page example that may be provided to awardees for guidance.

Each report or other STI product should be accompanied by a completed electronic version of the appropriate DOE F 241, "Announcement of U.S. Department of Energy Scientific and Technical Information." The recently developed DOE F 241.3 is specific to the financial assistance and non-major facilities management business lines and has been streamlined for easier, more expeditious submittal. The Web-based announcement forms and instructions are available on the Internet-accessible DOE Energy Link System (E-Link) available at

Financial assistance recipients and non-major facilities management contractors should be directed to use the DOE F 241.3 available at

Scientific and technical deliverables to be transmitted electronically by DOE should be submitted by E-Link at  Financial assistance recipients and non-major facilities management contractors should transmit electronic scientific and technical deliverables through  Electronic copy of other computer-generated medium (CD-ROMs, diskettes, videocassettes, etc.) may be transmitted by U.S. Postal Service or other shipment method; however, an electronic copy of the announcement record (appropriate DOE F 241) should be submitted by via E-Link prior to the shipment and a paper copy of the DOE F 241 should accompany the shipment.

The format for report submission is indicated in the award instrument. Electronic documents should be submitted in one integrated file that contains all text, tables, diagrams, photographs, schematic, graphs, and charts. Information about formats and converting a file to portable document format (PDF) is available through E-Link in the "About E-Link" area.

As stated in the award language, if the deliverable is provided on diskettes or CD-ROMs, they should include the scientific/technical report or product in an integrated file and a copy of the accompanying DOE F 241. Diskettes should be labeled as follows:

• DOE award number

• Type of report(s)

• Reporting period

• Name of submitting organization

• Name, phone number, and fax number of preparer

If an award’s reporting requirements include DOE F 241.2, "Notice of Energy RD&D Project," the non-major facilities management contractor or financial assistance recipient should submit the form directly to OSTI with a copy to the contracting officer. This RD&D form may be submitted electronically to OSTI by the Web. The Web form is available at  An optional PDF form is accessible at The PDF form can be printed, completed, and mailed to OSTI.

OSTI will process the "Notice of Energy RD&D" form for inclusion in the Department’s R&D Tracking System, maintained and operated by OSTI for the Office of the Chief Financial Officer.  Contracting officers and contracting officer technical representatives are responsible for ensuring that the receipt of required interim and final scientific/technical reporting deliverables as identified on DOE F 4600.2 and DOE F 1332.1 are monitored and provided to OSTI. DOE contracting officers, STI releasing officials, and other select operations/field office staff will be provided access to E-Link upon request to ensure appropriate review of the DOE F 241 data and the accompanying report file. Prior to releasing the DOE F 241 and corresponding deliverable, the respective DOE operations/field office’s STI releasing official is responsible for ensuring appropriate review of the announcement data and the accompanying report file for restrictions on the announcement and availability of the full-text information. Their review will include the identification of any restrictions on the announcement and availability of the full-text information; correction of previously submitted records, if necessary; and the release of reports to OSTI. Considerations for the review process to release STI products for announcement are referenced in Part II, Section 3 of this Guide.

2.3 Contract Closeout

Contracting officers are to ensure that scientific/technical reporting deliverables are received by the Department prior to closing the award. To enable DOE operations/field and program office staff to verify receipt of deliverables at OSTI, certain data on new awards is being obtained from PADS, including the awardee name, award number, award date, completion date, and the OSTI deliverable code referenced in IPAR, item 51. When STI deliverables are received by OSTI, the PADS data and data from the STI deliverable indicated on the DOE F 241 will be recorded in E-Link. Contracting officers or other DOE staff may obtain a password to access the system and query the data for their respective awarding office. The data may be searched by contract/grant number, title, author, or report number. The database may be queried to identify technical reporting deliverables required and will also provide a link to the full text of STI products previously submitted (if submitted electronically). E-Link access instructions are available through E-link in the "About E-Link" area.


DOE elements or DOE major facilities contractors originating STI determine which reviews are appropriate for that site in accordance with funding agency policies; Departmental guidelines; and other applicable statutes, laws, and regulations. The DOE Information Security Program (DOE O 471.2A) requires owners of data to determine the sensitivity of information before it is used, processed, or stored on information systems. (See Attachment 2 for additional statutes that relate to STI.) STI products should be reviewed for restrictions on both the announcement and availability of the full-text information. Section 4 describes criteria to consider when determining the submission of STI products to OSTI. DOE operations offices’ review STI products produced by financial assistance recipients and non-major facilities contractors appropriately according to DOE O 241.1A. Reviews to determine announcement and availability of STI products, or restrictions thereto, may include, but are not limited to, the following:

• classification/declassification,

• copyrighted materials or other intellectual property,

• export controls or distribution restrictions, and

• sensitive content, such as Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information or subject-specific limitation that limits access. (See descriptions in Attachment 4).


DOE and its major facilities management contractors determine which STI products are announced to OSTI based on the criteria outlined in Section 4.1 and provide announcement and availability instructions to OSTI through the metadata elements contained in the announcement record. Any limitations dictated by content or contract and collaborative agreement terms restrict the announcement and availability to the appropriate audience and prescribe what method the sites will use to report the product to OSTI.

4.1 STI Products

Any STI product is appropriate for announcement to OSTI that (1) is considered useful to others outside the originating organization, (2) is a contract or financial assistance deliverable, or (3) includes findings, statistics, or analysis related to research and development. The originator of the product may be DOE or a DOE-funded contractor or grantee. The completeness, accuracy, and quality of such products are ensured by the originating site prior to announcement to OSTI.

Typical STI products produced by DOE or its contractors/financial assistance recipients that are sent or announced to OSTI include the following (see Attachment 3 for definitions):

• scientific/technical reporting deliverables for financial assistance recipients/nonmajor facilities contractors

• commercially published books (an announcement record only may be submitted if copyright restrictions are imposed on product)

• conference papers

• conference proceedings (for commercially published conference proceedings, an announcement record only may be submitted if copyright restrictions are imposed on product)

• environmental impact statements (may be provided to OSTI if not being provided to DOE’s Center for Environmental Management Information (CEMI); if full-text document is provided to CEMI, an announcement record submitted to OSTI would show CEMI as the availability)

• cooperative research and development agreement (CRADA) deliverables

• laboratory-directed R&D (LDRD) STI deliverables

• journal article preprints and postprints (an announcement record only may be submitted if copyright restrictions apply, e.g., for reprints)

• noncommercially published books

• patent applications

• programmatic analysis documents

• software

• scientific and technical (S&T) accomplishment reports

• technical reports (topical, final, etc.)

• theses/dissertations

• translations

• Work for Others (WFO) deliverables (unless excluded in WFO agreement)

The following information products are also submitted to OSTI for central processing and announcement at the direction of Headquarters program offices. They do not follow the STI product submission process and do not require an announcement record (DOE F 241.1 or DOE F 241.3):

• foreign trip reports,

• OpenNet documents, and

• R&D project summaries.

Products that may contain some STI but are not submitted to OSTI for announcement and availability, regardless of medium, include the following:

• administrative materials

• brochures

• catalogs

• correspondence

• databases

• draft documents

• empirical data

• engineering drawings

• field work proposals

• financial information

• future conference announcements

• notices

• memorandums

• monthly reports

• newsletters

• policies

• procedures

• proposals/predecisional information

• public communications (except S&T


• report sections (when full report is STI)

• weekly reports

• WWW pages (except those applicable as a uniform resource locator (URL) for an STI product)

• non-R&D or non-programmatic publications (e.g., strategic, institutional, or facility plans)


An STI product can be created in one or more media, including the following:

• audio cassettes

• compact disks

• diskettes

• film

• magnetic cartridges

• magnetic tapes

• microform

• paper

• videocassettes

• videodiscs

• Web-based files

4.2 Announcement/Availability Categories for STI Products

STI products are announced and made available based on contractor or DOE review. (See Part II, Section 3.) When the announcement record for the STI product is submitted to OSTI, it identifies the appropriate announcement category. The definitions of the specific notices and restrictive legends and any special procedures are listed in Attachment 4. The six announcement and availability categories are shown in Table 1.


5.1 Introduction

This section contains information on the recommended attributes of STI products. Additional details are available in Scientific and Technical Reports Elements, Organization, and Design [American National Standards Institute/National Information Standards Organization (ANSI/NISO) Z39.18-1995].

Table 1. Announcement/Availability Categories for STI Products.

Information on classifying and declassifying documents and materials is located in DOE M 475.1-1, Identifying Classified Information. This Manual also specifies an organizational requirement to submit bibliographic information and availability information to OSTI for every document that is declassified and determined to be publicly releasable.

5.2 Recommended Attributes of STI Products

Recommended attributes of STI products, and their traditional location in paper-based, stand-alone technical reports, are shown in Table 2. Attachment 5 shows a typical published technical report cover and title page.

Table 2. Recommended Attributes of STI Products.

5.2.1 Abstract

An abstract is a concise statement of the purpose, scope, and major findings of the information product. The abstract is intended to be stand-alone text, independent of the full product, and is written appropriately for wide dissemination. The abstract is especially important in nonprintinformation products. For more information, see Guidelines for Abstracts (ANSI/NISO Z39.14-1997).

5.2.2 Author

Author(s) and their employers are typically identified on the information product. Editors and compilers also may be identified.

5.2.3 Award/Contract/Financial Number

Any of the following numbers that apply are usually included on the cover/title page: DOE award or contract number(s), budget and reporting (B&R) number, unique project identifier, or technical plan number under which the work was funded.

5.2.4 Date

A publication or issuance date and the basis for it are recommended to be provided on the information product. Examples of dates are shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Publication or Issuance Date.

5.2.5 Legal Disclaimer

In accordance with Federal law and the guidance of appropriate legal counsel, disclaimer(s) are to be included where appropriate. See Attachment 6 for typical disclaimer statements.

5.2.6 Distribution Statement

A distribution statement may be required on some STI products. Unclassified STI products with sensitive/limited content require special, unique controls in conformance with applicable statutes, laws, regulations, Executive orders, international agreements, directives, and Departmental policy. Such markings are to be consistent with the access limitations indicated on DOE F 241.1 or DOE F 241.3. The appropriate notices, restrictive legends, distribution statements, and restrictive markings are provided in Attachments 4 and 7.

5.2.7 Funding Office

The funding office(s) or sponsoring organization(s) may be identified by name, symbol/logo, or B&R code of the Department office providing the support or funding.

5.2.8 Performing Organization

The name and address of the performing or research organization and/or site of origin are typically identified. Subcontract work is normally submitted through the performing R&D contractor or laboratory.

5.2.9 STI Product/Report Number

To assist in retrievability, it is recommended that every product published by the origination organization be assigned a standard product/report number that contains some unique identifier that can be traced to the site of origin. The report number formats typically used within the Department are based on the American National Standards Institute Standard Technical Report Number (STRN) Format and Creation (ANSI/NISO Z39.23-1997). Examples are shown in Table 4.  Special numbering may be used for a report series or sequence and translations. Existing series or numbering guidelines used within the Department are available from OSTI.

Table 4. Standard Report Number.


Additional information may be added to the product number, such as the following types of suffixes:

Table 5. Additional Identifying Information.

For multimedia products, it is recommended that the characters in Table 6 be used at the end of the number to indicate the medium.

Table 6. Multimedia Identifiers.

5.2.10 Title

A brief title is recommended that describes the subject matter covered. A subtitle may be used for further clarification. Additional guidelines are provided below:

• When an STI product has more than one volume, repeat the primary title on each volume. Use a subtitle to identify the specific subject of the individual volume.

• If the report is other than topical, provide the report type and the period covered, if appropriate, as part of the title or subtitle. For non-M&O/M&I generated reports, the report type and period covered are critical for acknowledging receipt of specified deliverables.

• Except for extraordinary circumstances, unclassified titles are to be used for classified documents. The titles must be marked with the appropriate classification level, category, and any caveats, as applicable (see DOE M 471.2-1C).

5.3 Miscellaneous Information

5.3.1 Company Names and Logos

In accordance with the Joint Committee on Printing’s Government Printing and Binding Regulation, S. Pub 101-9, Title III, Paragraph 13, company names, logos, and similar material may not appear on the internal text pages of Federal publications or on photographs therein.

5.3.2 Measurement System

Use of the metric system for all units of measure in scientific and technical products is recommended on the basis of direction contained in Executive Order 12770, "Metric Usage in Federal Government Programs," dated 7-25-91; the Metric Conversion Act of 1975 (Public Law 94-168, as amended by Public Law 100-418); and various Title 15 Code of Federal Regulations parts and subparts, use of the metric system for all units of measure in scientific and technical products is recommended. English may be included in parentheses after the metric unit if necessary.

5.3.3 Reproduction

Reproduction of information must comply with the Joint Committee on Printing’s Government Printing and Binding Regulation, and with DOE directives.

5.3.4 Report Documentation Page

The report documentation page, used by some Federal agencies in announcing and cataloging reports, is not used by DOE; the DOE announcement record contains similar information. DOE laboratories and facilities that conduct work for others may need to obtain the report documentation page (Standard Form 298) from the agency sponsoring the work.

5.3.5 Copyrighted Material

Items produced by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties cannot be copyrighted (17 U.S.C. 105). If an item produced by one or more Government employees is copyrighted as part of a larger work, and the fact of Government employment is not noted in the STI product, a notice affirming the status of the author(s) as Government employee(s) should accompany the product.

If the U.S. Government has been granted authority to reproduce, sell, distribute, or otherwise make the STI product available by virtue of contract language or otherwise, the following statement should appear on the cover or title page:

The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce, sell, distribute, or otherwise make available this copyrighted work. Permission for exercise by the recipient of any of the exclusive rights mentioned in 17 U.S.C. 106 must be obtained from the copyright owner.

A translation of a copyrighted work is itself a derivative work, and permission from the copyright owner of the original work should be secured before the translation is performed and the translation sent to OSTI. Translations made from text published in a country signatory to the Geneva Copyright Convention should contain one of the following signed statements:

The U.S. Government has been authorized to reproduce, distribute, and sell this copyrighted work. Permission for further reproduction or distribution must be obtained from the copyright owner.


The original text is not copyrighted.

Most copyright restrictions, however, pertain to the use of third-party copyrighted material incorporated within a DOE-sponsored STI product. If the STI product, or parts thereof, is copyrighted, a letter obtained by the STI product originator and signed by the copyright owner or authorized representative is to be maintained by the originating site. The letter should state the scope of the release or permission to reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works, display, or perform publicly so that access and availability can be accurately provided in the announcement record (DOE F 241.1 or DOE F 241.3) for STI products made available to OSTI.  Announcement and dissemination of the STI product will be based on DOE F 241.1 or DOE F 241.3 data (see also Part II, Section 4.2). Guidance Relative to M&O-Type Contracts

In general, M&O-type contracts provide for Government ownership and unlimited rights in the Government for all technical data first produced in the performance of the contract. One exception to the Government’s unlimited rights is data in which the contractor has asserted copyright.

For scientific and technical articles submitted to and published in journals, symposia, proceedings, or similar works, the contractor can assert copyright without prior permission of DOE, but the Government is granted a nonexclusive, paid-up, irrevocable worldwide license to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly, by or on behalf of the Government (broad license). As specified in the M&O contract, when copyright is claimed and the article is submitted for publication, the contractor should affix the appropriate copyright notice reflecting the Government’s rights. For DOE purposes of disseminating R&D results, it is preferable for the originator’s manuscript (unpublished form of the full text) to be provided to OSTI, rather than submitting copyrighted journal reprints that may have copyright restrictions. For all other technical data first produced in the performance of the contract, such as in technical reports, permission from DOE is required to establish and claim copyright. If permission is granted, a notice is to be included acknowledging the Government’s license. For items granted copyright, DOE F 241.1 should be marked "copyrighted" with any restrictions specifically noted.  If permission to establish or claim copyright has not been requested or granted, no copyright marking is warranted and the document will have unlimited distribution.

For graduate theses in which DOE has sponsored the work, such as those provided to OSTI by DOE laboratories, DOE retains the right to use the scientific and technical information, similar to guidance stated above. The author’s copyright notice may be applied to the document, but it does not limit DOE’s use of the information. Therefore, DOE F 241.1 is to be marked "copyrighted" with "no" restrictions.

Most contractors have standard procedures that their researchers are not to include third-party copyrighted material within their STI products. If such material is included (such as a chart or illustration), release is to be obtained prior to publication of the STI product. This release is to be shown on DOE F 241.1 by indicating "copyrighted material" with "no" restrictions. If the publisher permits use with restrictions, DOE F 241.1 should indicate "copyrighted" with "yes" marked and the type of restriction specified (e.g., "distribute full text upon request only"; "limit distribution to DOE"; "refer requests to publisher").

For translations, as noted above, if warranted, permission should be obtained before preparing the translation and such permission stated in the translation. In addition, if permission is granted and DOE funds the translation, DOE retains the right to use the translation similar to other works as described above. Thus, if no marking appears on the translation, no copyright restrictions are assumed. If copyrighted, the work may still be used for DOE and DOE contractors, as described above for other STI products.

See Part III, Section 4.3.1, for guidance relating to copyrighted software. Guidance Relative to Financial Assistance Recipients

DOE adds a full data clause to all R&D grants relative to protecting Government-funded data, resulting in either unlimited rights or broad government license in data delivered to DOE.  Procurement offices work with their respective patent counsels on specific language.  The following statement, which is specific to copyright, appears in 10 CFR 600.27, paragraph (b) (2)(c):

The recipient grants to the Government a royalty-free, nonexclusive and irrevocable right to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use the work for Federal purposes, and to authorize others to do so. The right to publish includes the right to publicly distribute. The right to use the work for Federal purposes includes the right to prepare derivative works.

The following statement, which is specific to intangible property, appears in 10 CFR 600.136, paragraph (1):

The recipient may copyright any work that is subject to copyright and was developed, or for which ownership was purchased, under an award. DOE reserves a royalty-free, nonexclusive and irrevocable right to reproduce, publish or otherwise use the work for Federal purposes, and to authorize others to do so.

5.3.6 Digitized Signatures

An image of a hand-written signature may appear within an electronic information product as part of the content of the original product. However, inclusion of the signature may pose a risk when electronic STI products are posted on the Internet. The actual signature is not a required element for submittal of an STI product for announcement and availability. Therefore, it is recommended that those who transmit STI products to OSTI or post them on the Internet consider the potential risk, if any, of including an image of the hand-written signature in an electronic version of the STI product.


To centrally announce the availability of DOE’s STI products, each DOE element and DOE major facilities management contractor that originates an STI product is required by DOE O 241.1A to provide an electronic announcement record (e.g., DOE F 241.1 or DOE F 241.3) to OSTI. OSTI will process the record and announce the product’s availability to the appropriate audience (DOE, other Government agencies, the public, etc.). Unclassified, unlimited STI products will be announced in the DOE Information Bridge.

Electronic records with electronic STI products released to OSTI currently require about two work days processing time.

The DOE STI processing system, called DOE Energy Link or "E-Link," is available for electronic transmittal of announcement records and full-text STI products. See for more information. Paper STI products should no longer be submitted to OSTI.

6.1 Announcement Record

In FY 1997, DOE and contractor STIP partners adopted the Dublin Core metadata elements as the basis for creating the metadata-based announcement record DOE F 241.1 (which replaced DOE F 1332.15). In FY 2001, the announcement record DOE F 241.3 became available for use by non-M&O/M&I contractors and financial assistance recipients.

The metadata-based announcement record generated and supplied by DOE and DOE contractors for STI products includes the basic Dublin Core metadata elements, supplemented by a few DOE data elements, and a minimal number of subelements necessary to further identify the announcement/availability of the STI product (see Section 6.1.1).

The announcement record is for all STI products; however, for software, the announcement record varies slightly (see Part III). Electronic submission of the announcement record to OSTI is required per DOE O 241.1A. Announcement records for sensitive unclassified information, classified, and declassified STI products, should contain only unclassified, unlimited data when transmitted over open system networks. Likewise, an STI product determined to be classified or Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information (UCNI) should not be transmitted over open system networks (see Part II, Section 6.4). An announcement record containing classified/unclassified controlled nuclear information should be submitted in paper form and accompany the STI product. This determination is noted by the originating site’s releasing official, who indicates on DOE F 241.1 the authorized announcement of STI products. Each site has an STI point of contact who may serve as or designate others to serve as releasing official(s).

6.1.1 List of Metadata Elements

Table 7 lists the metadata and other data elements contained in the announcement record, with descriptions and indications for required (R) and optional (O) fields. Subelements are noted in italics. Note that most of these elements with the exception of those for classified and sensitive

STI products will appear in databases/systems accessible to many users; thus, the primary bibliographic information should be appropriate for public release (i.e., the title and abstract should not contain information inappropriate for public release such as personal or financial data). Classified metadata information contained in the announcement record for classified STI products should be identified.

Table 7. DOE STI Metadata Elements.

6.1.2 Forms Available

Announcement record forms DOE F 241.1, DOE F 241.3, and DOE F 241.4 are available at The version of the DOE F 241.3 used by financial assistance recipients and non-major facilities management contractors is available at   DOE F 241.1 may be sent electronically in two ways: a Web-based form or tagged document instance (based on a document type definition (DTD) as a means of tagging the data elements to identify the content of the announcement record). DOE F 241.3 can only be sent using a Web-based form. Additional information about the announcement records is available through E-Link. Web Form

Web-based versions of the DOE announcement record input forms, based on HTML, are available at  The Web input forms provide a number of features, such as distinguishing mandatory from optional fields, choosing from pick-lists of values, and indicating appropriate subelements. Certain data elements and subelements are then checked by validation built into the Web forms prior to submission of the forms to OSTI. Submission of the Web forms are managed by the originating site’s designated releasing official(s), whose submission of the form is password-validated. Tagged Document Instance (Based on DTD)

The tagged document instance is based on an SGML DTD for the DOE announcement record DOE F 241.1 and is available for those sites that choose to export their data directly from an existing bibliographic database. The DTD may be obtained at By validating data elements and subelements within the batch process before submitting the file, sites will facilitate parsing and processing of the data at OSTI.

6.2 Submission of the Announcement Record

Once an announcement record has been compiled, it is submitted to OSTI electronically. Sites can choose to submit electronic batch files containing multiple announcement records. Methods for transmitting the announcement records or electronic file and standard media storage specifications are listed in Table 8.

Announcement records containing classified or UCNI matter should be submitted in electronic media (i.e., CD-ROM or diskette) or paper form with the STI product through appropriate security channels. The classification/sensitivity of the announcement record as well as the STI product should be indicated.

Once an announcement record or file has been received, OSTI will verify acceptability of the information (i.e., verify that the file is machine-readable and that required elements are provided and complete the process of announcing/distributing the information, as well as archiving the announcement records. The originating site will receive a communication stating that the record or file has been received and is acceptable for processing. If the record or file is unusable, OSTI will notify the originator of the problem and request resubmission of the electronic record or file or use of another acceptable file format. Questions regarding specific acceptance of electronic announcement record submissions should be directed to OSTI.

Table 8. Submission of Announcement Record.

6.3 Acceptable Electronic Formats for Full-Text STI Products

DOE and major facility management contractors have transitioned to electronic exchange of full-text STI. The acceptable electronic formats were adopted by the STIP community to encourage this transition. Acceptable electronic formats are determined by the level of search capability, accessibility and file integrity, and file management capability. As technologies evolve, this list of formats will be revised and updated. The current acceptable formats accommodate a range of needs within the DOE information environment to ease the transition from a paper-based system to an electronic delivery system.

Current acceptable electronic formats are—

• Corel WordPerfect (Versions 5.0 or greater)

• Extensible Markup Language (XML)

• Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

• Microsoft Word (Versions 5.0 or greater)

• Portable Document Format (PDF) (image)

• Portable Document Format (PDF) (normal)

• Postscript

• Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)

• Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) Group 4


6.4 Submission of Full-Text STI Products to OSTI

Sites should submit STI products to OSTI electronically. Table 9 shows the acceptable media and transmission method for categories of STI (see Part II, Section 4.2).

Table 9. Acceptable Media and Transmission Method for Categories.

The preferred method for electronically submitting the unlimited and limited STI product is via file upload available through E-Link. While not recommended, CDs, 3.5 inch diskettes, videocassettes, etc. continue to be an acceptable information exchange medium, although it does require additional processing once received by OSTI. Unlimited STI products submitted by this medium may not be available on the Information Bridge in a timely manner. If different methods of transmitting the electronic record and product are used, timing of the transmittal should be coordinated. For example, if a site uses the Web-based announcement record but mails an electronic STI product (CD, 3.5 inch diskette, videocassettes, etc.), OSTI prefers receipt of both items to coincide as closely as possible. Additionally, STI products that are mailed should be clearly marked with the OSTI identification number for the corresponding announcement record.

Paper is no longer an acceptable exchange medium for unclassified unlimited and sensitive unclassified announcement records or STI products. If a DOE element is unable to make an unlimited STI product available to OSTI in one of the acceptable electronic formats listed in Part II, Section 6.3, the site or office will need to list itself as the source of availability on the announcement record submitted to OSTI.

For STI products sent to OSTI as nonprint media (i.e., physical media such as videocassettes, slides, CDs, etc.), one copy is preferred, accompanied by a copy of the announcement record that has been submitted electronically containing a descriptive abstract and specific information about the medium (e.g., speed, machine compatibility, quantity/type of medium, physical description, color, playing time, and sound).

Because of digitization of text and electronic access to full-text information, sites may want to avoid having original signatures contained within an STI product (see also Part II, Section 5.3.6).  Classified/UCNI STI products are to be submitted to OSTI through appropriate security/mail channels. Electronic medium is the preferred method for delivery, these STI products will be accepted in magnetic media or multimedia (as identified in Table 6).

6.5 Announcing STI Products in a Distributed Environment

Working closely with STI partners across the Department, OSTI is leveraging the opportunities provided by the Internet to facilitate access to and use of the unclassified, unlimited STI generated by Departmental R&D programs. Many contractor-operated sites have developed Internet home pages that provide access to both metadata and full-text STI. To capitalize on that site investment, the Department has developed a system that ultimately will provide electronic access to the entire Departmental STI collection distributed at sites across the complex in a variety of formats.

In this distributed system, the Internet-accessible STI at each local site is being linked to a DOE-wide STI locator system, which in turn provides user access to electronic STI residing at the individual sites. This distributed system offers the following benefits:

• Removes the requirement for sites to submit full-text STI to OSTI. Sites can now submit metadata that indicates where the corresponding full text resides on the local Internet home pages. In turn, OSTI remotely accesses the electronic full text and fulfills its STI responsibilities.

• Levies no additional workload on sites already using the Internet technology to distribute STI.

• Eliminates duplication of effort where both the local site and OSTI are loading the same document on the Internet.

• Encourages sites to plan for electronic life-cycle STI management.

• Facilitates user access to the entire DOE STI collection.

For various reasons, some Internet-proficient sites do not make their entire STI collections accessible through the Internet; further, some sites are not yet able to use the Internet technologies. OSTI will negotiate special arrangements with these sites to acquire their electronic full-text STI for subsequent processing at OSTI. These exceptions to processing requirements will require adherence to mutually agreed-upon electronic formats and standards, which are further described in Part II, Section 6.5.1.

OSTI will continue to cooperate with sites to further streamline and enable harvesting of siteposted, publicly available STI collections accessible through the Internet.

6.5.1 Distributed Announcement and Product Availability

OSTI supports distributed access and dissemination of unclassified, unlimited STI for public availability. Site-posted STI (via an electronic repository or Web site) is accessed by OSTI when sites are able to participate in the distributed environment. Distributed announcement and product availability are supported by metadata in the announcement record supplied by the site to OSTI. Metadata elements will include the location of the document through provision of a uniform resource locator (URL). Table 10 shows the relationship between site-posted or site-submitted STI in agreed upon formats and OSTI-supported processes.

NOTE: Electronic documents submitted to OSTI should not be "read only" or encrypted because of additional processing required at OSTI. Documents posted at the site should be publicly accessible. An exception is with electronic classified documents which are required to be encrypted when transmitted by U.S. Mail.

6.5.2 STI Product Available from Originator

If a major facilities management contractor or other DOE STI originator chooses to make its unclassified, unlimited STI products available through a site-hosted server rather than submitting them to OSTI, the following steps will enable OSTI to link to the STI product for subsequent indexing, user accessibility, and harvesting:

• Post STI products on publicly available server (outside any site-imposed "firewall") in a full-text accessible format.

• Provide to OSTI the metadata announcement record for the product, which includes the unique URL "pointer" to the full-text of the STI product. Approved methods to transfer metadata announcement records are described in Part II, Section 5.2.

• Keep the STI product posted at the specified URL with the same configuration.

• Notify OSTI of changes to the URL or to the server, etc.  For example, if the URLs for products change at a site, OSTI recommends the site revise the announcement records to correct the URLs. OSTI also recommends the site revise the announcement record to indicate the linked STI product has been revised. A description of how to revise or correct the announcement record which will serve as a notification of the changes to OSTI is available in E-Link Help (see for more information).

Table 10. Electronic Formats in a Distributed Environment.

Notice of other changes, such as the product’s removal from the system, or server changes, for example, should be provided to OSTI as well. The process to notify OSTI is dependent upon whether the action is considered unscheduled or scheduled.

Unscheduled: A contractor or other originator takes action because an STI product posted on the Web requires immediate removal or change. Reasons for this immediate action may include sensitivity issues, errors, etc. To avoid a broken link when removing the STI product, a contractor or other originator may choose to replace the STI product with a statement that would inform the user that the STI product is no longer available and that gives contact information for help. In a timely manner, the contractor or other originator would also provide to OSTI a revised announcement record describing the change.

Scheduled: A contractor or other originator has decided to stop hosting specific STI products (i.e., STI products are being permanently removed from a site-hosted server); therefore, the site intends to transfer the STI product to OSTI for public access. The DOE O 241.1A Contractor Requirements Document requires contractors and other originators to notify OSTI of its intent to permanently remove an STI product from a site-hosted server. A minimum of 30 days advance notice is recommended before removing the STI product from the contractor’s or other originator’s server. The contractor or other originator will also provide to OSTI a revised announcement record to describe the change (i.e., to change the location of the document from a site URL to submission of the document to OSTI).

6.5.3 Transferring STI Product Availability from Originator to OSTI

As required in DOE O 241.1A, the contractor must notify OSTI when permanently removing STI products from site-hosted servers. This notification allows OSTI to ensure continued availability of STI product after its removal from the site-hosted server. Sites can revise the announcement record and upload the full-text through E-Link or submit the information by batch upload. OSTI will then ensure the STI product is included in the central repository.

6.6 Announcing Classified STI Products

Announcement records for classified STI are made available through the Classified Energy Online (CLEO) system and other means to authorized users in accordance with need-to-know and other security requirements.

6.6.1 Classified Product Availability

Classified STI may be obtained by authorized individuals in accordance with need-to-know by contacting OSTI through approved channels.

6.7 Archiving and Retention of the STI Product

Whether submitted directly to OSTI or harvested by OSTI from the site’s public server, DOE STI R&D reports have a permanent retention schedule under the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Job Number NCI-430-76-2. OSTI will provide STI to NARA consistent with that schedule.

OSTI serves as the ultimate repository for DOE’s STI and will manage the collection for long-term retrieval. Often the collection maintained at OSTI is the only source for historic or specific technical information (such as for closed-out projects). OSTI will address NARA requirements and make recommendations for archiving and storing DOE STI electronic records.

Closeout project, program, and site records should be checked to determine whether all STI contained in the records has been transmitted to OSTI. This requirement is implied on the last page of DOE Research and Development Records Retention Schedule, N1-434-96-9. (This schedule can be obtained from the site records manager or at  STI that has not been transmitted to OSTI should be provided in electronic form (i.e., acceptable electronic format, digitized/scanned, etc.). Acceptable electronic formats are located in Part II, Section 6.3, of this Guide.


Unclassified, unlimited document information is provided to requesters through electronic delivery, primarily through the base product, the DOE Information Bridge. DOE STI products requested by DOE and DOE contractors in paper form are available from OSTI, provided that such products have previously been made available to OSTI (through either electronic submission to OSTI or electronic linkage using acceptable formats). OSTI is responsible for ensuring that NTIS and GPO obtain DOE documents. As DOE’s NTIS and GPO affiliate, OSTI will coordinate with NTIS and GPO to ensure that unclassified, unlimited STI products are available to the public. Table 11 includes agreed-upon STI submission formats, associated access formats for Web view and download using the DOE Information Bridge, and interim archival formats.

Table 11. STI Submission, Access, and Archival Formats.





Software management is transitioning from a centralized collection, announcement, and dissemination activity to a decentralized activity. During this transition, paper-based submission guidelines will be replaced with electronic submission guidelines for certain categories of software. New guidelines will also allow for distributed hosting and dissemination of certain categories of software.

A STIP work group established in 1998, developed the procedures necessary to transition scientific and technical computer software management from a centralized collection, announcement, and dissemination paper-based activity to a decentralized electronic environment.  This part of the Guide has been revised to reflect the new procedures for the software activity that has already been transitioned. These procedures will continue to be reviewed and changed, as more of the new decentralized procedures are adopted and implemented.

Procedures for announcing software and submitting software for dissemination are detailed in the following sections. The manner for distributing software is defined through the announcement and submission procedures (see Part III, Section 3).

1.1 Departmental Requirements

DOE O 241.1A requires that STI (including scientific and technical computer software) be made broadly available, within applicable laws and Departmental requirements, to accomplish mission objectives and strategic goals, promote scientific advancement, satisfy statutory protection and public dissemination requirements, and ensure a fair return on Departmental and taxpayer investment. Specifically, DOE O 241.1A requires that useful STI products, including software, resulting from scientific and technical endeavors be made available and announced to OSTI so that OSTI can fulfill its announcement, dissemination, and exchange responsibilities on behalf of the Department.

1.2 Electronic Software Management

As part of the Department’s transition to a decentralized, electronic STI management environment, steps were taken in October 1998 to decentralize STI products other than software. Software management is making a similar transition, with the procedures necessary to transition scientific and technical computer software described in this Guide.

The objectives for decentralizing software management are to—

• consolidate and simplify announcement and submission procedures,

• use efficiencies offered by electronic network technologies,

• allow greater flexibility while meeting stated departmental requirements, and

• manage software in a manner similar to other STI products.

This transition will enable sites to continue announcing STI software through OSTI, but with the option to distribute software through OSTI, a Specialized Information Analysis Center (SIAC), or site-hosted on-line access, depending on certain criteria of the software. The criteria for useful software to be centrally announced and the categories of software appropriate for site hosting or for submission to OSTI are described in Part III, Section 3.


2.1 OSTI

OSTI, located in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, serves as the Department’s central announcement mechanism for DOE-sponsored software. It also serves as the Department’s software management facility for the collection, licensing, and distribution of federally funded software that is developed by national laboratories and other DOE facilities/contractors (subject to the exceptions listed in paragraph 3.1). OSTI uses the services of the Energy Science and Technology Software Center (ESTSC) for unclassified software distribution.

OSTI also serves as the Department’s liaison for software requests from sensitive countries. Upon a request for software from a sensitive country, OSTI coordinates any necessary reviews by the Nuclear Transfer and Supplier Policy Division (NN-43) (see Part III, Section 4.2).

OSTI serves as the operating agent for implementing portions of the DOE international exchange agreements with the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which provides for the exchange of unclassified nuclear-related scientific and technical software.

OSTI works with SIACs—organizations sponsored by DOE to perform data analysis, including the collection, evaluation, announcement, and dissemination of computer software in specialized subject areas—to maximize its effectiveness, avoid duplication of efforts, and ensure that requesters are referred to an appropriate SIAC.

OSTI serves as the exclusive availability point, other than the copyright holder (or its licensees), for DOE and DOE-contractor originated software for which copyright has been asserted.

3.2 Specialized Information Analysis Centers

SIACs may receive and make available software within their scope of interest/operation, as described below. SIACs should ensure that an announcement record is provided to OSTI for each software package they receive and make available. OSTI and the SIACs should work together to ensure the implementation of consistent procedures for the dissemination of computer software in accordance with DOE O 241.1A. As determined by the applicable contract rights and technical data clause, OSTI may share the right to license and distribute the software through a specific agreement with an individual SIAC.

Recognized SIACs, as of the date of this Guide, are the following:

• The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) of the Radiation  Information Analysis Section of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) specializes in computer programs and data sets pertinent to radiation transport and safety.

• The National Nuclear Data Center (NNDC) of Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) specializes in computer programs and data sets pertinent to nuclear cross sections.

• The Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) of the Environmental Sciences Division of ORNL supports the nation’s carbon dioxide-climate research effort by providing a focal point for the compilation and distribution of global-change-related information under systematic quality control.

• The National Petroleum Technology Office (NPTO) specializes in oil reservoir engineering software designed to assist the petroleum industry and maximize the economic production of domestic oil.

2.3 Software Originators/Creators

To centrally announce the availability of DOE’s STI products, each DOE and DOE contractor element that originates useful software is required by DOE O 241.1A to provide an announcement record (an acceptable method to provide announcement information to OSTI is by DOE F 241.4, a PDF fillable form available at OSTI processes the record and announces the software’s availability to the appropriate audience (DOE, other Government agencies, the public, etc.).

The originating site may distribute the software by submitting it to OSTI or an appropriate SIAC or by using local distribution channels, as appropriate (see Table 12 and Part III, Section 4.1). Software originators should ensure all software meeting the exception criteria in Part III, Section 3.1 is reviewed by the Nuclear Transfer and Supplier Policy Division (NN-43) prior to its announcement or submission.

As required by DOE O 241.1A, software originators are to review all software for classified and sensitive unclassified information according to approved local procedures before sending to OSTI or a SIAC and before any distribution outside the organization is made. Software should also be reviewed for patentable subject matter and if present it should be reported to Patent Counsel. Software originators should also ensure all software is reviewed for export controlled information (see Attachment 4) in accordance with the Guidelines on Export Control and Nonproliferation, published by the Nuclear Transfer and Supplier Policy Division (NN-43). The software should be clearly labeled if it is classified, contains sensitive unclassified information, or contains export controlled information. See Part II, Section 3, Appropriate Review Process to Release STI Products for Announcement, for instructions on labeling.


3.1 STI Software Appropriate for Announcement

Organizations and individuals who have developed and/or modified software during work supported by DOE or during work carried out for others at DOE facilities should announce the software with the appropriate announcement record to OSTI (per DOE O 241.1A), if the software meets the following criteria:

• the software meets the definition of STI as defined in Part I, Section 4 of this Guide;

• the software is known or expected to have broad usefulness within or outside the DOE community (i.e., is useful outside the originating site); and

• a stable, useable, documented version of the software exists (i.e., the software is not under development).

Although all software that meets the above criteria is to be announced to OSTI, the software may be made available by either submitting the software package to OSTI, submitting it to a SIAC (for software of applicable scope for a SIAC), or hosting the software on the originating site’s Web server (e.g., applicable freeware).

Exclusions. Software that meets the above criteria need not be announced to OSTI if it falls under one of the following exclusions:

• operational systems software that is site-specific, unique to a particular hardware, or necessary to ensure the fundamental operability of automated data processing equipment, whether supplied by the manufacturer of the system hardware or others and whether or not proprietary, which is not covered under a commercialization or copyright release request; • computer software programs developed and/or modified during work carried out for others at DOE facilities specifically excluded in the agreement under which the non-DOE funded work was performed;

• software generated under the auspices of the Energy Information Administration; and • specific software used by power administrations for the operation, control, planning, and modeling of electric power transmission systems and the interconnected utilities; however, modification/enhancements to portions of this software that are not an integral part of the whole and have potential application outside the power administrations should be announced.

Exceptions. Unclassified software meeting the following criteria should be reviewed by the Nuclear Transfer and Supplier Policy Division (NN-43) to determine if public dissemination of the software would help proliferants. This review should be completed prior to announcing the software to OSTI, hosting the software on a Web server, or submitting the software to OSTI or a SIAC. The criteria are listed below:

• any software code identified as containing Export Controlled Information (ECI) (see Attachment 4) by the originator;

• software codes that contain algorithms for any of the following:

– hydrodynamics,

– radiative transfer,

– high explosives detonation,

– strength of materials,

– equations of state;

• any software code that can be used for coupled neutron/photon/electron codes;

• compiled executables of the above;

• all codes with a version that fits the criteria above, even if the version of the code lacks one of the components specified above;

• any software code that would meet the above criteria if a publicly available code could easily be integrated into it.

In accordance with DOE O 241.1A, potentially classified software must be reviewed by the site classification office prior to announcing the software to OSTI for appropriate announcement in accordance with security and need-to-know restrictions.

3.2 Announcement/Submission Criteria

Software announcement requirements have been consolidated into one form (DOE F 241.4). To announce and make available a software package, the following components are considered necessary for inclusion in the package in order for the software to be provided to requesters:

• announcement record/metadata contained in DOE F 241.4, which includes all required information for announcing and describing the software; • source code and/or executable file; and • documentation, which may consist of a user manual, sample test cases, or similar information required for properly using the software (whether included in the software itself or provided in a separate file or in paper format).

3.3 Software Categories

Different categories of software have different distribution requirements or limitations. Table 12 defines the various software categories and identifies the appropriate distribution channels.

Table 12. Software Categories.




3.4 Announcement Record (Metadata)

Announcement record data is defined in DOE F 241.4. Table 13 lists the data elements contained in the DOE F 241.4 announcement record, with required (R) and optional (O) fields noted.

Table 13. DOE Software Metadata Elements.


4.1 Distribution of Software

After submission or announcement to OSTI, software may also be made available by the developing organization in accordance with the categories in Table 12, consistent with approved local procedures, and only with authorization of the cognizant management. Agreements to prevent further dissemination and to protect intellectual property rights should be obtained.

4.2 Software Dissemination

DOE O 241.1A requires that all STI, including STI software, generated by DOE and its contractors be reviewed as appropriate for classification and sensitivity (including nonproliferation, national security, and export control) and appropriate announcement and availability restrictions applied. Software originators should not disseminate copies of software packages to foreign nationals without first ensuring the export is lawful in accordance with Federal export regulations, to include those published by the Department of Commerce (15 CFR 730-774), the Department of Energy (10 CFR 810), the Department of State (22 CFR 120-130), and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (10 CFR 110). Even dissemination of software packages to foreign nationals within the United States may be considered a "deemed export" and may require an export license in accordance with the Federal export regulations.

All requests for software from sensitive countries should be sent to OSTI for coordination of approval from the Nuclear Transfer and Supplier Policy Division (NN-43). If approved, the appropriate requesting site may then disseminate the software to the requester.

4.3 License Agreements

4.3.1 Copyrighted Software

Software for which the developing DOE contractor organization has not asserted copyright (for commercialization purposes) is available to the public subject to the license agreement described below. Software for which the contractor has asserted such rights is not publicly disseminated but is available to DOE contractors and other government organizations from OSTI in accordance with the terms of the developer’s contract with DOE. Requests for copyrighted software from those other than DOE contractors or governmental entities are referred by OSTI to the copyright holder (or their licensees) for licensing.

4.3.2 OSTI Software License

Any DOE-sponsored software package distributed by OSTI’s ESTSC requires a license agreement. This form (see Attachment 10) establishes conditions and requirements for requesters’ use of the software package after purchase from OSTI’s ESTSC. Requesters need to return the properly completed and signed form to OSTI before the order will be processed. OSTI encourages SIACs to follow this Departmental policy.

Under the international exchange agreement with the NEA, OSTI has determined that NEA distribution procedures are appropriately consistent with OSTI’s licensing policy; therefore, the NEA is not required to sign license forms for packages they receive from OSTI or SIACs covered by the exchange agreement.

4.3.3 Disclaimers for Software

Rights-in-technical-data clauses for many DOE contracts require a statement acknowledging DOE sponsorship/data rights for information products. The following distribution statement and disclaimer meet those requirements for software and should be affixed to all distributed DOE-sponsored software. Legal counsel should review any appropriate additional markings that are desired; such markings should be consistent with restrictions indicated on the announcement form (DOE F 241.4). Markings should be affixed to all software package elements provided to the OSTI or a SIAC.

Distribution Statement

The following distribution statement should be included on all software subject to license agreements:

This computer software has been developed under sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Energy. Any further distribution or use by anyone other than the named licensee of this software package or any data contained therein, unless otherwise specifically provided for, is prohibited without the approval of the Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Requests for DOE-developed computer software shall be referred to the Energy Science and Technology Software Center at the Office of Scientific and Technical Information, P.O. Box 1020, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-1020.


The following disclaimer should be included on all software subject to license agreements:

This material was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor the United States Department of Energy, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.


The Energy Science and Technology Software Center’s collection record schedule was approved by NARA under Job Number N1-434-93-2. The disposition of a software package is based on its utility over time. Each package should go through three reviews to determine its obsolescence before it can be destroyed.



Attachment 1


Presented at DOE STIP Meeting, February 3, 1998


The Office of Scientific and Technical Information —like the entire Scientific and Technical Information Program (STIP) community—is in a state of transition to electronic STI. OSTI is re-engineering its paper-based processing of incoming scientific and technical information, with accompanying workflow tasks and software designed for paper reports, to a primarily electronic processing environment. With this change, it is redesigning a number of processes using new software, new descriptions of the workflow functions, and generally a new perspective on the requirements.

In 1994, OSTI and its STI partners and stakeholders recognized that the Departmental STI Program was in a changing environment of—

• less centralized control;

• reduced reliance on compliance; and

• more focus on outcome than process.

Over the past four years, OSTI and the STI community together have made significant strides in defining agreeable electronic exchange formats; streamlining paper-based processes to the bare essentials; creating collections of digitized STI; and developing the Energy Science and Technology Virtual Library: Energy Files. Energy Files is envisioned as the umbrella system for the STI collections and more. Now, with the STIP Strategic Plan as the blueprint and coupled with the latest information technologies, the Department’s STI Program is positioned to define the next generation of STI access and dissemination processing in a decentralized environment.

This paper provides a concept of the approach to be taken, envisioned changes, roles and responsibilities of involved parties, and the anticipated benefits.


Changes at OSTI

OSTI is committed to meeting the paper-to-electronic challenge in FY 1998. Right now, it is in the midst of planning and defining significant changes within OSTI’s processing systems which will allow greater flexibility to all those who submit STI. These changes will forever alter the Department’s STI Program.

• OSTI is procuring commercial, off-the-shelf software to replace the existing inflexible Report Processing System and affiliated processes. A new database management system, electronic document management system, and other associated hardware/software platforms will be in place by the end of FY 1998 which will make better and easier use of network technology, provide automated workflow, and broaden acceptance of electronic formats.

• The new system configuration and functional requirements will be defined to meet the needs of our primary customers and stakeholders. Considerations include—

– reduction of bibliographic data requirements to a core set of metadata for DOE’s STI collections;

– acceptance of a range of native full-text formats;

– empowerment of originators in the review, release, and quality-assurance standards for STI; and

– providing a final repository for the originating sites or programs which do not intend to host public access to full-text documents permanently.

• The design is largely to expedite electronic full-text and electronic metadata, although the system will accommodate paper STI to a lesser extent when needed.

• The focus of OSTI staff will be on value-added functions, such as subject analysis or product innovation, proactively supporting the needs of the STI originating sites, providing problem resolution, facilitating life-cycle practices, as well as serving the full-text needs of the end-users. The redesigned process will require fewer resources for routine processing and creation of bibliographic databases.

What remains unchanged is OSTI’s dedication to meet the needs of its customers and stakeholders who desire access to DOE’s STI. OSTI will continue to maintain a central locator to DOE’s STI through the DOE Information Bridge, which will be innovatively improved over the next few months. OSTI will continue to fulfill Departmental mandates for broad public dissemination by administering various agreements with intermediaries for public access to include NTIS, GPO, and international exchanges. Agreements with external partners will be modified to reflect the changing environment for electronic STI.

Acknowledging Efforts of Originating Sites

• Sites routinely review the STI product prior to publication for proper clearances such as patent or intellectual property review, classification review, and other approvals. OSTI has traditionally provided a second review to ensure that markings were consistent and that only appropriate documents were publicly released. Electronic or Web-based publishing through distributed sources makes a second review by OSTI impractical and unwarranted. Therefore, OSTI will be eliminating most of its evaluation function and will accept the release and announcement markings provided by the sites.

• Validation of metadata elements provided to OSTI in the future will be accomplished via automation as much as possible; rules will be relaxed significantly. Some consistency will be built in by having computerized pick-lists for certain metadata elements provided to the sites. Which "authorities" are needed will soon be determined. However, the traditional OSTI process of intervening through manual input or editing of data will be significantly curtailed.

• The advent of site-hosted publicly accessible servers has also changed who accounts for public release. Traditionally, DOE’s external stakeholders (OMB, GAO, Congress, and others) have relied on OSTI’s publication dates as the official public release record for DOE’s STI. Both credit and accountability will properly rest with the site which publicly releases and makes STI openly available.

• A broader range of electronic full-text formats, such as standard word processing formats, will be accommodated in the redesigned process. OSTI will be able to carry the native format (one of the accepted formats in which the originating site created the STI) for certain uses, as well as making a number of electronic formats available for access in STI products (such as DOE Information Bridge). OSTI currently has scanned over 23,000 DOE technical reports and made them available through the DOE Information Bridge.

Significant costs and issues exist in the search/retrieval, user access, and the required hardware/software systems to handle such information. Scanning will continue, on a decreased basis, until hard-copy submittal of information is eventually phased out. This change in practice will allow users to view the STI product in its original version as created by the site, in addition to accessing the product in a standard format (currently TIFF G4 is used, but OSTI is planning for a future standard to be a full-text searchable format, although transition plans are not firm at this time).


In this new electronic paradigm, traditional roles and responsibilities of OSTI will change, as will the role of submitting sites. The distributed processing model which is envisioned would include the following:

• A reduced set of metadata would be provided by sites to OSTI in lieu of the current data provided on DOE F 1332.15. The metadata record would serve as the official notification of the release and announcement of an STI document/product. There will be a number of methods for providing the metadata: (1) via a new Web form similar to the process for using the Web version of DOE F 1332.15; (2) batch processing from site databases that capture the metadata during the site’s document preparation; or (3) Attachment 1 providing appropriately tagged elements accompanying an electronic full-text document.

• Methods for including electronic full-text documents into the "DOE collection" will also be broadened. Envisioned are: (1) a full-text document may be transmitted to OSTI with the corresponding metadata; (2) the site may post it at a location for OSTI to capture it upon notification via the metadata; or (3) the site may choose to host access to the full-text and provide OSTI the metadata record with a unique URL to link to each full-text document on the site’s server.

• OSTI will then process the incoming metadata through automated validations and authorities and create a "metadata repository" as a central locator of DOE’s STI.

• Based on STIP stakeholder feedback, OSTI intends to continue to provide subject expertise for search/retrieval purposes and to use automated tools to the extent possible to create subject categories, keywords, and abstracts when not provided by the sites. OSTI will potentially maintain controlled vocabularies/thesauri to facilitate subsequent search/retrieval and dissemination.

• Metadata stored in the central repository will provide the locator to all full-text, which will be made available to users through an improved DOE Information Bridge that incorporates distributed linking and searching features such as those tested in the Federated Collections Pilot project, but with the additional feature of providing a comprehensive full-text index to DOE’s STI, which will serve as a key component of Energy Files.

• In the near term, OSTI will maintain the capability to process paper-copy received from sites unable to submit electronic full-text documents in one of the accepted formats, but the priority for processing and access will be lower than for the electronic documents.


Several benefits will occur within the DOE STI community as a result of a Departmental redesigned electronic STI management concept:

• Places management of information closer to originator, who best knows the information.

• Recognizes the site which created and made the STI available.

• Imposes less control and compliance.

• Focuses on the outcome (broader access to STI) rather than the process.

• Reduces costs incurred for processing paper documents.

• Improves timely availability of scientific and technical information.

• Establishes the framework for distributed access to scientific and technical information across disparate Departmental sites.

• Reduces processing costs of the sites through the acceptance of more electronic native formats.

• Positions the Department to better respond to changing technologies.

• Eliminates creating and maintaining duplicative data systems (at sites and at OSTI), thus saving costs for STI processes DOE-wide.

• Encourages/facilitates STIP community to identify and implement best business practices associated with electronic STI life-cycle management.

• Promotes integration of the STI Program across the Department.


Based on the Departmental needs, the changing technology, the growing end-user expectations for full-text at the desktop, and budget restrictions, OSTI is proposing an aggressive time line for the initial implementation of this concept. To meet that commitment, several factors must be addressed quickly and consensus reached by all parties involved. We will use all available resources in the near-term to identify and define a smooth transition plan. Through the STIP goal working groups, implementation guidelines will be created for the metadata record and electronic formats. STICG and other Headquarters forums will be used to notify the funding programs and to obtain buy-in on the role of the sites which create STI and the role of OSTI. The Order and the Guide will then document these agreed-upon changes.


Dissemination of scientific and technical information (STI) resulting from Department of Energy (DOE) research and development programs to promote scientific progress and public understanding has been a fundamental requirement since the founding of the Department and its predecessor agencies. A number of laws require the Department to make its information available, while others place some limits on the dissemination of scientific and technical information for which the unauthorized release would be detrimental to national interests.

DOE O 241.1A provides the overall DOE objective, requirements, and responsibilities within which these mandates are to be met. Following are statutes, Executive orders, and directives relevant to the management of STI.

• American Technology Preeminence Act of 1991, Public Law 102-245, dated 2-14-92.

• Arms Export Control Act, Public Law 94-329 (22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.)

• Assistance to Foreign Atomic Energy Activities, Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 810, effective 7-26-93.

• Atomic Energy Act of 1946, Public Law 79-585.

• Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 2011-2296.

• DOE M 471.2-1C, Classified Matter Protection and Control Manual, dated 4-17-01.

• Classified National Security Information, Executive Order 12598, dated 4-20-95.

• DOE O 5610.2, Control of Weapon Data, dated 8-1-80

• Copyrights, 17 U.S.C.101–601 et seq.

• Department of Energy Organization Act of 1977, Public Law 95-91, Title I, Section 102.

• DOE Programmatic Records Schedules, U.S. DOE Research and Development Records Retention Schedule (N1-434-96-9).

DOE Scientific and Technical Information Program Strategic Plan: A Complex-Wide Collaboration to Lead DOE in the Information Age, Office of Scientific and Technical Information, dated 9-17-97.

• DOE Strategic Plans, September 1997 and September 2000.

• Energy Policy Act of 1992, Public Law 102-486 (42 U.S.C., various sections).

• Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments of 1996, Public Law 104-231 (5 U.S.C. 552).

• Energy Conservation, Public Law 102-381, Title II, 106 Stat. 1405 of 10-05-92.

• Export Administration Act of 1979, Public Law 96-72, as amended (50 U.S.C. 2401).

• Export Administration Regulations, Title 15 CFR, Parts 730-799.

• Export and Import of Nuclear Equipment and Material, Title 10 CFR, Part 110.

• Federal Information Resources Management Regulation, Title 41 CFR, Chapter 201.

• Federal Nonnuclear Energy Research and Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C., Chapter 74, Sec. 5916).

• Freedom of Information Act of 1974, Public Law 89-487, as amended by Public Law 93-502 (5 U.S.C. 552, 88 Stat. 1561).

Guidelines on Export Controls and Nonproliferation, issued by the Director of the Office of Nonproliferation and National Security, July 1999.

• Identification and Protection of Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information, Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1017.

• DOE M 471.1-1, Identification and Protection of Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information Manual, dated 6-30-00.

• DOE O 471.1A, Identification and Protection of Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information, dated 6-30-00.

• DOE M 475.1-1, Identifying Classified Information, dated 5-8-98.

• DOE G 1324.5B, Implementation Guide for Use with 36 CFR Chapter XII, Subchapter B, Records Management, dated 7-19-96.

• DOE O 200.1, Information Management Program, dated 9-30-96.

Information Processing Text and Office Systems Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), ISO-8879, International Standards Organization.

• DOE O 471.2A, Information Security Program, dated 3-27-97. [DOE N 251.40, dated 5-3-01, extends this directive until 12-31-01.]

• International Traffic in Arms Regulations, Title 22 CFR, Parts 120-128.

• Management of Federal Information Resources, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-130 of 6-93, as amended 11-30-00. Supersedes OMB Circulars A-3, A-71 partial, A- 90, A-108, A-114, and A-121.

• Metric Conversion Act of 1975, Public Law 94-168, as amended by Public Law 100-418.

• Metric Conversion Policy for Federal Agencies, Title 15 CFR, Part 1170.

• Metric Usage in Federal Government Programs, Executive Order 12770 of 7-25-91.

• National Competitiveness Technology Transfer Act of 1989, Public Law 101-189 (15 U.S.C. 3701).

• National Security Information, Executive Order 12356 of 1982.

• National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995, Public Law 104-113.

• Naval Reactor and Military Application Programs, Public Law 98-525 (42 U.S.C. 7158).

• Nuclear Non-proliferation Act of 1978, Public Law 95-242.

• DOE O 551.1A, Official Foreign Travel, dated 8-25-00.

• Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-13 (44 U.S.C. 3501)

• Printing, Title 48 CFR, Part 952.227, "Provisions and Clauses Related to Patents, Technical Data and Copyrights" [952.227-79 "Limited Rights in Proprietary Data"].

• Privacy Act of 1974, Public Law 93-549, as amended (5 U.S.C. 552a).

• DOE M 452.4-1, Protection of Use Control Vulnerabilities and Designs, dated 7-1-1999.

• Public Printing and Documents, Title 44 (44 U.S.C. 3506)

• Rights in Data General, Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 52.227-14.

• Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980, Public Law 96-480, 15 U.S.C. 3710a note.

• U.S. Patent Law, 35 U.S.C. 205.

• DOE O 412.1, Work Authorization System, dated 4-20-99.


Abstract. Concise statement (200 words or less) of the purpose, scope, and major findings of work reported in a scientific and technical information (STI) product.

Announcement. Transmission to the Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) of an announcement record (DOE F 241.1, DOE F 241.3, or DOE F 241.4) or announcement record and entire STI product. OSTI will control access based upon the needs of the STI product.

Announcement Record. Record containing metadata used to describe an STI product for announcement and availability. The record is based on DOE F 241.1, DOE F 241.3, or DOE F 241.4 and transmitted to OSTI for general announcement.

Copyright Statement. Statement that retains the nonexclusive right for the government to copy STI that was funded by a government agency although the copyright may be owned by a nongovernment entity. (See Attachment 4.)

Deliverables. End-product or outcome of a funded project or program and identified in a contract or work proposal.

Decentralized Electronic Environment. The electronic transition initiative championed by OSTI so that sites no longer are required to submit paper STI products to OSTI, instead sites have the option to host STI products in one of the acceptable electronic formats on their site’s server therefore providing an opportunity for OSTI to either link to the product or to harvest it.  Uploading STI products to OSTI using E-Link ( is also an option providing the product is submitted in one of the acceptable electronic formats.

Departmental (or DOE) Elements. First-tier organizations at Headquarters and in the field.  First-tier at Headquarters is the Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Under Secretary, and secretarial officers (assistant secretaries and staff office directors). First-tier elements in the field are managers of the eight operations offices, managers of the three field offices, and the administrators of the power marketing administrations. Headquarters and field elements are described as follows: (1) Headquarters elements are DOE organizations located in the Washington Metropolitan Area; and (2) field elements is a general term for all DOE sites (excluding individual duty stations) located outside of the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Area.

Disclaimer. A repudiation or denial of responsibility or connection.

Distribution Statement. Statement needed on an STI product that explains any distribution or access limitation. (See Attachment 7.)

Extensible Markup Language (XML). XML (version 1.0 or above) is a true subset of Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), designed to make it easy to interchange structured documents over the Internet. XML files always clearly mark where the start and end of each of the logical parts (called elements) of an interchanged document occurs. XML somewhat restricts the use of SGML constructs and defines how Internet Uniform Resource Locators can be used to identify component parts of XML data streams created specifically for use on the World Wide Web. XML is an abbreviated version of SGML, omitting the more complex and less-used parts of SGML in return for the benefits of being easier to write applications and more suited to delivery and interoperability over the Web. XML files may still be parsed and validated in the same way as any other SGML file.

NOTE: Included graphic files should be either in Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) or Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) format as they are the standard graphic file types for World Wide Web (WWW) accessible documents.

File Format(s). The electronic format of an electronic STI product. Acceptable electronic formats have been identified for the STI products posted on site’s Web pages and transmitted to OSTI.

Foreign Trip Reports. Foreign trip report information, which is maintained in a secure database accessible to DOE and authorized users. It is sponsored by the Office of Nonproliferation and National Security (NN).

HyperText Markup Language (HTML). HTML is a non-proprietary format for publishing documents on the Web. Based upon SGML, HTML can be created and processed in a wide range of tools from simple plain text editors to sophisticated authoring tools. HTML uses tags to structure text into headings, paragraphs, lists, hypertext links, etc. HTML documents that conform to the HTML 3.2 or 4.0 document type definition (DTD) are by definition fully compliant SGML documents for the STI electronic environment. NOTE: Included graphic files should be either in GIF or JPEG format as they are the standard graphic file types for WWW accessible documents.

Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD). Research and development work of a creative and innovative nature that is selected by the laboratory director, or his or her designee, for the purpose of maintaining the scientific and technological vitality of the laboratory and responding to scientific and technological opportunities in conformance with the requirements of the LDRD Program. The LDRD Program includes all discretionary research and development activities not provided for in a DOE program.

Life-Cycle Information Management. Life-cycle information management indicates that information resources need to be managed as long as they are useful. The activities involved include planning, coordinating, budgeting, organizing, protecting, delivering, storing, and disposition.

M&I Contractors. Management and integration contractors.

M&O Contractors. Management and operating contractors.

Major Facilities Contractors. Term used to describe M&O and M&I contractors.

Metadata. Data that describes the attributes of a document or other type of STI product and is used for announcement and retrieval.

Non-M&O/M&I Awards. Non-M&O/M&I awards that are usually let by DOE contracting officers in the form of grants, contracts, cooperative agreements, etc.

Non-Major Facilities Contractors. Term used to describe non-M&O and M&I contractors.

Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI). The DOE office within the Office of Science that is the central point of coordination for the Department’s Scientific and Technical Information Program. While scientific and technical information is primarily generated and managed at DOE field and contractor sites, the OSTI facility is the central point of coordination for customer access to DOE’s scientific and technical information resource and the ultimate repository for DOE STI.

OpenNet. A Web-based database of all Departmental documents that have been declassified and determined to be publicly releasable ( OpenNet supports the DOE openness initiative and contains not only STI products but other records as well. It is sponsored by the Headquarters Office of Declassification, NN-52.

Originating Site. A term used in this Guide to denote the organization that prepares and makes available an STI product. In some cases, it is the same as the originating research organization (either DOE or DOE contractor). For non-M&O/M&I-generated STI products, the DOE awarding office may fulfill or delegate this role.

PostScript. A page description language that allows documents to be transmitted electronically with all original formatting and graphics intact, it is an established industry standard. OSTI is currently accepting PostScript as an exchange format because, in addition to being an industry standard for document printing, it is a format that is easily converted to other media (e.g., paper, fax, PDF, image formats, etc.). PostScript files can be saved from standard word processing packages such as Microsoft Word or Corel’s Word Perfect.

Postprint. A document in post-publication status, particularly an author’s article or paper, after it has been published in a journal.

Preprint. A document in pre-publication status, particularly an article submitted to a journal for consideration for publication or other commercial publication.

Presentation Formats. Formats that capture the "Presentation" form of a document (i.e., the look of the document when printed). Presentation formats may or may not be full- text searchable. OSTI prefers to receive full-text searchable versions of documents.

Proprietary Data. Information that embodies trade secrets developed at private expense outside of a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement and commercial or financial information that is privileged or confidential under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. (B)(4) and that is marked as proprietary information. Information that contains trade secrets or commercial or financial information which is privileged or confidential, and may only include such information that (a) has been held in confidence by its owner; (b) is of a type customarily held in confidence by its owner; (c) has not been transmitted to other entities except on the basis that it be held in confidence; and (d) is not otherwise available to the receiving party from another source without restriction on its further dissemination.

Portable Document Format (PDF). PDF, a proprietary format owned by Adobe Systems Incorporated, can best be described as an enhancement of the PostScript format. The PDF format maintains almost complete fidelity to the original document and is an efficient solution for providing electronic access to documents. Through the use of Adobe’s Acrobat PDF Writer driver, PDF files can be created by printing to a PDF file from multiple word processing and other desktop publishing applications. By using a viewing application freely available through the Internet such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, PDF files can be browsed on-screen or they can be printed to local or remote printers. PDF files can be searched through the viewing application or through proprietary database engines that provide filters for the format. The most current version of PDF supports the addition of hyperlinks to multimedia objects and Internet uniform resource locators (URLs).

R&D Project Identification Number. A unique and permanent project identifier that is assigned to an R&D project by either the DOE operations office, DOE program office, DOE laboratory, or other DOE organization. The project ID should be included as a reference on the STI deliverable or accompanying transmittal document to relate the deliverable to the appropriate R&D funding source.

Reprint. A copy of a journal article or similar document obtained from the publisher in the form in which it was published and may be copyrighted by the publisher.

Scientific and Technical Information (STI). STI consists of information products, in any format or medium, derived from scientific and technical studies, work, or investigations that relate to research, development, demonstration, and other specialized areas such as environmental and health protection and waste management. Scientific and technical information products may be unclassified unlimited, sensitive unclassified, export controlled, classified, or declassified. DOE-funded STI originates primarily from research and other activities performed by contractors for management, operation, or integration of DOE-owned/leased facilities, direct DOE-executed prime procurements, DOE-operated research activities, and financial assistance recipients, in addition to DOE employees.

Sensitive Unclassified Information. Information for which disclosure, loss, misuse, alternation, or destruction could adversely affect national security or government interests. National security interests are those unclassified matters that relate to the national defense or foreign relations of the Federal Government. Governmental interests are those related, but not limited to, the wide range of government or government-derived economic, human financial, industrial, agricultural, technological, and law enforcement information, as well as the privacy or confidentiality of personal or commercial proprietary information provided the Federal Government by its citizens.

Site. See definition for "Originating Site."

Scientific and Technical (S&T) Accomplishment Report. An S&T accomplishment report describes an outcome of R&D that has significantly affected commerce or standard of living or is recognized as a major scientific or technical advancement. It reports scientific or technical results, as opposed to a research highlight, which describes a noteworthy current R&D project or field of investigation that, if successful, could lead to an S&T accomplishment.

Standard. A generic, all-encompassing term used to describe documents that provide a specified set of mandatory or discretionary rules, requirements, or conditions concerned with performance, design, operation, or measurements of quality to accomplish a specific task. Standards may include Federal laws, regulations, State laws, Federal agency directives, national and international technical standards, codes of conduct, or even organizational "internal use only" documents. "Standard" includes a specified set of discretionary rules or conditions concerned with the classification of components; delineation of procedures; definition of terms; specifications of materials, performance, design, or operations; or measurements of quality in describing materials, products, systems, services or practices.

Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). SGML is an international standard (ISO-8879) for defining document structures for the application of mark-up schemes. It provides a consistent and precise manner of applying mark-up for describing the component parts of a document, enabling the exchange of revisable documents between different computer systems. Use of SGML for electronic exchange is an agreed-upon long-term goal for DOE’s STI. Two additional SGML-based formats are also acceptable for STI: the Extensible Markup Language (XML) and the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). NOTE: Included graphic files should be either in GIF or JPEG format because they are the standard graphic file types for WWW accessible documents.

Sponsoring Organization. Also known as the funding office, the sponsoring organization is typically the DOE Headquarters program office, that funds or sponsors the research activities.

Technical Report. Technical reports describe the results and findings of research and development projects and other DOE-funded activities. For direct-procurement type awards, technical reports are formal documents usually identified as required reporting deliverables and may cover a specified time frame referred to as the reporting period. For M&O/M&I contractors, in addition to formal reports, these may be any technical document that contains technical information useful to others, including the results of research determined not appropriate or rejected for open literature publication.

TIFFG4. An acceptable interim format for electronic exchange of STI is TIFF Group 4. TIFF Group 4 is currently being used by a number of DOE and DOE contractor activities. To ensure consistency, a standard for submissions to OSTI is TIFF CCITT Group 4.

Word Processing Formats (e.g., Corel Word Perfect and Microsoft Word). Word processing documents are those documents created through proprietary document creation applications.  OSTI will accept electronic documents in Word Perfect 5.0 and above or Microsoft Word 5.0 or above. Word Perfect and Word were chosen because they are the two most heavily used word processing applications in the DOE complex.


Before a scientific and technical information (STI) product is released for announcement and availability, it is marked with any appropriate notices, restrictive legends, and distribution statements. Selection of the necessary markings is based on the Department of Energy (DOE) or contractor review of the STI, as described in Part II, Section 3 of the Guide. The various types of markings follow.

1. NOTICES [pertaining to availability of information]

Applied Technology Correspondence Notice

The attachment contains applied technology information requiring conformance to U.S. Department of Energy program policy and the Applied Technology legend.

Copyright License

By acceptance of this article, the publisher and/or recipient acknowledges the U.S.Government’s right to retain a nonexclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering this paper.

Energy Science and Technology Software Center (ESTSC) Distribution

This computer software has been developed under sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Energy. Any further distribution or use by anyone other than the named licensee of this software package or any data contained therein, unless otherwise specifically provided for, is prohibited without the approval of the Energy Science and Technology Software Center.

Requests for DOE-developed computer software shall be directed to the Energy Science and Technology Software Center, P.O. Box 1020, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-1020.

Thesis (or Dissertation)

This document was prepared in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Master of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. (fill in appropriate information)

UCNI Correspondence Notice

Not for Public Dissemination. The document transmitted herewith contains unclassified controlled nuclear information (UCNI). The bearer shall maintain physical control of the document or material while in use in a manner that prevents its unauthorized access.  When not in use, any document or material marked as "contains UCNI" shall be stored in a locked drawer of a desk or repository or in a locked room. Further reproduction of the document or information to authorized individuals shall be permitted only to the extent necessary to carry out official duties. Any reproduced copies must bear all protection notices shown on the original.

2. DEFINITIONS AND RESTRICTIVE LEGENDS [limits the use of information]

Applied Technology

Applied technology is an unclassified category of information established by DOE’s Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology (NE) to preserve the foreign trade value of certain NE-funded progress and topical reports containing engineering, development, design, construction, and operation information pertaining to particular programs [defined in guidance available from NE or the Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)], as designated by the cognizant NE program office. Such designation is indicated through contractual requirements or in the task orders under which such information is developed.  Documents/software identified as applied technology are given monitored, controlled distribution to domestic recipients, thereby retaining the foreign trade value of the information. By controlling access to applied technology, such information may be exchanged on a quid pro quo basis with other nations having formal agreements with the United States, consistent with the intent of 10 CFR Part 810 regulations.

Applied technology products, as defined by the Director, Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology, do not include base technology information. Base technology information is defined as information reporting on a fundamental knowledge of nuclear technology but without any information related to engineering, design, construction, or operation of particular projects requiring major funding. Base technology is unlimited information and is not subject to distribution controls.

Products containing information designated as applied technology should clearly display the Applied Technology Restrictive Legend noted below and should be prominently marked with Distribution Statement D.


Any further distribution by any holder of this product or data therein to third parties representing foreign interests, foreign governments, foreign companies, and foreign subsidiaries or foreign divisions of U.S. companies shall be approved by the [insert appropriate NE Program Office officials], U.S. Department of Energy. Further, foreign party release may require DOE approval pursuant to 10 CFR 810, and/or may be subject to Section 127 of the Atomic Energy Act.

Use the following to fill in the appropriate NE program office officials in the blank in the statement above.

1.01 For information emanating from the Space and Defense Systems Power Program, the label should read, "Associate Director for Space and Defense Power Systems."

1.02 For information emanating from the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, the label should read, "Associate Director for Naval Reactors."

1.03 For information emanating from all other past and current programs, the label should read, "Associate Director for Technology."

In coordination with NE, OSTI performs several information management functions, including maintaining the official distribution lists, coordinating approval for document and software requests, and recording designation removal. Performing these functions requires that OSTI receive applied technology information from document and software originators.

The OSTI official standard distribution lists that have been approved by the NE program office are considered to be the sole distribution for applied technology documents with the exception of internal recipients (not subcontractors or outside program participants). To accomplish this, originating sites submit applied technology documents to OSTI using DOE F 241.1 or DOE F 241.3, marked appropriately, as well as a list of internal and external distribution addresses to complete the official distribution record maintained on each applied technology document.  OSTI also maintains information on the status of designation removal per NE guidance.

DOE laboratories, contractors, and subcontractors are to relay external domestic and foreign requests for applied technology information to OSTI for disposition. Applied technology information is not to be presented, referenced, or form the basis of presentations in technical society meetings or journals, meetings with foreign interests (except under preapproved arrangements), referenced in nonapplied technology documents, or other printed or electronic means without prior NE Program Office approval. This restriction includes not referencing information contained within an applied technology document, and also not referencing the report title or number.

Classified Scientific and Technical Information Products

The Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and Executive Order 12958 serve as the basis for identifying classified information generated by the Department. Classified information is defined as certain information that the United States Government has determined requires protection against unauthorized disclosure for reasons of national security (i.e., Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted Data, and National Security Information).  Procedures for the proper identification of classified information and subsequent marking of classified information products can be found in DOE M 475.1-1, Identifying Classified Information. Requirements for marking classified documents can be found in DOE M 471.2-1C, Classified Matter Protection and Control Manual. An unclassified title and subtitle should be used if the subject matter can be indicated clearly. The classification level and category, including "unclassified," must be indicated on all titles and abstracts to classified products, in accordance with DOE M 475.1-1. Classified STI products generated within DOE should be clearly and prominently provided with an appropriate distribution limitation statement to ensure that recipients will subsequently handle the STI product appropriately (see also Attachment 7).

• For Secret/Restricted Data Sigma 1, 2, 11, 12, and 13 products, use distribution statement H.

• For Confidential/Restricted Data Sigma 1, 2, and 11 and all other non-Sigma Restricted Data products, use distribution statement G.

• For Non-weapon data Formerly Restricted Data and National Security Information products, use distribution statement F. Classified STI products transmitted to OSTI are to be properly marked with the appropriate announcement and/or access limitations on the accompanying DOE F 241.1. The approved format for classified nuclear weapons information exchange with OSTI can be accessed through the Nuclear Weapons Information Group (NWIG) Internet home page.

Copyrighted Material

As described in Part II, Section 5.3.5, the originating site of the STI product needs to contact any copyright holders of earlier works that have been incorporated into the present material for permission to engage in any of the five practices below. If use of the earlier works would be exempted by the fair use provisions of the copyright law, no permission from the copyright holder would be required.

Material that is copyrighted may be subject to restrictions on—

• reproduction (copying, either in paper or electronically);

• distribution, by sale or otherwise, in paper or electronically;

• the preparation of derivative works, including translations;

• public display of the material; and

• public performance of the material.

If the necessary permission is granted, OSTI needs to know whether the permission is for unlimited use, covers all possibilities, or whether it is limited. An example of limited use relevant to OSTI procedures would be a situation where the copyright holder will allow distribution and reproduction, but only for paper copies, not electronic distribution. Any restrictions on the five restrictions listed above should be described on DOE F 241.1, DOE F 241.3, or DOE F 241.4, as appropriate.

If the U.S. Government has been granted authority to reproduce, sell, distribute, or otherwise make the STI product available by virtue of contract language or otherwise, the following statement should appear on the cover or title page:

The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce, sell, distribute, or otherwise make available this copyrighted work. Permission for further exercise by the recipient of any of the exclusive rights mentioned in 17 U.S.C. 106 must be obtained from the copyright owner.

A translation of a copyrighted work is itself a derivative work, and permission from the copyright owner of the original work should be secured before the work is translated and the translation is sent to OSTI.  Translations made from text published in a country signatory to the Geneva Copyright Convention should contain one of the following signed statements:

The U.S. Government has been authorized to reproduce, distribute, and sell this copyrighted work. Permission for further reproduction or distribution must be obtained from the copyright owner.


The original text is not copyrighted.

Declassified STI Products

Classified information products that have been declassified should also be reviewed by the originating site for unclassified but sensitive information. DOE M 475.1-1, Identifying Classified Information, requires organizations to submit bibliographic information and availability information to OSTI for every document that is declassified and determined to be publicly releasable.

To allow access to the widest audience possible, OSTI would like to receive a classification change notice whenever a classified STI product held by OSTI is declassified by the originating site or higher authority. It is requested that notices of declassification be accompanied by instructions/authority to publicly release or to further control access to the STI product, including the basis for further control. If OSTI has never received the original product, a copy of the declassified document is requested, along with the authorization for public release or control.

Export Controlled Information

Export Controlled Information (ECI) is information containing technical data as defined in and controlled by U.S. export control statutes. Appropriate laws, regulations, and requirements for ECI include the following:

• The Nuclear Nonproliferation Act of 1978

• The Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and its implementation by Export and Import of Nuclear Material, Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 110, and Assistance to Foreign Atomic Energy Activities, Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 810

• The Export Administration Act of 1979 and its implementation by the Export Administration Regulations, Title 15, Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 730-799

• The Arms Export Control Act and its implementation by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations, Title 22, Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 120-128.

In accordance with Guidelines on Export Controls and Nonproliferation, issued by the Director of the Office of Nonproliferation and National Security, July 1999, ECI must be clearly identified to ensure appropriate handling of such information by potential recipients. Information designated as ECI is given controlled distribution to prevent unauthorized release to foreign countries, organizations, or individuals. Such information to be released must be clearly marked in accordance with the following requirements.

• Markings to be affixed to technical information determined to be ECI may vary depending on the needs and preferences of site or program managers. The preferred format is the Export Controlled Information Restrictive Legend noted below.


Contains technical data whose export is restricted by statute. Violations may result in administrative, civil, or criminal penalties. Limit dissemination to U.S. Department of Energy and major U.S. DOE contractors. The cognizant program manager must approve other dissemination. This notice shall not be separated from the attached document.

_________________________ ___________

Reviewer Signature Date

• Products containing ECI must be clearly marked "EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION" at the top and bottom of each page containing ECI.

• Products containing ECI should be clearly marked with Distribution Statement D.

Naval Nuclear Propulsion Information

Naval Nuclear Propulsion Information is controlled in accordance with (50 U.S.C. 2406). Naval Nuclear Propulsion Information, unclassified or classified, may be released publicly or for dissemination to foreign governments, foreign nationals, or any individual or activity not engaged in work for the naval reactors program only with the specific approval of the Deputy Administrator of the Office of Naval Reactors.

Official Use Only Information

For guidance concerning Official Use Only Information, consult your site or field office technical information office, Freedom of Information Act office, classification office, or legal counsel. For additional consultation, contact the OSTI Classification and Control Officer. Products identified as containing Official Use Only Information should be clearly marked with Distribution Statement C.

Patent Caution

To comply with U.S. Patent Law (35 U.S.C. 205), Federal contractors must safeguard information that discloses any invention when patent rights for the invention will belong to the Federal Government. Federal agencies are authorized to withhold from disclosure to the public, information disclosing any invention in which the Federal Government may own a right, title, or interest, for a reasonable length of time so that a patent application can be filed.

In accordance with U.S. Patent Law (35 U.S.C. 205), products containing potentially patentable information must clearly display the Patent Caution Restrictive Legend below; the document should be clearly and prominently marked with Distribution Statement B.


This product may contain patentable subject matter protected from unauthorized disclosure under U.S. Patent Law (35 U.S.C. 205). No further dissemination outside of the Government without the approval of the Assistant General Counsel for Intellectual Property, U.S. Department of Energy.

Proprietary Data

Proprietary data that arise from DOE financial assistance agreements are controlled in accordance with Title 48, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 952.227, Printing, and Title 5, U.S.C. 552, Freedom of Information Act of 1974. Proprietary data that arise from DOE contracts involving "limited rights data" or "restricted computer software" are defined and controlled in accordance with FAR 52.227-14 and Title 5, U.S.C. 552, Freedom of Information Act of 1974.

In accordance with 48 CFR 952.227 and 5 U.S.C. 552, products containing proprietary data arising from DOE contracts or financial assistance agreements must clearly display the Proprietary Data Restrictive Legend noted below; the document should be clearly and prominently marked with Distribution Statement B. The restrictive marking, "PROPRIETARY DATA" must be placed at the top and bottom of each page containing proprietary information.


This technical data contains proprietary data furnished under contract no. ___ with the U.S. Department of Energy. Disclosure outside the Government is not authorized without prior approval of the originator, or in accordance with provisions of 48 CFR 952.227 and 5 U.S.C. 552.

Proprietary data must not be included in any abstract prepared and submitted before the information is announced for availability; the abstract must be suitable for publication.

Protected Battery Information

In accordance with Public Law 102-381, Title II, 106 Stat. 1405, products containing Protected Battery Information must be clearly marked with the Protected Battery Information Restrictive Legend below to prevent disclosure of such information; products so identified should be clearly and prominently marked with Distribution Statement E.


This product contains Protected Battery Information which was produced under Contract/CRADA No. ______ and is not to be further disclosed for a period of up to five years after the completion of the individual project, or not prior to [date] .

Protected Cooperative Research and Development Agreement Information

Protected Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) information is information produced in the performance of a CRADA that is marked as being Protected CRADA Information by a party to the agreement and that would have been proprietary information had it been obtained from a non-Federal entity. Protected CRADA information may be protected for a period up to 5 years from the date it was produced except as expressly provided for in the CRADA.

In accordance with DOE M 483.1, products that contain information that is protectable under the terms of a CRADA must clearly display the Protected CRADA Information Restrictive Legend noted below to prevent disclosure of such information; the document should be clearly and prominently marked with Distribution Statement E.


This product contains Protected CRADA Information which was produced on [date] under CRADA No. ________ and is not to be further disclosed for a period of __________ from the date it was produced except as expressly provided for in the CRADA.

In accordance with DOE M 483.1, proprietary data or Protected CRADA data must not be included in any abstract prepared and submitted before the information is announced for availability; the abstract must be suitable for publication.

Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer

In accordance with implementing regulations, Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) may be protected for a period of 4 years from the completion of the project, unless written permission to disclose such data earlier is obtained from the contractor or grantee.

To protect STI products (i.e., to limit distribution), the SBIR or STTR products should be clearly marked as containing SBIR or STTR proprietary information; the document should be clearly and prominently marked with Distribution Statement B. The DOE F 241.3 should be marked accordingly.

Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information

Dissemination of Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information (UCNI) is prohibited under Section148 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. UCNI is identified and controlled as directed in DOE O 471.1A, Identification and Protection of Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information, and in Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1017, Identification and Protection of Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information.

Products containing information designated as UCNI must clearly display the markings prescribed in DOE O 471.1A, Identification and Protection of Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information; the document must be clearly and prominently marked with Distribution Statement D. The marking, "Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information" or "UCNI" must be placed on the bottom of the front of the matter and (1) on the bottom of each interior page of the matter or (2) if more convenient, on the bottom of only those interior pages that contain UCNI.

DOE O 471.1A states that any information product "that contains UCNI must be marked so that both a person in physical possession of the matter (e.g., markings on a viewgraph frame, a film reel and its container) and a person with access to the information in or on the matter (e.g., markings on the projected image of a slide, a warning on a film leader) are made aware that it contains UCNI. When space is limited, as on a 35-millimeter slide, the marking, ‘UCNI’ will suffice." (from DOE O 471.1A).

A non-UCNI title and subtitle should be used for an UCNI information product whenever possible. The title should indicate whether the title does or does not contain UCNI.






The following are standard disclaimers to be used as appropriate.


This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or any third party’s use or the results of such use of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof or its contractors or subcontractors. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof.


Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof or its contractors or subcontractors.


National Technical Information Service (NTIS):

Available for sale to the public from—

U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161

Telephone: 800-553-6847; Facsimile: 703-605-6900

E-mail:; Online ordering:


Available electronically at

Available for a processing fee to U.S. Department of Energy and its contractors, in paper from—

U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information

P.O. Box 62, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-0062

Telephone: (865) 576-8401; Facsimile: (865) 576-5728



ESTSC Software License (use only after license has been granted by ESTSC):

Neither the United States Government, its agencies, or its employees make any express or implied warranty, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference to any specific commercial product, process, or services by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government, its agencies, or employees acting in its behalf.

Software Disclaimer (use at discretion of Site Legal Counsel):

This material was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor the United States Department of Energy, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness or any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.


The distribution statement assigned to a Department of Energy (DOE) document should appear on each front cover and title page and should be displayed conspicuously so as to be readily recognized by recipients, with the following exception: Distribution Statement A or its equivalent statement may, at the discretion of the originating facility, appear elsewhere on the document. Applicable information categories are noted in parentheses. See Attachment 4 for further guidance on these categories.




The subject category identifies the scientific discipline of the scientific and technical information (STI) product. An STI product can have multiple applicable categories. Individuals announcing STI products to OSTI are encouraged to include a minimum of one subject category of the STI product on the announcement record to enhance the search and retrieval process of the Department’s STI.




The subject categories listed below identify the scientific and/or programmatic discipline of a classified STI product, and also reflect any appropriate distribution restrictions. Classified STI products which unavoidably contain information included in more than one category should generally be placed in the most restrictive one. Further information regarding the scope and other uses of these categories may be found in DOE/OSTI-3679-Rev.76, Distribution Categories and Programmatic Approval Authority for Classified Scientific and Technical Reports; Instructions and Category Scope Notes, dated July 1997. 

C-24 Gas Centrifuge Method of Uranium Isotope Separation

C-27 Plutonium Isotope Separation

C-29 Uranium Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation

C-44c Nuclear Technology-Production Reactor Engineering and Technology

C-52 Gaseous Diffusion Process of Isotope Separation

C-57 Tritium Production

C-65 Plutonium Production

C-68 Safeguards and Security

C-72 Weapon Data

C-73 Nuclear Weapons Effects

C-74 Nuclear Weapon-Related Engineering, Instrumentation, and Materials

C-74a Laser and Particle Beam Fusion

C-75 General, Miscellaneous, and Progress Reports

C-81 Directed Energy Weapon Technology

C-82 Special Features of Naval Reactors

C-860 Other Isotope Separation Technology

C-870 Space and Defense Reactor Power Systems

C-880 Arms Control




Software License

As the Office of Scientific and Technical Information’s (OSTI) Energy Science and Technology Software Center (ESTSC), we are authorized to license and distribute this software to you. Upon receipt of license fee and execution of this license, the herein identified computer software package (software and accompanying documentation) is licensed, on a nonexclusive basis, to the named licensee for use ONLY at the licensee’s site designated herein below, and is to be used in accordance with this license and with the special restrictions identified below or on the software package. DOE-funded modifications, enhancements, or conversions of this package are subject to requirements of DOE O 241.1A and must be distributed under the original restrictions identified below, and by OSTI’s ESTSC. Questions may be referred to OSTI/ESTSC, P.O. Box 1020, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-1020.


Package Name: ______________________________Package ID:________________________

Restrictions: _________________________________Quote ID:   _________________________

Authorized to accept and accepted for the licensee:


(Type or Print)

Phone No:___________________________________________________________________


(Installation Name)


City: ______________________________ State: _________________ Zip Code: __________

Signature: ______________________________________ Date:_________________________


Prompt return of this form with the original signature and proper payment will expedite your request. Thank you.

ESTSC, P.O. Box 1020, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-1020