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STIP Managers Teleconference

January 15, 2003

STIP Managers/representatives participating in January 15 Teleconference:

Dorothy Martin (SNL), Dave Hamrin (ORNL), Heath O'Connell (Fermilab), Jackie Stack (LANL), Pam Novak (PNNL), Mary Petersen (BNL), Mary Donahue (NREL), Dennis Gound (ORO), Paula Kirk (ETTP), Mina Perrin (SRO), Dale Claflin (INEEL), Yolanda Bolivar (ALO), Kathy Macal (ANL), Kate Sordelet (AMES), Stephanie Janicek (LMIT), Bettie Moore (YMP), Carol Backhus (LBNL), Meg Owen (ORAU), Isom Harrison (LLNL), Dorothy Riehle (RLO), Cathie Witker (SRS), Nicole Brooks (IDO), Carl Robertson (IDO), Hope Matthews (RLO), Sharon Lee (BHI), Jane Tierney (LBNL), Rita Hohenbrink (OSTI), Sharon Jordan (OSTI), and Kathy Waldrop (OSTI).

OSTI Realignment (Sharon Jordan) - Recently, OSTI realigned. Don Altom retired about one year ago as "the systems person," and Karen Spence had been acting in his place. R.L. Scott is currently the acting director of Program Integration. Effective in November, Karen's acting position became permanent. Other staff have realigned, also. Susan Tackett has moved to another group, and Rita Hohenbrink is the "Harvesting" point of contact now. Lynn Davis is now in a different group, and Kathy Waldrop is now the E-Link point of contact. R&D tracking is now under Rita. The software center is under Sharon Jordan, but Kim Buckner is still the POC. There are other changes, but these are the primary ones that affect our STI group. The OSTI service directory will be updated and sent out in a few weeks. There's not a current organization chart on the Web. The best version of the current structure can be found at http://www.osti.gov/wwspeech.html, under Sharon's talk to the LOWG.

Departmental Changes (Sharon Jordan) - The effects of changes in the Office of Science have not yet been seen. Stay tuned. Several other DOE offices are encountering change. NNSA field structure has changed. Albuquerque is the new service center. The TIO position has been moved to a different part of ALO. LANL and PNNL have lab director vacancies.

Broken/Invalid Site URLs (Kathy Waldrop) - In the past, several sites should have received lists indicating broken or invalid URLs that were provided to OSTI in announcement records. These URLs should have been unique to the referenced STI. When we recently started to send out current lists of the broken/invalid URLs, we found a system problem with the URL-updating process. OSTI is working on a fix to the problem and following completion will begin sending lists to the affected sites on a quarterly basis. There is a chance that the entire process can be automated and if this occurs, the lists will be sent to the sites more frequently. In reviewing the data on the lists, OSTI found that a couple of the sites are providing URLs that are not unique to the document, but instead take the user to a home page instead. Each STIP Manager should ensure that the URLs being provided are unique to the announced STI document.

Website Document Review (Kathy Waldrop) - Some sites received listings from Phase II of the Website Document Review with incorrect older data. The major inconsistencies were caused by the migration of older data migrated from the Opentext platform to the Oracle platform. The older data didn't have site codes assigned, so the software program used the contract number to assign the site codes. Unfortunately, the result was not always accurate as evidenced by the listings. An example of how this happened is when there were joint projects between labs and the first contract number recorded in the announcement record didn't match the site submitting the record. The data should be corrected and provided to the sites soon. Sites will discover that some of the older items on the lists will not be available for editing via E-Link. OSTI will make changes to those announcement records based on guidance provided by the sites following review of all Phase II STI items.

Update on OSTI Tools (Rita Hohenbrink) - The science.gov site was launched in December. Ten different federal agencies are included at www.science.gov. OSTI is working on getting "single page" access to electronic documents; this change in functionality will help folks with dial-in access. Owing to various ways of implementing PDF, documents load at greatly varying speeds. Four sites are up and running with harvesting, and it's going well. The status of the lab's data submission for the annual update to DOE's Research and Development Tracking System is: 13 sites have completed processing, 5 sites have submitted test data only, 2 sites haven't submitted anything yet.

STIP and AITC Meeting Update (Sharon Jordan) - The AITC meeting, which is under the purview of the DOE Chief Information Officer, was intended to be held at Bally's in Las Vegas. The CIO decided not to sign that contract, so the CIO's office is currently looking at alternative locations. New prospects are San Jose and San Francisco. The meeting will be held in a city with major air routes, at any rate. The dates for the meeting should stay the same or close. OSTI is lobbying to get an Information Management track as part of the AITC. In a late-breaking development, it may be better to coordinate with the DOE Records Management Conference. This possibility will also be investigated.

Miscellaneous - No topics. Next call should be in March, but owing to item 6 above, we may have to meet in February. There will be a STIP meeting this year; travel funds should be sought out.


Last page update:  8/18/03