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STIP Managers Teleconference

September 10, 2003

STIP Managers/representatives participating in September 2003 Teleconference:

Dave Hamrin (ORNL), Pam Novak (PNNL), Mary Petersen (BNL), Dennis Gound (ORO), Cathie Witker (SRS), Wileva Dunbar (SRS), Anne Raible (LBNL Site Office), Dale Claflin (INEEL), Charlie Lovejoy (INEEL), Yolanda Bolivar (ALO), Mark Williams (LMIT), Isom Harrison (LLNL), Cathy Wright (ALRC), Linda Rhode (CHO), Paula Kirk (ETTP), Jackie Stack (LANL) Pamela Bonee (ORISE), Diane Quennel (YMP), Donna Lawson (Y-12), Kim Kendrew (JLAB), Sharon Jordan (OSTI), Jannean Elliott (OSTI), and Kathy Waldrop (OSTI).


OSTI News (Sharon Jordan) -

OSTI's new organizational chart was approved and posted on OSTI's web page on September 9, 2003. Sharon Jordan is the new Assistant Director for Program Integration, the part of the OSTI organization where the STI Program resides.

An informational video on the difference between the "surface web" and the "deep web" was added to the OSTI Home Page. OSTI will be participating in the "Atoms for Peace, 50 Years Later" conference in Washington, DC, on October 22, 2003.

Planning for Spring Meeting (Kathy Waldrop) - OSTI would like to host the FY 2004 STIP Meeting in Gatlinburg, TN. Gatlinburg is a small yet quaint town at the base of the Smokey Mountains (e.g., see A hotel has not been selected yet, since the dates for the meeting have not been decided. OSTI discussed the possibility of linking our STIP meeting with an OSTI InForum type meeting. If the STIP Meeting is held in conjunction with an InForum meeting, we would schedule three days for both meetings, otherwise we would schedule two days strictly for a STIP Meeting. The preferred month for the meeting is April, eliminating dates close to spring breaks and Easter, the group decided the last week of April would work the best. There was a lot of support for having another InForum meeting, so OSTI will pursue this path. The scale would be smaller than for past InForum Meetings, due in part at least to OSTI's dwindling number of employees to accomplish the task. There appears to be enough lead time to send out calls for papers, etc. Please send OSTI ideas for InForum topics, particularly those that have usefulness at other DOE sites.

STIP Home Page Redesign (Jannean Elliott) - OSTI received lots of positive feedback from the user side, so OSTI is about to move the redesign into the production area. There will be an archive that will have screen captures to remind us what the site used to look like.  New site will be available Monday, September 15th at the normal URL.

Harvesting Current Status and New System Plans (Jannean Elliott) - BNL is now officially in the harvesting program. They are the first site on OSTI's new harvesting software. It's more of a "new, improved" version of the current software as opposed to being totally new. Some of the enhancements of the new, improved version are (1) it's closer to the standard XML, (2) less manual work to locate the problem when a problem occurs, (3) an interface that will provide much better tracking capabilities to the sites, and (4) improved handling of special characters.

When the initial testing with BNL is successfully completed, OSTI will work with each of the sites who are currently harvesting in order to migrate them to the new system.

Miscellaneous -

The E-Print Network is featured in the August issue of DOE This Month, page 12

The call for presentations for the 15th Technical Information Exchange (TIE) Workshop ( which will be held in Knoxville, Tennessee) are due by January 1, 2004. The dates for the Workshop, April 27-29, conflict with the target dates for the STIP and InForum Meetings, however, we don’t anticipate that this will have much of an impact on the STIP/InForum participation.

The Next STIP Managers Teleconference will be held on November 19.


Last page update:  8/18/03