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..The Harvesting Initiative 

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OSTI's Harvesting Initiative officially launched in January 2002 when the the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) became the first site to successfully submit metadata via this new process. 

Harvesting sites permit OSTI's automated harvesting system to run, on a regular basis, a query with a date range against their web servers.  The query triggers a site-generated program that retrieves new and updated records directly from the site's STI database, converting them, on-the-fly, to XML format.  The records are automatically uploaded into E-Link at OSTI, processed, link-checked, and sent to Energy Citations and other appropriate databases.

After the initial set-up is complete, harvesting sites can realize the following benefits:

  • A great saving of staff time, since keying individual records (for unclassified, unlimited information) into E-Link is no longer necessary,

  • Automatic updating of OSTI's records when new information is added at the site.  The updating and editing are done in the site's database and picked up the next time OSTI's harvester runs.
  • Assurance that the site's record and OSTI's record will remain in "version" harmony
  • Feedback on which records loaded into E-Link and which did not.  The OSTI ID for each record loaded is also provided back to the site.


E-Link Home

Reference copy of Subject Categories

Reference copies of all DOE 241 forms and XML DTD

DOE Order 241.1A on DOE Directives Web

Reference copy of DOE Order 241.1A

Reference copy of Admin Change to DOE Order 241.1A

Current  version of Guide 241.1-1A
Marked-up copy of proposed new version

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