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Overview:  STIP holds its regular teleconference every other month on the second Wednesday.  The meeting begins promptly at noon, East Coast time. Reminders and agenda are sent out prior to each meeting.  Meeting minutes are posted here as soon as possible after the meeting.  The face-to-face meetings are held on an as-needed and/or as possible basis, with a once-a-year gathering at least being the goal.

Click here for archived teleconference and and meeting notes.

FY2008 Teleconference Notes:         April 2008 STIP Meeting, Santa Fe:   

FY2007 Teleconference Notes:

April 2007 STIP Meeting, Las Vegas

(See STIPWorks for additional items)

April 2006 STIP Meeting, Chicago



FY2006 Teleconference Notes:


FY2005 Teleconference Notes:


April 2005 STIP Meeting, Berkeley


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Reference copy of Subject Categories

Reference copies of all DOE 241 forms and XML DTD

DOE Order 241.1A on DOE Directives Web

Reference copy of DOE Order 241.1A

 Reference copy of Admin Change to DOE Order 241.1A

Current Version of  Guide 241.1-1A

Marked-up copy of proposed new version

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Last page update: 7/17/2008