BSSR-EVENTS-L archives -- February 2008

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BSSR-EVENTS-L archives – February 2008

  1. 2/29/08 NIH Webinar on CBPR: "Leap into the Community"

  2. BSSR Lecture: Eat, Drink, and Be Merry: The Spread of Health Phenomena in Social Networks, Nicholas Christakis, March 20th 3-4 PM

  3. CORRECTION -- Nicholas Christakis to Speak on "Spread of Health Phenomena in Social Networks"

  4. Feb 29th: 11:30-1:00 - Panel Discussion - Lessons Learned in Transdisciplinary Research

  5. NIH Symposium on Behavior Change: Feb 27, 2008

  6. Post-doctoral CRTA position in the Health Promotion Research Branch

  7. Post-doctoral CRTA position in the Health Promotion Research Branch at NCI/NIH

  8. REGISTER FOR: Diabetes & Obesity Disparities in Healthcare Systems Conference - June 30-July 1, 2008 - NIH Campus
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