Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 3-2: Domestic Shipments from Alaska by State: 1997

(Descending order by weight)

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State of destination Rank Value ($ millions) Weight (thousand short tons)
Alaska 1 5,376 17,448
Alabama - S S
Arizona - S S
Arkansas - S S
California - S S
Colorado - S S
Connecticut - S S
Delaware - S S
District of Columbia - S S
Florida - S Z
Georgia - S S
Hawaii - S S
Idaho - S S
Illinois - 1 Z
Indiana - S Z
Iowa - S S
Kansas - S S
Kentucky - S S
Louisiana - S S
Maine - S S
Maryland - S S
Massachusetts - S S
Michigan - 1 S
Minnesota - S S
Mississippi - S S
Missouri - S S
Montana - S S
Nebraska - S S
Nevada - Z S
New Hampshire - S S
New Jersey - S S
New Mexico - S S
New York - 18 S
North Carolina - S S
North Dakota - S S
Ohio - Z Z
Oklahoma - S S
Oregon - S S
Pennsylvania - 5 Z
Rhode Island - S S
South Carolina - Z Z
South Dakota - Z Z
Tennessee - S S
Texas - S Z
Utah - S S
Vermont - S S
Virginia - S S
Washington - 878 S
West Virginia - Z Z
Wisconsin - S S
Wyoming - S S
To all states   6,653 19,673

KEY: S = data do not meet publication standards because of high sampling variability or other reasons; Z = zero or less than 1 unit of measure.

NOTES: The Commodity Flow Survey covers business establishments in mining, manufacturing, wholesale trade, and selected retail industries. The survey also covers selected auxiliary establishments (e.g., warehouses) of in-scope multiunit and retail companies. The survey excludes establishments classified as farms, forestry, fisheries, governments, construction, transportation, foreign establishments, services, and most establishments in retail. Due to industry-wide reporting problems, shipments by oil and gas extraction establishments are also excluded. "To all states" total includes all domestic shipments from the state of origin, including intrastate shipments.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics and U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Commodity Flow Survey, Washington, DC: 1999, available at http://www.bts.gov/ntda/cfs/cfs97od.html as of Nov. 2, 2001.