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Fathead Minnow

MED-Duluth tested a series of industrial organic compounds using the fathead minnow for the purpose of developing an expert system to predict the acute mode of toxic action from chemical structure. The results were also used to develop quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs) based on the acute mode of action. The expert system and QSARs are components of the ASTER system. The entire fathead minnow database and results related to the acute mode of action are presented in: Russom, C.L., S.P. Bradbury, S.J. Broderius, D.E. Hammermeister and R.A. Drummond. 1997. Predicting modes of action from chemical structure: Acute toxicity in the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 16(5): 948-967.

A compressed copy of the MED-Duluth fathead minnow database in a DBase V format can be accessed by clicking on this download - FATHEAD.ZIP. This data file includes information on the test chemical, Chemical Abstract Services Registry number, the SMILES string, results of 617 acute LC50 values and 225 associated behavioral assessments, 72 joint toxic action experiments with the fathead minnow, and physiological response of rainbow trout (also called Fish Acute Toxicity Studies (FATS) for 17 compounds.

For further information, please contact Chris Russom (T: 218-529-5218 or E-mail: Chris Russom).

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