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Educational Opportunities & Programs

Image of student field researchers
Delia Alexander (left) and Tamara Hemmerlein examine their field research slides during the American Folklife Center’s field school in Bloomington, Indiana (2000). Photo: David A. Taylor.

American Folklife Center Volunteer Internships

Field School for Cultural Documentation

Professional Development at the Library
Through a variety of professional development programs and resources, educators can learn how to effectively use American Memory resources in the classroom. Workshops are offered:

-- In-House - extending a "hands on" experience through the Learning Center of the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

-- Through Video-Conference and other technologies providing programs and workshops through distance learning.

-- As Self-Serve for use by school districts, for school in-service, or by educators in their classrooms or homes.

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  The Library of Congress >> Research Centers
  October 29, 2007
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