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Finding Aids to Collections Organized by Topic in the Archive of Folk Culture

U.S. States and Territories | Countries and Cultural Groups | Instruments| Folksong Genres | Collectors | Spoken Word | Historical Eras and Wars | Material Culture | Media

U. S. States and Territories

Countries / Regional, Ethnic, and Cultural Groups

Musical Instruments / Instrumentalists

Folksong Genres

  • African American Gospel Quartet Collections in the Archive of Folk Culture [draft available upon request]
  • A Selected Listing of English-Language Folksongs of the United States Sung by Children in the Recorded Collections of the Archive of Folk Song [full text]
  • Sea Shanties and Sailors' Songs: A Preliminary Guide to Recordings in the Archive of Folk Song [full text]
  • Principal Collections of Field Recordings in the Archive of Folk Culture Which Contain Negro Spirituals [full text]

Folklore and Folksong Collectors

  • Principal Contributors of Field Recordings to the Archive of Folk Song [full text]
  • Robert Winslow Gordon Collections in the Archive of Folk Culture [full text]
  • Zora Neale Hurston Recordings, Manuscripts, and Ephemera in the Library of Congress [full text]

Spoken Word

  • Recordings of Slave Narratives and Related Materials in the Archive of Folk Culture [full text]
  • Street Cries, Auction Chants, and Carnival Pitches and Routines in the Recorded Collections of the Archive of Folk Culture [full text]
  • Tales of the Supernatural: A Selected List of Recordings Made in the United States and Placed in the Archive of Folk Culture [full text]

Historical Eras and Wars

  • Vietnam War Collections in the Archive of Folk Culture [full text]
  • World War II Collections in the Archive of Folk Culture [full text]
  • Folklore and Related Activities of the W.P.A. in the Collections of the Archive of Folk Culture [available upon request]

Material Culture

  • Boatbuilding Documentation in the Archive of Folk Culture [full text]

Folklife in the Media

  • Radio-Related Recordings in the Archive of Folk Culture [full text]
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  August 22, 2008
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