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Staff Directory
The email addresses are listed below with the prefix only. All are
followed by the at sign (@), then loc.gov
Austen, Theadocia, Program Specialist, Public Events
Phone: (202) 707-1743 Email: taus
Barton, John, Digital Conversion Specialist
Phone: (202) 707-5870
Email: jbar
Bartis, Peter, Folklife Specialist, Research and Programs
Phone: (202) 707-4919
Email: peba
Bulger, Peggy, Director (Division Chief)
Phone: (202) 707-1745
Email: mbul
Bucknum, Mary
Folklife Specialist, Research and Programs
Phone: (202) 707-5354
Email: mabu
Cutting, Jennifer, Folklife Specialist, Reference
Email: jcut Gold, Jonathan, Audio Technician
Phone: (202) 707-1728
Email: jongold
Gray, Judith, Folklife Specialist, Reference
Phone: (202) 707-1740
Email: jugr
Groce, Nancy, Folklife Specialist, Research and Programs
Phone: (202) 707-1744
Email: ngro
Hall, Stephanie A., Automated Reference Specialist
Phone: (202) 707-1741
Email: shal
Harvey, Todd, Folklife Specialist, Reference
Phone: (202) 707-8245
Email: tharvey Hoog, Ann, Folklife Specialist, Reference
Phone: (202) 707-4428
Email: ahoo Kerst, Catherine Hiebert, Archivist
Phone: (202) 707-1730
Email: cker
Kruesi, Margaret, Cataloger
Phone: (202) 707-9022
Email: mkru Morris, Valda, Processing Technician
Phone: (202) 707-8108
Email: vmor
Patrick, Bob, Director, Veterans History Project
Phone: (202) 707-4916
Email: vohp
Segal, Marcia, Processing Archivist
Phone: (202) 707-5861
Email: mseg
Shankar, Guha, Folklife Specialist, Research and Programs
Phone: (202) 707-4430
Email: gshankar Taft, Michael, Head of the Archive of Folk Culture
Email: mtaf
Taylor, David A., Head, Research and Programs
Phone: (202) 707-1737
Email: dtay
Winick, Stephen, Writer-Editor
Phone: (202) 707-1732
Email: swinick
Yeh, Nora, Archivist
Phone:(202) 707-4426
Email: nyeh