Encoded Archival Context


Revised: 29 November 2004

Note: The resources represented here are working drafts of the Ad Hoc EAC Working Group. The drafts are intended to facilitate the development activities of the Working Group and to enable anyone interested in the prototype encoding stardard for describing people to follow the development. The drafts are undergoing constant revision and thus are not to be considered normative or authoritative. For additional information on EAC, see www.library.yale.edu/eac/


FTP EAC Beta DTD (9 August 2004)

EAC Beta Tag Library (10 August 2004)

Biblioteca de Etiquetas Encoded Archival Context (Contexto Archivístico Codificado) (21 November 2004)

EAC Beta XML Schema

EAC Schema Diagram (9 August 2004)

EAC Beta XML Schema (9 August 2004)

EAC Relax NG

EAC Beta Relax NG Schema (23 August 2004)

Supplementary Documentation

EAC Alpha to Beta Changes (6 October 2003 Pre-release)

FTP encoded example instances [not normative]

Also see the examples below tagged, and rendered.

EAC/ISAAR Crosswalk [not normative] final 27-30 Oct. 2003

Examples of EAC encoded documents

Below are examples of EAC encoded documents. Each is displayed in two ways: the XML structure hierarchically given; and each presented as it might be viewed. The latter presents the authority data first, as it might be viewed by the public, followed by the control information from the <eacheader>.

Note that in the Shakespeare example, the "authoritative" heading is actually last in the XML source. The stylesheet displays it as the "Used" heading by using the "authorized" attribute.

1. William Shakespeare

XML view  Public view

2. David Ben-Gurion

XML view  Public view

3. Folger Shakespeare Library

XML view  Public view

4. Sitting Bull, Chief of the Sioux

XML view  Public view

5. Ontario. Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations

XML view  Public view  Public view sans Ontario.

6. Anglo-Swedish Literary Foundation

XML view  Public view

7. Michael I. Rostovzeff

XML view  Public view

8. RMIT University

XML view  Public view

9. Working Men's College

XML view  Public view

10. The Melbourne Technical College

XML view  Public view

11. Royal Melbourne Technical College

XML view  Public view

12. Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

XML view  Public view

13. Vickers Commonwealth Steel Co. Ltd.

XML view  Public view

14. Anders Fryxell

XML view  Public view

15. Alfred B. Nobel

XML view  Public view

16. Edward Almroth Wright

XML view  Public view

17. Axel Gustafsson Oxenstierna

XML view  Public view