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Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site
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Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site

Belton v. Gebhart (Bulah v. Gebhart)
Delaware State Court, Wilmington, Delaware

Ethel Belton
Sarah Bulah
Geraldine Crumpler
Barbara Byrd Henry
Charles Hill
Lois May Johnson
Mary Johnson
Willie Spencer Robinson

Bolling v. Sharpe
U.S. District Court, Washington, D.C.

Mrs. Sarah Bolling
Spottswood Thomas Bolling
Wanamaker Von Bolling
William Briscoe
Sarah Louise Briscoe
James C. Jennings
Adrienne Jennings
Barbara Jennings
Consolidated Parent Group, Inc.

Briggs et al v. Elliott et al.
U.S. District Court, Eastern Division, Charleston, South Carolina

James Bennett
Onetha Bennett
Harry Briggs
Robert Georgia
Annie Gibson
Gilbert H. Henry
Susan Lawson
Frederick Oliver
Mary Oliver
Mose Oliver
Bennie Parson
Edward Ragin
Hazel Ragin
William Ragin
Lee Richardson
Lucrisher Richardson
Rebecca Richburg
Henry Scott
William Stukes
Gabriel Tindal

Davis v. County School Board of Prince Edward County
U.S. District Court, Richmond, Virginia

Hal Edward Allen (father)
Hal Verner Allen (son)
Margaret G. Allen (grandmother)
James Henry C. Allen (grandson)
Margaret G. Allen (mother)
Herman Alexander Allen (son)
Florence Gertrude Allen (daughter)
Thomas H. Allen (father)
Herman Wesley Allen (son)
Thelma Leola Allen (daughter)
Ellen Banks (guardian)
John Banks, Jr. (guardee)
Frankie Louise Berkeley
Eddie Bigger (father)
Virginia Bigger (daughter)
Katie H. Bigger
Leonard R. Bland (father)
Floyd M. Bland (son)
Reginald W. Bland (son)
Clara S. Booker (mother)
Blanche A. Booker (daughter)
Ronald O.F. Booker (son)
Joseph E. Booker (father)
Loretta Booker (daughter)
Carrie Brown James Brown (father)
Phillip J. Brown (son)
Nelson Carey (father)
Mary Lizzie Carey (daughter)
Anna Bell Carey (daughter)
John Davis
Rosa Bell Davis
Isaiah Dennis (father)
Adline Dennis (daughter)
Charlie Dupuy (father)
Pauline Dupuy (daughter)
Susie Earley (mother)
Bertha E. Earley (daughter)
Helen Virginia Epps (mother)
Alma D. Epps (daughter)
Helen M. Epps (daughter)
Agnes Farrar (guardian)
Walker Camp Farrar (guardee)
Alice Fowlkes (guardian)
Alexander Fowlkes (guardee)
Leroy McCormick (guardee)
Amanda Goode
Frances Goode (mother)
Willie L. Goode (son)
Katherine Goode (daughter)
Dolly M. Goode (daughter)
Harry S. Hall
Thomas Hall (guardian)
Mary E. Couch (guardee)
Elsie Hargwood (mother)
Junita Hargwood (daughter)
Virginia Harris (mother)
Ethel D. Harris (daughter)
C.W. Hicks (father)
Deloris Hicks (daughter)
Marjorie Hicks (daughter)
Inez O. Hicks
Sarah Elizabeth Hicks (mother)
Leigh Edward Hicks (son)
Mosley Jefferson (father)
Dorothy Alice Jefferson (daughter)
Carrie Irene Jefferson (daughter)
Robert Johns (father)
Barbara Rose Johns (daughter)
Joan Marie Johns (daughter)
Kate Johnson (mother)
Burnell Johnson, Jr. (son)
Jasper W. Jones (father)
Peter Jasper Jones (son)
John Paul Jones (son)
Nannie Lee (mother)
George Lee (son)
Sopophonie Miller (mother)
Mattie Jean Miller (daughter)
Herman Monroe (father)
John Monroe (son)
Harry Monroe (son)
Richard Monroe (son)
Emma H. Morton
Mary Moton
Viola W. Neal (mother)
Catherine Neal (daughter)
Lee Emmett Neal (son)
Alma Randle (mother)
Rosetta E. Randle (daughter)
Ethel L. Randle (daughter)
Martin R. Randle (son)
Silas Redd (father)
Gladys E. Redd (daughter)
Charlie Redd (son)
Nellie J. Richardson (mother)
Jeanel E. Richardson (daughter)
Anita Louise Richardson (daughter)
Pinkie Rowlette (guardian)
Reginald Rowlette (guardee)
Alice Goins (guardee)
Rowland D. Saunders (father)
Vernethia C. Saunders (daughter)
Henry Scott (father)
Henry Scott, Jr. (son)
Otis Scott (father)
John Henry Scott (son)
Walter Wallace Scott (son)
Thomas H. Scott
P.H. Shepperson (father)
Lester Shepperson (son)
Florine Shepperson (daughter)
Willie Lee Shepperson (son)
Louise Sims (mother)
Helen L. Sims (daughter)
Rebecca A. Sims (daughter)
Sallie Spencer (mother)
Mary L. Spencer (daughter)
James Spencer (son)
Alice M. Stokes (mother)
John Arthur Stokes (son)
Carrie Stokes (daughter)
Jannie Streat (mother)
Mary E. Streat (daughter)
Pattie Taylor (mother)
Dorothy L. Taylor (daughter)
W. Howard Thompson (father)
Frances Thompson (daughter)
Rachel J. Thomson (daughter)
John Townsend (father)
Mildred Junita Townsend (daughter)
Arlene Shirley Townsend (daughter)
Mary Trent (mother)
Barbara Reese Trent (daughter)
Rose Marie Trent (daughter)
Mattie Vaughan (mother)
Calvin A. Vaughan (son)
Maude E. Walker (mother)
John Junius Walker (son)
Maude Estelle Walker (daughter)
Theophilus Walker (father)
Edward Leon Walker (son)
Mabel Gertrude Walker (daughter)
John L. Watkins (father)
Stella Watkins (daughter)
John Watson, Sr. (father)
John Watson, Jr. (son)
Eva Werkler (mother)
Rosa M. Werkler (daughter)
Myrtle V. West (mother)
Metteaner S. West (son)
W.C. West (father)
Barbara Jean West (daughter)
Olivia Wiley (mother)
Ettal L. Wiley (daughter)
Frank Williams (father)
Bessie Williams (daughter)
Mildred Williams (daughter)
Louise Willis Amelia Womack (mother)
Clarence W. Womack (son)
Aubrey D. Womack (son)
Bert S. Womack (father)
Elizabeth Womack (daughter)
Leslie Woolridge

Oliver L. Brown et al v. Board of Education of Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas
U.S. District Court, Topeka, Kansas

Oliver Leon Brown
Darlene Brown
Lena M. Carper
Sadie Emmanuel
Marguerite Emmerson
Shirla Fleming
Mrs. Andrew (Zelma) Henderson
Shirley Hodison
Mrs. Richard (Maude) Lawton
Alma Lewis
Iona Richardson
Vivian Scales
Lucinda Todd

NAACP Lawyers  

Did You Know?
The national strategy to use the courts to challenge segregation in public education began with the NAACP under the leadership of attorney Charles Hamilton Houston in the 1930’s.--Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site

Last Updated: September 26, 2007 at 12:49 EST