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Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Sitebookstore
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Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site

Belton v. Gebhart (Bulah v. Gebhart)
Delaware State Court, Wilmington, Delaware

Thurgood Marshall, Chief Counsel, NAACP Legal Defense & Education Fund (LDF) (PDF, 48KB)
Louis L. Redding, DE NAACP (PDF, 45KB)
Jack Greenberg, NAACP/LDF (PDF, 65KB)

Bolling v. Sharpe
U.S. District Court, Washington, D.C.

Thurgood Marshall, Chief Counsel, NAACP/LDF (PDF, 48KB)
George E.C. Hayes, NAACP/LDF (PDF, 61KB)
Charles Hamilton Houston, independently (PDF, 41KB)
James Nabrit Jr., independently (PDF, 41KB)

Briggs et al v. Elliott et al.
U.S. District Court, Eastern Division, Charleston, South Carolina

Thurgood Marshall, Chief Counsel, NAACP/LDF (PDF, 48KB)
Robert L. Carter, NAACP/LDF (PDF, 68KB)
Harold R. Boulware, SC NAACP
Spottswood W. Robinson III, VA NAACP (PDF, 63KB)
Arthur Shores, AL NAACP A.T. Walden, GA NAACP

Davis v. County School Board of Prince Edward County
U.S. District Court, Richmond, Virginia

Thurgood Marshall, Chief Counsel, NAACP/LDF (PDF, 48KB)
Oliver W. Hill, VA NAACP (PDF, 43KB)
Spottswood Robinson III, VA NAACP (PDF, 63KB)
Robert L. Carter, NAACP/LDF (PDF, 68KB)

Oliver L. Brown et al v. Board of Education of Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas
U.S. District Court, Topeka, Kansas

Thurgood Marshall, Chief Counsel, NAACP/LDF (PDF, 48KB)
Robert L. Carter, NAACP/LDF (PDF, 68KB)
Jack Greenberg, NAACP/LDF (PDF, 65KB)
Charles Bledsoe, KS NAACP
Charles Scott, KS NAACP
John Scott, KS NAACP

Black children sitting in desks in classroom with teacher  

Did You Know?
The Brown v. Board of Education U.S. Supreme Court decision involved more than 150 plaintiffs from five states.--Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site

Last Updated: September 26, 2007 at 12:52 EST