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Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site
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Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site
Trunk Programs

Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site offers two trunk programs, Jacks, Jump Ropes and Marbles: Playground Games of the 1950's and History Hunters.

Jacks, Jump Ropes and Marbles-This activity trunk contains reproduction toys and games from 1950's America. The program is designed to make school and recess come alive for children by providing them with games and toys children used more than fifty years ago. Grades 3-6.

History Hunters- This activity trunk is designed to introduce learners to the ways that historians, archeologists, and anthropologists use primary resources to learn about the past. Students will role play by wearing costumes identifying each as an anthropologist, archeologist, or historian. Grades 3-6.

Trunk programs are available for groups of 30 students or less.

Please contact the Education Department for more information about these programs. Our phone number is (785) 354-4273 x247 or send an email be clicking here.

United States Supreme Court  

Did You Know?
The U.S. Supreme Court charged states to move with “all deliberate speed” to end segregation in public schools in 1955 in what is known as Brown II.--Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site

Last Updated: September 26, 2007 at 12:33 EST