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Volume 10, Number 11, November 2004

Topographic Changes in SARS Coronavirus–infected Cells at Late Stages of Infection

M.L. Ng,* J.W.M. Lee,* M.L.N. Leong,* A.-E. Ling,† H.-C. Tan‡ and E.E. Ooi‡
*National University of Singapore, Singapore; †Singapore General Hospital, Singapore; and ‡National Environment Agency, Singapore

Figure 7A.
Figure 7B.
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Figure 7. Vero cells infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome–associated coronavirus at 15 h after infection. A and B) When the hard tapping mode of the atomic force microscope is used, thickened cell cytoskeletal filaments are found below the subcellular surface of the cells. A) Enhanced cytoskeletal network of the cytoplasmic region (arrowhead). Arrow shows the much-thickened filaments within the pseudopodia of the cell. B) At high resolution, the arrows show the thickened cytoskeletal filaments along the cell periphery. The height and amplitude images clearly show the cytoskeletal filaments parallel to the cell edge.


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This page last reviewed October 4, 2004

Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal
National Center for Infectious Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention