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Address/Telephone Directories from Switzerland and Liechtenstein at the Library of Congress

Index: 1917-1945  1946-1960  1961-1970  1971-1985  1986-1999


Year City or Region Title Type Notes




Liste des localités

Elenco delle località


A reprint from the Official Swiss Railway Guide issued by the Postal Administration. Introductory information given in German, French, and Italian.




Administration Centrale Federale


Government and administrative offices only. Introductory information given in German and French. Listings given in German and French, first by department, then alphabetically. Also includes a list of abbreviations of departments and titles.


Canton(s): Fribourg (municipalities of Attalens, Châtel-Saint-Denis, and Rue), Geneva, Valais, Vaud (excluding municipalities of Avenches, Château-d'Œx, Combremont-le-Grand, Grandcour, Granges-près-Marnand, Montmagny, Payerne, and Rougement)

Liste des abonnés au telephone 1

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 1

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 1


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in French by town.


Canton(s): Aargau (municipality of Murgenthal), Bern (excluding municipalities of Attiswil, Grellingen, Laupen, Lengnau, Leuzigen, Niederbipp, Utzenstorf, and Wangen on the Aare), Fribourg (excluding municipalities of Attalens, Châtel-Saint-Denis, and Rue), Neuchâtel, Solothurn (municipality of Brunnenthal), Vaud (municipalities of Avenches, Château-d'Œx, Combremont-le-Grand, Grandcour, Granges-près-Marnand, Montmagny, Payerne, and Rougement)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 2

Liste des abonnés au telephone 2

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 2


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Aargau (excluding municipality of Murgenthal), Basel-City, Basel-Country, Bern (municipalities of Attiswil, Grellingen, Laupen, Lengnau, Leuzigen, Niederbipp, Utzenstorf, and Wangen on the Aare), Graubünden (municipalities of Arvigo, Mesocco, Roveredo [Mesolcina], and San Bernardino), Lucerne, Nidwalden, Obwalden, Schwyz (excluding municipalities of Einsiedeln, Lachen, Pfäffikon, Reichenburg, Siebnen, Tuggen, Unteriberg, and Vorderthal), Solothurn (excluding municipality of Brunnenthal), Ticino, Uri, Zug

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 3

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 3

Liste des abonnés au telephone 3


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town. For Ticino listings, see the yellow pages at the end of the book.


Canton(s): Schaffhausen (excluding municipalities of Ramsen and Stein am Rhein), Schwyz (municipalities of Einsiedeln, Lachen, Pfäffikon, Reichenburg, Siebnen, Tuggen, Unteriberg, and Vorderthal), St. Gallen (municipalities of Eschenbach, Goldingen, Kaltbrunn, Rapperswil, and Uznach), Thurgau (municipalities of Diessenhofen and Islikon), Zurich (excluding municipalities of Elgg, Fischenthal, Hombrechtikon, Rüti, Stammheim, and Wald)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 4

Liste des abonnés au telephone 4

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 4


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Appenzell Inner Rhodes, Appenzell Outer Rhodes, Glarus, Graubünden (excluding municipalities of Arvigo, Mesocco, Roveredo [Mesolcina], and San Bernardino), St. Gallen (excluding municipalities of Eschenbach, Goldingen, Kaltbrunn, Rapperswil, and Uznach), Thurgau (excluding municipalities of Diessenhofen and Islikon), Schaffhausen (municipalities of Ramsen and Stein am Rhein), Zurich (municipalities of Elgg, Fischenthal, Hombrechtikon, Rüti, Stammheim, and Wald).

Principality of Liechtenstein

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 5

Liste des abonnés au telephone 5

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 5


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.



Adressbuch der Schweiz et Annuaire du Commerce Suisse, Chapalay & Mottier Réunis 1962: Waren, Spezialitäten Markenartikel

Spécialités, Articles de marque

Specialità, Articoli di marca:

Répertoire français-allemand et nomenclature des articles


Org. addressbook. Introductory information given in German, French, and Italian. Listings given by profession, first in German, then in French.


Canton(s): Fribourg (municipalities of Attalens, Châtel-Saint-Denis, and Rue), Geneva, Valais, Vaud (excluding municipalities of Avenches, Château-d'Œx, Combremont-le-Grand, Grandcour, Granges-près-Marnand, Montmagny, Payerne, andRougement)

Liste des abonnés au telephone 1

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 1

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 1


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in French by town.


Canton(s): Aargau (municipality of Murgenthal), Bern (excluding municipalities of Attiswil, Grellingen, Laupen, Leuzigen, Niederbipp, Utzenstorf, and Wangen on the Aare), Fribourg (excluding municipalities of Attalens, Châtel-Saint-Denis, and Rue), Neuchâtel, Solothurn (municipality of Brunnenthal), Vaud (municipalities of Avenches, Château-d'Œx, Combremont-le-Grand, Grandcour, Granges-près-Marnand, Montmagny, Payerne, and Rougement)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 2

Liste des abonnés au telephone 2

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 2


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Aargau (excluding municipality of Murgenthal), Basel-City, Basel-Country, Bern (municipalities of Attiswil, Grellingen, Laupen, Leuzigen, Niederbipp, Utzenstorf, and Wangen on the Aare), Graubünden (municipalities of Arvigo, Mesocco, Roveredo [Mesolcina], and San Bernardino), Lucerne, Nidwalden, Obwalden, Schwyz (excluding municipalities of Einsiedeln, Lachen, Pfäffikon, Reichenburg, Siebnen, Tuggen, Unteriberg, and Vorderthal), Solothurn (excluding municipality of Brunnenthal), Ticino, Uri, Zug

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 3

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 3

Liste des abonnés au telephone 3


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town. For Ticino and Grigioni listings, see the yellow pages at the end of the book.


Canton(s): Schaffhausen (excluding municipalities of Ramsen and Stein am Rhein), Schwyz (municipalities of Einsiedeln, Lachen, Pfäffikon, Reichenburg, Siebnen, Tuggen, Unteriberg, and Vorderthal), St. Gallen (municipalities of Eschenbach, Goldingen, Kaltbrunn, Rapperswil, and Uznach), Thurgau (municipalities of Diessenhofen and Islikon), Zurich (excluding municipalities of Elgg, Fischenthal, Hombrechtikon, Rüti, Stammheim, and Wald)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 4

Liste des abonnés au telephone 4

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 4


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Appenzell Inner Rhodes, Appenzell Outer Rhodes, Glarus, Graubünden (excluding municipalities of Arvigo, Mesocco, Roveredo [Mesolcina], and San Bernardino), St. Gallen (excluding municipalities of Eschenbach, Goldingen, Kaltbrunn, Rapperswil, and Uznach), Thurgau (excluding municipalities of Diessenhofen and Islikon), Schaffhausen (municipalities of Ramsen and Stein am Rhein), Zurich (municipalities of Elgg, Fischenthal, Hombrechtikon, Rüti, Stammheim, and Wald).

Principality of Liechtenstein

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 5

Liste des abonnés au telephone 5

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 5


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Geneva (and surrounding local calling areas), Vaud (district of Lausanne [local calling area])

Liste des abonnés au telephone 1

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 1

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 1


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in French by town.


Canton(s): Fribourg (municipalities of Bulle and Fribourg), Neuchâtel (districts of La Chaux-de-Fonds and Neuchâtel), Valais (districts of Brigue, Martigny, and Sion), Vaud (districts of Aigle, Lausanne [excluding local calling area], Nyon, and Yverdon)

Liste des abonnés au telephone 2

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 2

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 2


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in French by town.


Canton(s): Bern (cities of Bern [local calling area] and Biel/Bienne [local calling area])

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 3

Liste des abonnés au telephone 3

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 3


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Bern (municipalities of Bern [excluding city of Bern], Biel/Bienne [excluding city of Biel/Bienne], Burgdorf, Delémont, Interlaken Langenthal, Langnau, Thun, and Zweisimmen), Solothurn (district of Solothurn)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 4

Liste des abonnés au telephone 4

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 4


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Basel-City, Basel-Country

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 5

Liste des abonnés au telephone 5

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 5


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Aargau (municipalities of Aarau, Baden, and Wohlen), Solothurn (district of Olten)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 6

Liste des abonnés au telephone 6

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 6


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Lucerne (districts of Lucerne and Sursee), Nidwalden, Obwalden, Schwyz (district of Schwyz), Ticino (municipalities of Bellinzona, Faido, Locarno, and Lugano), Uri (municipality of Altdorf), Zug (municipality of Zug)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 7

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 7

Liste des abonnés au telephone 7


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town. For Ticino listings, see the yellow pages at the end of the book.


Canton(s): Zurich (city of Zurich [local calling area])

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 8

Liste des abonnés au telephone 8

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 8


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Glarus (municipality of Glarus), Schaffhausen (district of Schaffhausen), Schwyz (excluding district of Schwyz), St. Gallen (municipality of Rapperswil), Zurich (excluding city of Zurich, districts of Winterthur and Zurich)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 9

Liste des abonnés au telephone 9

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 9


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Appenzell Inner Rhodes, Appenzell Outer Rhodes, Graubünden (municipalities of Chur, Davos, Ilanz, Scuol, and St. Moritz), St. Gallen (municipalities of Sargans, St. Gallen, Wattwil, and Wil), Thurgau (districts of Frauenfeld and Weinfelden).

Principality of Liechtenstein (city of Vaduz)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 10

Liste des abonnés au telephone 10

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 10


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Fribourg

Canton de Fribourg Annuaire Officiel

Staatskalender des Kantons Freiburg


Information and listings for government employees, given first in French, then in German.


Canton(s): Geneva (excluding municipality of Céligny), Vaud (district of Lausanne [local calling network])

Liste des abonnés au telephone 1

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 1

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 1


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in French by town.


Canton(s): Geneva (municipality of Céligny), Fribourg, Neuchâtel, Valais, Vaud (excluding district of Lausanne)

Liste des abonnés au telephone 2

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 2

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 2


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in French by town.


Canton(s): Bern (cities of Bern [local calling area] and Biel/Bienne [local calling area])

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 3

Liste des abonnés au telephone 3

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 3


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Bern (excluding cities of Bern and Biel/Bienne, district of Laufen)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 4

Liste des abonnés au telephone 4

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 4


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Basel-City, Basel-Country, Bern (district of Laufen), Solothurn (districts of Dorneck and Thierstein)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 5

Liste des abonnés au telephone 5

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 5


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Aargau, Solothurn (excluding districts of Dorneck and Thierstein)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 6

Liste des abonnés au telephone 6

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 6


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Graubünden (district of Moesa), Lucerne, Nidwalden, Obwalden, Schwyz (districts of Gersau, Küssnacht, and Schwyz), Ticino, Uri, Zug

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 7

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 7

Liste des abonnés au telephone 7


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town. For Ticino listings, see the yellow pages at the end of the book.


Canton(s): Zurich (city of Zurich [local calling area])

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 8

Liste des abonnés au telephone 8

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 8


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Glarus, Schaffhausen, Schwyz (districts of Einsiedeln, Höfe, and March), St. Gallen (districts of Gaster and See), Zurich (excluding city of Zurich)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 9

Liste des abonnés au telephone 9

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 9


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Appenzell Inner Rhodes, Appenzell Outer Rhodes, Graubünden (excluding district of Moesa), St. Gallen (excluding districts of Gaster and See), Thurgau.

Principality of Liechtenstein

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 10

Liste des abonnés au telephone 10

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 10


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Geneva (excluding municipality of Céligny), Vaud (district of Lausanne [local calling network])

Liste des abonnés au telephone 1

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 1

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 1


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in French by town.


Canton(s): Geneva (municipality of Céligny), Fribourg, Neuchâtel, Valais, Vaud (excluding district of Lausanne)

Liste des abonnés au telephone 2

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 2

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 2


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in French by town.


Canton(s): Bern (cities of Bern [local calling area] and Biel/Bienne [local calling area])

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 3

Liste des abonnés au telephone 3

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 3


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Bern (excluding cities of Bern and Biel/Bienne, district of Laufen)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 4

Liste des abonnés au telephone 4

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 4


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Basel-City, Basel-Country, Bern (district of Laufen), Solothurn (districts of Dorneck and Thierstein)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 5

Liste des abonnés au telephone 5

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 5


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Aargau, Solothurn (excluding districts of Dorneck and Thierstein)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 6

Liste des abonnés au telephone 6

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 6


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Graubünden (district of Moesa), Lucerne, Nidwalden, Obwalden, Schwyz (districts of Gersau, Küssnacht, and Schwyz), Ticino, Uri, Zug

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 7

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 7

Liste des abonnés au telephone 7


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town. For Ticino listings, see the yellow pages at the end of the book.


Canton(s): Zurich (city of Zurich [local calling area])

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 8

Liste des abonnés au telephone 8

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 8


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Glarus, Schaffhausen, Schwyz (districts of Einsiedeln, Höfe, and March), St. Gallen (districts of Gaster and See), Zurich (excluding city of Zurich)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 9

Liste des abonnés au telephone 9

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 9


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Appenzell Inner Rhodes, Appenzell Outer Rhodes, Graubünden (excluding district of Moesa), St. Gallen (excluding districts of Gaster and See), Thurgau.

Principality of Liechtenstein

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 10

Liste des abonnés au telephone 10

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 10


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Geneva (excluding municipality of Céligny), Vaud (district of Lausanne [local calling network])

Liste des abonnés au telephone 1

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 1

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 1


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in French by town.


Canton(s): Geneva (municipality of Céligny), Fribourg, Neuchâtel, Valais, Vaud (excluding district of Lausanne)

Liste des abonnés au telephone 2

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 2

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 2


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in French by town.


Canton(s): Bern (cities of Bern [local calling area] and Biel/Bienne [local calling area])

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 3

Liste des abonnés au telephone 3

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 3


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Bern (excluding cities of Bern and Biel/Bienne, district of Laufen)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 4

Liste des abonnés au telephone 4

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 4


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Basel-City, Basel-Country, Bern (district of Laufen), Solothurn (districts of Dorneck and Thierstein)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 5

Liste des abonnés au telephone 5

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 5


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Aargau, Solothurn (excluding districts of Dorneck and Thierstein)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 6

Liste des abonnés au telephone 6

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 6


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Graubünden (district of Moesa), Lucerne, Nidwalden, Obwalden, Schwyz (districts of Gersau, Küssnacht, and Schwyz), Ticino, Uri, Zug

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 7

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 7

Liste des abonnés au telephone 7


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town. For Ticino listings, see the yellow pages at the end of the book.


Canton(s): Zurich (city of Zurich [local calling area])

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 8

Liste des abonnés au telephone 8

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 8


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Glarus, Schaffhausen, Schwyz (districts of Einsiedeln, Höfe, and March), St. Gallen (districts of Gaster and See), Zurich (excluding city of Zurich)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 9

Liste des abonnés au telephone 9

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 9


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Appenzell Inner Rhodes, Appenzell Outer Rhodes, Graubünden (excluding district of Moesa), St. Gallen (excluding districts of Gaster and See), Thurgau.

Principality of Liechtenstein

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 10

Liste des abonnés au telephone 10

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 10


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Geneva (excluding municipality of Céligny), Vaud (district of Lausanne [local calling network])

Liste des abonnés au telephone 1

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 1

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 1


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in French by town.


Canton(s): Geneva (municipality of Céligny), Fribourg, Neuchâtel, Valais, Vaud (excluding district of Lausanne)

Liste des abonnés au telephone 2

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 2

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 2


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in French by town.


Canton(s): Bern (cities of Bern [local calling area] and Biel/Bienne [local calling area])

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 3

Liste des abonnés au telephone 3

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 3


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Bern (excluding cities of Bern and Biel/Bienne, district of Laufen)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 4

Liste des abonnés au telephone 4

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 4


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Basel-City, Basel-Country, Bern (district of Laufen), Solothurn (districts of Dorneck and Thierstein)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 5

Liste des abonnés au telephone 5

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 5


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Aargau, Solothurn (excluding districts of Dorneck and Thierstein)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 6

Liste des abonnés au telephone 6

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 6


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Graubünden (district of Moesa), Lucerne, Nidwalden, Obwalden, Schwyz (districts of Gersau, Küssnacht, and Schwyz), Ticino, Uri, Zug

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 7

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 7

Liste des abonnés au telephone 7


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town. For Ticino listings, see the yellow pages at the end of the book.


Canton(s): Zurich (city of Zurich [local calling area])

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 8

Liste des abonnés au telephone 8

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 8


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Glarus, Schaffhausen, Schwyz (districts of Einsiedeln, Höfe, and March), St. Gallen (districts of Gaster and See), Zurich (excluding city of Zurich)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 9

Liste des abonnés au telephone 9

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 9


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Appenzell Inner Rhodes, Appenzell Outer Rhodes, Graubünden (excluding district of Moesa), St. Gallen (excluding districts of Gaster and See), Thurgau.

Principality of Liechtenstein

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 10

Liste des abonnés au telephone 10

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 10


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.




Liste des téléphones

Elenco dei telefoni


Government and administrative employees only. Introductory information given in German and French. Includes a list of abbreviations of departments and titles. Listings given in German by name.


Canton(s): Bern

Telefonverzeichnis der Dienststellen in Bern

Liste des téléphones des services à Berne

Elenco dei telefoni degli uffici a Berna


Government and administrative employees only. Introductory information given in German and French. Includes a list of abbreviations of departments and titles. Listings given in German by name.


Canton(s): Geneva (excluding municipality of Céligny), Vaud (district of Lausanne [local calling network])

Liste des abonnés au telephone 1

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 1

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 1


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in French by town.


Canton(s): Geneva (municipality of Céligny), Fribourg, Neuchâtel, Valais, Vaud (excluding district of Lausanne)

Liste des abonnés au telephone 2

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 2

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 2


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in French by town. This volume also includes a list of corrections to a previous version.


Canton(s): Bern (cities of Bern and Biel/Bienne)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 3A

Liste des abonnés au telephone 3A

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 3A


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Bern (cities of Bern and Biel/Bienne)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 3B

Liste des abonnés au telephone 3B

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 3B


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German as a "yellow pages" directory.


Canton(s): Bern (excluding cities of Bern and Biel/Bienne, district of Laufen)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 4A

Liste des abonnés au telephone 4A

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 4A


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Bern (excluding cities of Bern and Biel/Bienne, district of Laufen)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 4B

Liste des abonnés au telephone 4B

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 4B


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German as a "yellow pages" directory.


Canton(s): Basel-City, Basel-Country, Bern (district of Laufen), Solothurn (districts of Dorneck and Thierstein)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 5A

Liste des abonnés au telephone 5A

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 5A


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Basel-City, Basel-Country, Bern (district of Laufen), Solothurn (districts of Dorneck and Thierstein)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 5B

Liste des abonnés au telephone 5B

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 5B


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German as a "yellow pages" directory.


Canton(s): Aargau, Solothurn (excluding districts of Dorneck and Thierstein)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 6A

Liste des abonnés au telephone 6A

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 6A


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Aargau, Solothurn (excluding districts of Dorneck and Thierstein)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 6B

Liste des abonnés au telephone 6B

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 6B


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German as a "yellow pages" directory.


Canton(s): Graubünden (district of Moesa), Lucerne, Nidwalden, Obwalden, Schwyz (districts of Gersau, Küssnacht, and Schwyz), Ticino, Uri, Zug

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 7A

Liste des abonnés au telephone 7A

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 7A


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town. For Ticino listings, see the yellow pages at the end of the book.


Canton(s): Graubünden (district of Moesa), Lucerne, Nidwalden, Obwalden, Schwyz (districts of Gersau, Küssnacht, and Schwyz), Ticino, Uri, Zug

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 7B

Liste des abonnés au telephone 7B

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 7B


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German as a "yellow pages" directory. For Ticino listings, see the yellow pages at the end of the book.


Canton(s): Zurich (city of Zurich)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 8A

Liste des abonnés au telephone 8A

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 8A


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Zurich (city of Zurich)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 8B

Liste des abonnés au telephone 8B

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 8B


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German as a "yellow pages" directory.


Canton(s): Glarus, Schaffhausen, Schwyz (districts of Einsiedeln, Höfe, and March), St. Gallen (districts of Gaster and See), Zurich (excluding city of Zurich)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 9A

Liste des abonnés au telephone 9A

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 9A


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Glarus, Schaffhausen, Schwyz (districts of Einsiedeln, Höfe, and March), St. Gallen (districts of Gaster and See), Zurich (excluding city of Zurich)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 9B

Liste des abonnés au telephone 9B

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 9B


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German as a "yellow pages" directory.


Canton(s): Appenzell Inner Rhodes, Appenzell Outer Rhodes, Graubünden (excluding district of Moesa), St. Gallen (excluding districts of Gaster and See), Thurgau.

Principality of Liechtenstein

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 10A

Liste des abonnés au telephone 10A

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 10A


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German by town.


Canton(s): Appenzell Inner Rhodes, Appenzell Outer Rhodes, Graubünden (excluding district of Moesa), St. Gallen (excluding districts of Gaster and See), Thurgau.

Principality of Liechtenstein

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 10B

Liste des abonnés au telephone 10B

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 10B


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in German as a "yellow pages" directory.


Canton(s): Geneva

Annuaire official de la République et canton de Genève


Government and administrative listings. Introductory information given in French. Listings given in French by department.


Canton(s): Geneva

Annuaire Genevois 1971: Autos


Supplement to Directory of Genevese Commerce Chapalay & Mottier and Genevese Directory. Includes list of all registered vehicles' license plate numbers and owners. Listings given numerically in French.


Canton(s): Geneva (excluding municipality of Céligny), Vaud (district of Lausanne [local calling network])

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 1A

Liste des abonnés au telephone 1A

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 1A


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in French by town.


Canton(s): Geneva (excluding municipality of Céligny), Vaud (district of Lausanne [local calling network])

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 1B

Liste des abonnés au telephone 1B

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 1B


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in French as a "yellow pages" directory.


Canton(s): Geneva (municipality of Céligny), Fribourg, Neuchâtel, Valais, Vaud (excluding district of Lausanne)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 2A

Liste des abonnés au telephone 2A

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 2A


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in French by town.


Canton(s): Geneva (municipality of Céligny), Fribourg, Neuchâtel, Valais, Vaud (excluding district of Lausanne)

Verzeichnis der Telephon-Abonnenten 2B

Liste des abonnés au telephone 2B

Elenco degli abbonati al telefono 2B


Introductory information in German, French, and Italian. Listings given in French as a "yellow pages" directory.

Index:  1917-1945  1946-1960  1961-1970  1971-1985  1986-1999

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