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2nd International Conference on SF6 and the Environment

photo collage and SF6 Emission Reduction Partnership for Electric Power Systems logo

Wyndham San Diego at Emerald Plaza
San Diego, California
November 21-22, 2002

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EPA’s SF6 Conference is held for the benefit of:

Electric Power logo
Electric Power Systems

Magnesium logo
Magnesium Industries

The papers and presentations from the conference that are currently available are provided on the conference agenda.

To access any of the lists of participants, click on “List of Presenters” or “List of Attendees.”

Photo Gallery
List of Presenters (PDF) (4 pp, 80K)
List of Attendees (PDF) (8 pp, 132K)

Day 1, Thursday, November 21, 2002

Plenary Session I

Climate Change and Collaborative Efforts
  • The Power of Voluntary Partnerships
    Michael Stenburg, Air Division, Region IX, U.S. EPA
    (Electronic version not available.)
  • What Can Ice Cores Tell Us About Climate Change
    Jeff Severinghaus, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
    (Electronic version not available.)
  • International Business and Global Climate Change
    Norine Kennedy, U.S. Council for International Business
    Paper (PDF) (8 pp, 114K), Presentation (PDF) (25 pp, 1.8MB)

Plenary Session II

Global Sales of SF6 and U.S. Emission Reduction Activities

Plenary Session III

International Activities To Reduce High GWP Emissions
  • The Australian Greenhouse Office
    Lee Eeles, Australian Greenhouse Office
    Presentation (PDF) (14 pp, 1.3MB)
  • Canada’s Action Plan 2000 for Climate Change
    Yemi Fasoyinu, Natural Resources Canada
    Paper (PDF) (13 pp, 302K), Presentation (PDF) (21 pp, 152K)
  • The Netherland’s Reduction Programme for Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases
    Ronald Flipphi, Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning, and the Environment
    Paper (PDF) (6 pp, 63K), Presentation (PDF) (16 pp, 229K)
  • Norwegian Pollution Control Authority
    Torgrim Asphjell, Norwegian Pollution Control Authority
    Paper (PDF) (5 pp, 142K), Presentation (PDF) (11 pp, 242K)
Utility Breakout Session I: Utility Sector SF6 Emissions
Magnesium Breakout Session I: Partnership Activities
  • Progress Report: EPA’s Voluntary Partnership
    Scott Bartos, U.S. EPA
    Presentation (PDF) (14 pp, 161K)
  • Partnering to Reduce GHG Emissions
    Jerry Marks, J Marks & Associates
    Presentation (PDF) (11 pp, 1MB)
  • Measured SF6 Emissions from Magnesium Die Casting Operations
    Ravi Kantamaneni, ICF Consulting
    Presentation (PDF) (18 pp, 154K)

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Day 2, Friday, November 22, 2002

Utility Breakout Session II: Present and Future Emission Reduction Options
Utility Breakout Session III: SF6 Emission Reductions & Inventory Management Case Studies
Utility Breakout Session IV: Activities In Other Countries
  • Canada: SF6 Tracking Program
    Louise Ouellet, BC Hydro and Power Authority
    Presentation (PDF) (22 pp, 1.4MB)
  • Japan: SF6 Emission Reduction From Gas Insulated Equipment
    Hiroshi Yasutake, Federal of Electric Power Companies and Masanari Meguro, Toshiba Corporation
    Paper (PDF) (6 pp, 264K), Presentation (PDF) (26 pp, 695K)
  • Norway: Voluntary Agreements with Electric Utilities
    Thor Endre, ABB
    (Electronic version not available.)
Magnesium Breakout Session II: Emission Reduction Technologies In Practice
  • Industry Laser Imaging of SF6 Emissions in Magnesium Die Casting
    Eric Treiber, Chicago White Metal Casting, Inc. and Mark Baird, Equipment Imaging & Solutions, Inc.
    Paper (PDF) (2 pp, 45K), Presentation (PDF) (23 pp, 1.2MB)
Magnesium Breakout Session III: Cover Gas Alternatives to SF6
  • Sulfuryl Fluoride (SO2F2): An Alternative to SF6 for Blanketing in the Mg Industry
    J. Peter Hobbs, Halide Group, Inc.
    Presentation (PDF) (34 pp, 206K)
  • The International Program to Identify Alternatives to SF6 for Magnesium Melt Protection
    James Hillis, Noranda Magnesium
    Paper (PDF) (11 pp, 303K), Presentation (PDF) (28 pp, 2.2MB)
  • Development of 3M Novec 612 Magnesium Protection Fluid as a Substitute for SF6 Over Molten Magnesium
    Dean Milbrath, 3M Performance Materials Division
    Paper (PDF) (11 pp, 222K), Presentation (PDF) (29 pp, 569K)
  • Environmental Implications of Using HFC-134a as a Replacement for SF6 in the Magnesium Industry
    Nigel Ricketts, Cooperative Research Centre for Cast Metals Manufacturing
    Presentation (PDF) (14 pp, 241K)
Magnesium Breakout Session IV: Corporate Perspectives

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