FDA Talk Paper


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T01-52 Print Media: 301-827-6242
October 31, 2001 Consumer Inquiries: 888-INFO-FDA


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today is advising consumers and health care providers about significant changes to the Accutane risk management program for pregnancy prevention. The new program is called S.M.A.R.T. (System to Manage Accutane Related Teratogenicity). S.M.A.R.T. was developed in consultation with FDA by Accutane's manufacturer, Roche Laboratories. The program is designed to enhance the safe and appropriate use of Accutane by strengthening the existing Accutane Pregnancy Prevention Program (PPP), a comprehensive patient education program.

Accutane is approved to treat the most serious form of acne. This form of acne is painful, permanently disfiguring, and does not respond to other acne treatments. Accutane is very effective, but its use carries significant potential risks, including birth defects and even fetal death.

In recent years, as more women have been receiving prescriptions for Accutane, the risk that pregnant women may be inappropriately using the drug has increased. On September 18, 2000, the FDA held a meeting of its Dermatologic and Ophthalmic Drugs Advisory Committee to discuss what additional measures might help prevent exposure of unborn babies to Accutane.

The S.M.A.R.T. program was developed to address the two main goals identified at this meeting:

1) no woman should begin Accutane therapy if she is pregnant; and 2) no pregnancies should occur while a woman is taking Accutane. S.M.A.R.T. involves Accutane prescribers, patients, and pharmacists in a partnership to prevent fetal exposure. The risk management components are described fully within the boxed Contraindications and Warnings (Black Box) and the Precautions sections of the Accutane package insert, which provides prescribing information for healthcare professionals.

The S.M.A.R.T. program requires the following:

To measure the effectiveness of the S.M.A.R.T. program, Roche will use several independent outcome assessment approaches. These include the Accutane Survey, conducted by the Slone Epidemiology Unit of Boston University School of Public Health, and an independent audit of pharmacies to assess the use of Accutane Qualification Stickers by prescribers. Prescribers, patients, and pharmacists all must participate fully in these critically important measures to ensure that fetal exposure to this potent teratogen does not occur.

Exposure of an unborn baby to Accutane is a serious adverse event and should be reported to Roche, or directly to the FDA MedWatch Program. The contacts are as follows: Roche Medical Services 1-800-526-6367, FDA MedWatch program 1-800-FDA-1088. MedWatch can also be accessed via the Internet at www.fda.gov/medwatch/index.html.


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