United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

VA Puget Sound

For Clinicians



  Resources for Information and Locating Cancer Clinical Trials
  Cold Injury: Diagnosis and Management of Long Term Sequelae
  Clinical Guidelines for Management of Diabetes Mellitus (DM)
  Patient Education and Family Materials for Geriatric

For Providers

Practical information for medical, nursing, and pharmacy staff for the treatment and care of patients.

Anesthesiology Service
  Cancer Professional Information
  Deployment Health Clinical Center
  National Cancer Institute/Veterans Affairs Agreement on Clinical Trials
  National Formulary
  Pain Management
  Pharmacy Guidelines
  VA Hepatitis C Program
  VA HIV/AIDS Program
  VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guidelines
Clinical Resources
  For Nurses
  For Residents

  Educational Opportunities, Fellowships, Graduate Programs and Residencies
Other Interesting Links
  MS Centers of Excellence
  Center of Excellence for Limb Loss Prevention and Prosthetic Engineering
  Resident Supervision