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EPA is one of many organizations harnessing the power of innovation to improve environmental results. From market-based incentives to collaborative partnerships to advanced technologies, this website provides a window into some of the most important changes that are shaping a new generation of environmental policy.
EPA's Innovation Strategy
Innovating for Better Environmental Results 2004

Innovation in the News

New EPA Guide to Help Businesses Confront Climate Challenge

EPA is releasing a new resource, A Business Guide to U.S. EPA Climate Partnership Programs, for businesses committed to addressing the risks and opportunities associated with climate change.  More...

Industry Makes Green While Going Green

Major manufacturing and business sectors are improving environmental performance to cut waste, improve economic competitiveness and gain other important benefits. Steel recycling in the United States reached an all-time high in 2005. Chemical manufacturers cut air emissions in half from 1995 to 2006. During the same decade, cement manufacturers reduced their waste per unit of production by one quarter. These environmental trends are highlighted in a new EPA report released today on some of the nation's most important economic sectors. More...

42 New Performance Track Members Set Environmental Improvement Goals Going Above and Beyond Environmental Regulations Dallas First Major City to Join

The City of Dallas, facilities from Intel Corporation and John Deere, and Dyess and Barksdale Air Force Bases in Texas and Louisiana are among the 42 new members setting goals to go above and beyond environmental requirements as part of EPA’s National Environmental Performance Track Program. More...

New Strategy to Help the Nation's Ports Go Green

EPA has unveiled a new plan of action for working with public port authorities and other interested groups to reduce the environmental impacts of moving goods through ports. The "Vision, Mission, and Strategy for Sustainable Ports" recognizes the steady growth in global maritime commerce and the critical role American ports and related transportation and supply chain partners play in managing the environmental impacts of moving goods across the country. More...



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Innovation Highlights

State Innovation Grant Program Results Report - Executive Summary (January 2008) (PDF) (6 pp, 84K)

2008 Symposium on Innovating for Sustainable Results: Integrated Approaches to Climate, Energy, and the Environment

NCEI 2005-2006 Report on Progress (PDF) (437 K, 6 pp, About PDF)

Environmental Stewardship Website

ERP States Results 2007 Report - Executive Summary (PDF) (437 K, 6 pp, About PDF)

Featured Innovation — Community Action for a Renewed Environment (CARE)

New Resource on Collaborative Problem Solving

2008 State Innovation Grants Competition

Policy Reports on Creating The Next Generation of Environmental Protection

Recent Publications

Environmental Innovation Portfolio

NCEI 2004 Report on Progress (PDF) (36 pp, 1.16MB)

Innovation Forums
Environmental Policy Forums

State-EPA Environmental Innovation Symposia

2006 Air Innovations Conference Exit Disclaimer

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