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Protecting Children's Health

Local Children's Health Information

Local Children's Health Resources

Protecting Children from Lead in Drinking Water at Schools and Child Care Centers. ( en Español )

Healthy Homes, Schools and Play Areas

Clean School Bus Program

Protecting our youngest and most sensitive citizens is a top priority. Today there are nearly 9 million children in EPA Region 2, and the numbers are increasing.  Children are at greater risk than their parents to toxic environmental pollutants.  They face numerous environmental threats to their health and development. Proportionately they breathe more air, drink more water, and eat more food, pound for pound. They also have behavior patterns and natural curiosity that can put them in harms way, which can increase their exposure to pollutants. Additionally, their bodily systems are still developing, and they are less able to metabolize, detoxify and excrete these pollutants than adults.

EPA Children's Health Pages, Resources and Contacts

National EPA Office of Children's Health Protection Web site
This Web site is a national source for the latest information on protecting children from environmental hazards.  The site details recent EPA activities in the field of Children's Health, and provides links to over 50 organizations and other government agencies working on behalf of children.

Non-EPA Children's Health Pages Exit EPA disclaimer

The Children's Environmental Health Network
The Children's Environmental Health Network's Web site provides information on many aspects of children's environmental health, as well as links to sources of information and resources in the field.  

Children's Health Insurance
Many parents are unable to afford health insurance for their children.   However, each State runs a special program that helps families get low-cost or free health insurance for their children through18 years of age.  More detailed information about specific programs in New York and New Jersey are available online.

Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances: Protecting Our Children
This Web site presents various documents that discuss how to protect children from toxins, lead, the sun, and other potential environmental health threats.

Healthy School Environments
The Healthy School Environments Web pages are intended to serve as a gateway to on-line resources to help facility managers, school administrators, architects, design engineers, school nurses, parents, teachers and staff address environmental health issues in schools.

K-12 Guidance Manuals
The Healthy School Environments Web pages are intended to serve as a gateway to on-line resources to help facility managers, school administrators, architects, design engineers, school nurses, parents, teachers and staff address environmental health issues in schools.

Key Potential Violations of Federal EPA Regulations at K-12 Schools
In order to promote environmental compliance, EPA Region 2 has developed a list of key potential violations of federal EPA regulations at K-12 schools.

Fish consumption advisory for mothers and children
The Food and Drug Administration and the EPA have isued a unified consumer advisory on mercury in fish and shellfish. The new fish consumption guidelines are for young children, nursing mothers, pregnant women, and women who may become pregnant. This revises and unifies advice from FDA and EPA and supersedes FDA's 2001 advisory.


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