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Managing Wastes: RCRA and OPA Enforcement and Compliance

RCRA and OPA Enforcement and Compliance Programs and Initiatives
Hazardous Waste Complaints

ROECB State and Program Coordinators

Office of Solid Waste's Hazardous Waste Index
Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement (CM&E) OPA Program Coordinator Environmental Data on the Internet
RCRA Enforcement and Compliance Assistance Contacts Compliance Assistance/Public Outreach Compliance Assistance Links
EPA Program Offices Compliance Assistance Documents Legislative Resources
BRS: Biennial Reporting System
Environmental and Technical Recourses Envirofacts


One goal of the RCRA and OPA Enforcement and Compliance Branch (ROECB) is to ensure an ever increasing level of compliance within the regulated community and to discourage non-compliant behavior through the use of formal enforcement actions and penalty assessments. In accordance with the time frames described in the revised Enforcement Response Policy (ERP), the ROECB and authorized States initiate appropriate enforcement action and assess penalties against RCRA violators. The compliance monitoring and enforcement program is designed to ensure compliance with mandatory inspections and HSWA requirements, in particular, the land disposal ban. Since state authorization is not available for Oil Pollution Act (OPA), ROECB manages all enforcement for this statute.


Public Notices



Administrative Orders

Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement (CM&E) Oversight

The Region 4 ROECB has a designated State Coordinator for each of its eight state RCRA programs and a designated programs contact for OPA. The designated State Coordinator is the point of contact for oversight of compliance monitoring and enforcement activities in their respective states. Listed in the table below are the names, telephone numbers and E-mail addresses for the Region 4 RCRA State Coordinators and OPA Program Coordinator.


RCRA and OPA Enforcement and Compliance State Coordinators

The personnel identified below can provide information and/or technical assistance regarding implementation of the RCRA Enforcement and Compliance Monitoring Program in the listed authorized states. Identified in the table below are the names of the state coordinators, their telephone numbers and E-mail addresses along with a link to the state program website.

RCRA and OPA Enforcement and Compliance Branch State Program Coordinators:


ROECB State Coordinator


E-mail Address


Brian Gross

404 562-8604



Alan Annicella

404 562-8597



Parvez Mallick

404 562-8594



Bill Kappler

404 562-8498



Lonnie Jenkins

404 562-8532


North Carolina

Nancy McKee

404 562-8674


South Carolina

Alan Newman

404 562-8589



Hector Danois

404 562-8556


OPA Program Coordinator:

Region 4 (All States)

OPA Coordinator


E-mail Address

Oil Pollution Act (OPA)

Jacqueline Jack

404 562-8480



CM&E Oversight and State Authorization

At different levels, each of the eight Region 4 states have received final authorization to carry out certain portions of RCRA, in lieu of the federal program. Each state environmental program is charged with the statutory duty of enforcing the laws of the State relating to hazardous waste management in that state. Although EPA has granted these States authority to enforce their own hazardous waste program, EPA retains jurisdiction and authority to initiate an independent enforcement action, pursuant to Section 3008(a) of RCRA. The authority by EPA is established in a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between EPA and the various state programs.

EPA and each state enter into a grant work agreement which specifies the State's program and performance goals while implementing the state hazardous waste program instead of the federal program. EPA is required to review the States' performance toward completing the goals agreed to in the State grant work agreement. EPA must determine if the State has met its commitments for performing inspections and record reviews, and whether the State has been successful in bringing the regulated community into compliance. Further, EPA must also determine whether the enforcement actions taken by the state have been timely and appropriate.

Corrective Action

Another RCRA goal is the implementation of the corrective action program in a manner that ensures that remediation occurs as necessary to protect human health and the environment where releases of hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents from treatment, storage and disposal facilities have occurred. To the extent possible, corrective action activities are integrated with permitting activities and enforcement actions taken under RCRA Section 3008(h) authority. The corrective action program's main focus is identifying and remedying releases at facilities which pose the greatest threat to human health and the environment.


Compliance Assistance/Public Outreach

EPA and the authorized state programs have been charged with the responsibility of making available technical information necessary to ensure the proper management of hazardous waste. The regulatory agencies provide technical information to the public and regulated community in varying degrees and various appropriate methods. The methods include but are not limited to training programs, workshops, regulatory determinations, technical assistance, informal public meetings, and in some instances directing pollution prevention facility inspections.

RCRA Enforcement and Compliance Assistance Contacts

The RCRA personnel identified below can provide technical assistance in the listed industrial sectors. Identified in the table below are their names, telephone numbers and E-mail addresses along with their areas of expertise.

Compliance Assistance Contacts
Industrial Sector Name Phone E-mail Address
Air Emissions Larry Lamberth 404 562-8590 lamberth.larry@epa.gov
Automotive Repair Kris Lippert 404 562-8605 lippert.kristin@epa.gov
Battery Reclamation Act Kris Lippert 404 562-8605 lippert.kristin@epa.gov
Criminal Cases Larry Lamberth 404 562-8571 lamberth.larry@epa.gov
Delisting Kris Lippert 404 562-8605 lippert.kristin@epa.gov
Import/Export Stanley Tam 404 562-8577 tam.stanley @epa.gov
Land Ban Regulation Javier Garcia
404 562-8616
Metal Finishing Larry Lamberth 404 562-8590 lamberth.larry@epa.gov
Mineral Processing Alan Annicella
Bethany Russell
404 562-8597


Munitions Rule Bill Kappler 404 562-8498 kappler.william @epa.gov
Off-Site Rule for CERCLA Waste (Subtitle C & D)

Alan Newman
Edmond Burks

404 562-8589
404 562-8587

newman.alan @epa.gov

Oil Pollution Act Jacq Marie Jack 404 562-8480 jack.jacq@epa.gov
Outdoor Shooting Range Bill Kappler 404 562-8498 kappler.william@epa.gov
Pharmaceuticals Bill Kappler 404 562-8498 kappler.william@epa.gov
RCRA Corrective Action John Kroske
404 562-8613
Salvage Yards Randy Jackson 404 562-8464 jackson.randy@epa.gov
Solid Waste Definition Edmond Burks 404 562-8587 burks.edmond@epa.gov
Used Oil Kris Lippert 404 562-8605 lippert.kristin@epa.gov
Universal Waste Bill Kappler 404 562-8498 kappler.william@epa.gov
Wood Treating John Kroske
404 562-8613


Compliance Assistance Documents

Subpart CC Compliance Assistance:
(Adobe PDF Reader Required)

Compliance Assistance Links

U.S.Environmental Protection Agency Office of Solid Waste
You may choose from areas in the Office Solid Waste: Basic Facts about Solid Waste; Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Waste; Generate and Transport Waste; Treat, Store, and Dispose of Waste, and Waste Cleanup. You may also select from the following areas: About the Office of Solid Waste - Mission Statement ; Topics - Hazardous Waste RCRA Subtitle C Index; Publications; Data and Applications; Information Services, Hotlines, and Information Sources; Laws and Regulations; Students and Teachers

CCAR-GreenLink® exit EPA disclaimer
CCAR-GreenLink®, a service of CCAR®, is a multimedia national environmental information center offering automotive technicians and educators and automotive small business owners quick access to important information on a variety of environmental issues these professionals encounter in their daily work. The Center's mainstay is an Internet Web site

The National Metal Finishing Resource Center exit EPA disclaimer
The Resource Center was established under a program jointly funded by the Commerce Department's National Institute of Standards and Technology and the US Environmental Protection Agency. Industry partners are the American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society (AESF), the National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS), the National Association of Metal Finishers (NAMF), and the Metal Finishing Suppliers'Association (MFSA). The Pollution Prevention Roundtable is also a project participant.

Printers National Environmental Assistance Center: exit EPA disclaimer
EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance and Pollution Prevention Policy Staff have partnered with industry and environmental experts to develop this environmental assistance center for the printing industry which includes compliance assistance and P2 information. This is a communications-based center linking trade, governmental, and university service providers to efficiently provide the most current and complete compliance assistance and pollution prevention information to the printing industry. The project's staff are located within the partnering organizations.

EPA's RCRA, Superfund & EPCRA Hotline Training Modules
Although the Hotline has been discontinued, the training modules are still available.  The Hotline developed modules as training tools for Hotline Information Specialists. Each module provides a general overview of a specific regulatory topic and contains an introduction, regulatory summary, and a regulatory developments section. These modules are useful resources for people wishing to gain a general understanding of RCRA, Superfund, and EPCRA topic areas. However, the modules are not comprehensive sources of information on the regulations. For specific questions, please consult the Code of Federal Regulations.

EPA's Office of Enforcement & Compliance Assurance
The EPA's Office of Enforcement & Compliance Assurance has developed a series of profiles or notebooks containing information on selected major industrial groups. These notebooks, which focus on key indicators that holistically present air, water, and land pollutant release data, have been thoroughly reviewed by experts from both inside and outside the EPA. Each sector-specific notebook brings you comprehensive, well-researched details gathered for the first time in a single source.

EPA's Office of Air & Radiation
U.S. Auto Assembly Plants and Their Communities: Environmental, Economic, and Demographic Profile December 1997 This document presents environmental, economic, and demographic information about automobile assembly plants in the United States on both an industry-wide and individual plant basis. It was prepared by a diverse group of stakeholders as part of EPA's Common Sense Initiative for the Automobile Manufacturing Sector. The report compiles publicly-available data and presents profiles of auto assembly plants and their communities for the period 1991-1994. The report also describes lessons learned in compiling the data and makes recommendations for improving the accessibility and use of key data sources.

Published Search&REG exit EPA disclaimer
Published Searches are bibliographies which provide the most current research data available from both the US government and worldwide sources. These bibliographies allow you to quickly receive information without having to go "online" yourself. A staff of trained information specialists continually review and choose new topics Each Published Search contains the 50-250 latest abstracts of reports and studies on a given topic. An emphasis is placed on (but not limited to) scientific, technical, and engineering information.

EPA's Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse
The Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse (PPIC) is a free, nonregulatory service of the US EPA dedicated to reducing or eliminating industrial pollutants through technology transfer, education, and public awareness. PPIC professionals help maintain EPA's Pollution Prevention Home Page, answer questions, take orders for documents distributed by PPIC, refer callers to appropriate contacts, and distribute selected EPA documents, pamphlets, information packets, and factsheets on pollution prevention free of charge. The pollution prevention special collection includes pollution prevention training materials, conference proceedings, periodicals, and federal and state government publications. It can be accessed in the OPPT Chemical Library, Room NEB606, or through the Online Library System (OLS).

EPA Program Offices

National Enforcement Training Institute's Homepage
The Institute's Homepage contains information regarding Catalog and Schedule of NETI Courses, Download and Order Training Materials, On-line Course Registration and Info, Links to Other Training Pages New Release: "Environmental Statute Review Course" CD-ROM, and NETI Course Catalog

Office of Environmental Justice
The Office of Environmental Justice (OEJ) was established in November 1992 with a broad mandate to serve as a focal point for ensuring that communities comprised predominately of people of color or low income populations receive protection under environmental laws. The Office is charged with providing oversight on these concerns to all parts of the Agency. This involves reviewing how the Agency conducts its business and recommending changes where necessary. The Office works closely with the other elements of OECA to ensure that enforcement and compliance assurance address environmental justice concerns and that these activities are coordinated to more effectively address the needs of impacted communities. OEJ is an independent staff office reporting through the principal Deputy Assistant Administrator to the Assistant Administrator. It advises the Administrator on the impact of environmental risks, programs, regulations and legislation on socioeconomically disadvantaged

Office of Solid Waste (OSW)
The EPA Office of Solid Waste (OSW) manages two major national information systems to support the RCRA Subtitle C Hazardous Waste program: RCRIS and BRS. Further, OSW maintains the RCRA Online database which is designed to enable users to locate documents that cover a wide range of RCRA issues and topics.

OSW also offers SW-846 On-line Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste Physical/Chemical Methods
SW-846 contains over 200 documents, including the Table of Contents, Disclaimer, Preface, Chapters One through Thirteen, and many different methods for the sampling and analysis of wastes. All of the documents found in the Third Edition of SW-846, as updated by Updates I, II, IIA, IIB, and III, are located at this site. The SW-846 documents found at this site are complete copies of the published versions and thus include all figures and tables. The files are retrievable in the Portable Document Format (PDF).

Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics
The Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 and Toxics describes the law and related policy statements that have influenced the implementation of pollution prevention in the Agency. Additional information on case studies, technical assistance programs and a 1997 national report is also described. What's New? shows announcements of new publications, Federal Register notices, conferences, training and the current edition of the P2 News newsletter which contains a variety of information about state, industry and EPA P2 activities. The term ''source reduction'' means any practice which - (i) reduces the amount of any hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant entering any waste stream or otherwise released into the environment (including fugitive emissions) prior to recycling, treatment, or disposal; and (ii) reduces the hazards to public health and the environment associated with the release of such substances, pollutants, or contaminants. The term includes equipment or technology modifications, process or procedure modifications, reformulation or redesign of products, substitution of raw materials, and improvements in housekeeping, maintenance, training, or inventory control. The term ''source reduction'' does not include any practice which alters the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics or the volume of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant through a process or activity which itself is not integral to and necessary for the production of a product or the providing of a service.

Office of the Small Business Ombudsman
Established in 1982, the Office of the Small Business Ombudsman (SBO) serves as an effective conduit for small businesses to access EPA and facilitates communications between the small business community and the Agency. The Office reviews and resolves disputes with EPA and works with EPA personnel to increase their understanding of small businesses in the development and enforcement of environmental regulations. The SBO's primary customer group is the nation's small business community. Significant secondary customer groups include state and EPA regional small business ombudsmen and national trade associations serving small businesses.

Environmental Data on the Internet:

EPA Office of Solid Waste (OSW)
The EPA Office of Solid Waste (OSW) manages two major national information systems to support the RCRA Subtitle C Hazardous Waste program:

RCRAInfo (User ID and Password Required)
RCRAInfo is a national program management and inventory system of RCRA hazardous waste handlers. Handlers can be characterized as fitting one or more of the following categories: Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities (TSDs) Large Quantity Generators (LQGs) Small Quantity Generators (SQGs) Transporters. RCRAInfo captures identification and location data for all handlers and a wide range of information on TSDs regarding permit/closure status, compliance with Federal and State regulations, and cleanup activities. OSW provides the follow information from RCRAInfo: List of Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities (TSDs) List of Handlers with Corrective Action Activity List of RCRA Regulated Handlers (by state).

BRS: Biennial Reporting System
The Biennial Reporting System (BRS) is a national system that collects data on the generation, management, and minimization of hazardous waste. BRS captures detailed data on the generation of hazardous waste from large quantity generators and data on waste management practices from treatment, storage and disposal facilities. These data are collected every other year and provide the ability to perform trend analyses. The data is reported by the facilities to EPA on even years about the hazardous waste activities of the previous year. EPA produces a report on hazardous waste generation and management activity that is provided here with the data files.

Envirofacts Warehouse
The Envirofacts Warehouse allows you to retrieve environmental information from EPA databases on Superfund sites, drinking water, toxic and air releases, hazardous waste, water discharge permits, and grants information. Use online queries to retrieve data or generate maps of environmental information by choosing from several mapping applications available through EPA's Maps On Demand. The Envirofacts Warehouse currently provides access to data from seven EPA environmental databases. Envirofacts also includes two 'cross-reference' databases: the Facility Index System and the Master Chemical Integrator. Spatial data information is available through EPA's Locational Data Improvement Project, EPA's Spatial Data Library and the Locational Reference Tables. The Envirofacts Warehouse offers a search option to locate text within metadata pages.

A National Research Center on Statistics and the Environment
Learn about the air quality, water quality, drinking water safety, hazardous wastes or toxic releases in communities by making "one-stop" on the CEIS Web site, to get an environmental profile report. You can also learn about the quality of the data in these reports. Quickly make a detailed map showing the sources of pollution in your community of choice. You can also learn about the types and amounts of pollutants that have been released in the community; browse through our digital library of environmental quality reports and maps describing conditions in cities, states, the nation and other countries. You can electronically search through dozens of these reports to get information on a specific place or topic.

The National Technical Information Service
exit EPA disclaimer
The National Technical Information Service offers information collections and datafiles directly on the Web as fee based subscriptions.

The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI)
The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI), published by the US EPA, is a valuable source of information about toxic chemicals that are being used, manufactured, treated, transported, or released into the environment. Using this information, citizens, businesses, and governments can work together to protect the quality of their land, air and water. The TRI Information Kit is a publication containing the basic information about TRI. This Kit is available free of charge, while supplies last, from the EPA National Center for Environmental Publications and Information (NCEPI). You can request a copy of the TRI Information Kit (document control number: EPA 749-K-98-001) via regular mail, telephone, fax, or online.

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Online (RCRA Online)
RCRA Online indexes and provides public access to regulatory materials supporting the Agency's actions under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, as amended. The Center also disseminates current technical and non-technical Office of Solid Waste publications. Contents of the RIC include background and technical documents pertinent to each stage of rulemaking; public comments on regulatory issues; transcripts of public hearings; correspondence; EPA meeting summaries; RCRA Federal Register notices; administrative records; Health and Environmental Effects Profiles (HEEPs); Health and Environmental Effects Documents (HEEDs); the RCRA Permit Policy Compendium; Regulatory Interpretation Letters (RILs), listing background documents for the RCRA waste codes; Office of Solid Waste publications (including booklets, brochures, fact sheets, guidance, and technical reports); Office of Solid Waste memoranda; rulemaking petitions; and an historical collection of Office of Solid Waste publications.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) exit EPA disclaimer
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Environmental Information Services, ESDIM Program. The ESDIM Program supports data and information management projects NOAA wide to maintain data continuity and quality, improve access to NOAA data, and to rescue data at risk of being lost. NOAA data includes the latest GOES images of the US, the latest weather reports for the US, pictures of Hurricane Emily hitting the Outer Banks, studies of solar terrestrial physics, information on marine biology from the National Marine Fisheries Service, sea surface temperatures from Coast Watch images, weather in space, and many other things. NOAA data are used in a variety of ways. Examples on what you can do with data from NOAA can be found in the following documents. Meteorology/weather data, information and products Oceanography data, information and products Satellite imagery and products. NOAA's largest sources of archived data are available at the following national data centers: National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) , National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) , National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC), NOAA National Data Centers' Online Store . NOAA Environmental Information Services provides information about organizations, on-line systems, data sets, and other products available from NOAA from the data centers and other NOAA data providers.

National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service exit EPA disclaimer
The National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information provides access to the following data sets; National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) Home Page. Environmental Information Services, National Oceanographic Data, Center National Climatic Data, Center National Geophysical Data Center, Office of Satellite Operations ,Office of Satellite Data Processing and Distribution Office of Research and Applications, Office of Systems Development, and NPOESS Integrated Program Office

Environmental and Technical Resources:

The National Technical Information Service exit EPA disclaimer
The National Technical Information Service is the official source for government-sponsored US and worldwide scientific, technical, engineering, and business-related information. a nonappropriated agency of the US Department of Commerce's Technology Administration, NTIS offers information collections and datafiles directly on the Web as fee based subscriptions. NTIS acquires information from . . . more than 200 US government agencies including The Department of Agriculture The Department of Commerce The Department of Defense The Department of Education The Environmental Protection Agency The Department of Health and Human Services The Department of Housing and Urban Development The Department of Interior The Department of State The Department of Treasury The Department of Transportation The Department of Veterans Affairs numerous international government departments and other international organizations including those from Canada Japan the former Soviet Union Western and former Eastern European countries.

Environmental Education and Communication Resources exit EPA disclaimer
This is a collection of environmental education and communication (EE&C) resources. It contains 2700 items which were collected by the GreenCOM Project and the North American Association for Environmental Education. The collection includes curricula, handbooks, standards, monographs, case studies, reports, periodicals and newsletters, and sample materials such as games, posters, videos, and computer software with environmental themes.

Government Information Xchange exit EPA disclaimer
Government Information Xchange is provided by the Center for Emerging Technologies within the Federal Technology Service, General Services Administration. The latest service offerings.

Small Business Environmental Home Page exit EPA disclaimer
The CTC, Small Business Environmental Home Page contains information compliance assistance information about EPA Initiatives/Policies Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Act of 1996 (SBREFA) Compliance Assistance Regulatory Updates What's New? Regulatory Calendar Summaries of Major Environmental Laws/Regulations and EPA Links Links to State Environmental Agencies and Small Business as well as links, publications, videos, events, and news. CTC is an independent nonprofit Equal Opportunity Employer, is classified as a Section 501(c)(3) organization under the Internal Revenue Code, and is recognized as a publicly supported organization. Individuals, corporations, companies, associations, and foundations are eligible to support the work of CTC.

United States Office of Personnel Management exit EPA disclaimer
United States Office of Personnel Management is the Federal Government's Human Resources Agency. This link will direct you to the OPM Topic Index where you can locate information on issues ranging from, federal personnel policies, federal agencies recruitment, development and utilization of employees, job advancement opportunities within the federal government for disabled veterans, dislocated and surplus employees, cost effective retirement, health benefit, and life insurance services to federal employees, and annuitants.

FedWorld Information Network
exit EPA disclaimer
Search Web Pages On The FedWorld Information Network. File, Jobs and Web Databases Updated Daily. Search For US Government Reports, General Information Services, FedWorld Hosted Web Sites, US Government Web Sites, and US Government Information Servers using the The Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval/US Business Advisor govbot database. You can also search view a list of predefined searches by category .

Amazing Environmental Organization WebDirectory exit EPA disclaimer
The Amazing Environmental Organization Web Directory! is the result of a group of hard working people dedicated to helping others keep in touch and informed on the World Wide Web. With thousands of sites, it is the largest exclusively environmental organization directory on the Web and includes sites from over 100 countries.

Legislative Resources:

US House of Representatives exit EPA disclaimer
US House of Representatives, House Operations, House Directory, Member Offices, Committee Offices, Leadership Offices, and Other House Organizations, Commissions, and Task Forces Media Galleries

The US Senate exit EPA disclaimer
Congressional Record (via GPO Access), Standing Rules of the Senate (Full Text), Senate Roll Call Votes, Senate Legislative Calendar, Executive Calendar, Committee Actions, Communications, Measures, Nominations, and Treaties The reports on this page are extracted from the Senate's legislative information system. Other Senate legislative information is also available from the Government Printing Office's GPO Access service.

Report Improper Management of Hazardous Waste ( Complaints):

The RCRA and OPA Enforcement and Compliance Branch encourages individuals to notify us in the event they witness, or know of, any hazardous waste disposal or other hazard waste mismanagement occurring with in Region 4 states. Electronic notification can be made by visiting Citizens Tips and Complaints.


Written notification can be made to Caroline Y. F. Robinson , Branch Chief at the following address:


RCRA and OPA Enforcement and Compliance Branch
RCRA Division
US EPA, Region 4
Atlanta Federal Center
61 Forsyth Street, SW
Atlanta, Georgia 30303


Notifications can also be directed to the appropriate ROECB State Coordinator by telephone, E-mail, or in writing to the same address. Anonymity will be respected in your disclosure of RCRA violations. The main Branch telephone number is (404) 562-8579.

For information about the contents of this page please contact Quantindra Smith

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