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Why is EPA involved with agriculture?

National Agriculture Information


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is committed to protecting the Nation’s food, water, land and air for generations to come. These are goals that are important to American farmers, as well.  

Photo of Auburn University researchers and EPA Region 4 employees

Auburn University and EPA employees tour a farm where EPA Region 4 non-point source funds were used to implement conservation practices for cattle.

EPA Region 4's Regional Strategy for Agriculture (PDF) (13 pp, 220K, About PDF) provides coordination with EPA’s National Strategy for Agriculture. The Region 4 strategy summarizes the Region’s priority activities related to agriculture and describes the Region’s approach for working in cooperation and collaboration with agricultural interests to:

Agriculture is a vital part of the economy, culture, and history of the Southeast. Farmers and ranchers provide food, feed, fiber, and some fuel using plants, animals and their by-products.  Statistics for Region 4 compiled from the U.S. Department of Agriculture 2002 Census of Agriculture show that:

Region 4’s Commitment to Work with Agriculture

EPA Region 4’s vision is to work with agricultural interests, other federal agencies, states, tribes, and others to achieve continual environmental improvement and promote the sustainable and economically viable production of safe, abundant supplies of food, fiber, and energy products.

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Agriculture Contacts

Person Telephone
Agriculture Policy and Agriculture Issues
Denise Tennessee
Agriculture-Water Issues
Duane Robertson
Air Emissions
Ken Mitchell
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) Enforcement
David Parker
CAFO Permitting
Sam Sampath
Non-point Source
Pollution Control
Mark Nuhfer
Lora Lee Schroeder
Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act (RCRA)
Thornell Cheeks

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