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ENERGY STAR Change A Light Radio PSAs — English

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Audio Radio PSA #1. (472KB, 30 sec, MP3)

Ever think of light bulbs as being cool? They are if you choose energy-efficient bulbs and fixtures that have earned the government's ENERGY STAR label. They’re so hot, they’re cool. Because they burn cool and last up to ten times longer, you save money and oodles of energy. Change a light, help the environment, save some green. The solution is as close as your nearest lamp socket. Brighten your environmental future. From the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Audio Radio PSA #2. (472KB, 30 sec, MP3)

You can save money and help the environment without taking a vow of poverty. How does that work? By choosing ENERGY STAR-qualified lighting for your home. When you do, you’ll become part of a growing national movement. Just go to energystar.gov and click on Take the Change-a-Light pledge. It takes only a few short seconds for you to have a long-term impact. Brighten your environmental future. From the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Audio Radio PSA #3. (472KB, 30 sec, MP3)

How many homeowners does it take to change to ENERGY STAR-qualified light bulbs? Answer: all of them. And they have every reason to. The bulbs look really cool — they come in spiral, mini-spiral and A-line shapes. They last and last — up to ten times longer than traditional fixtures. And they use two-thirds less energy. That’s win, win, win — cool lighting, cool temperatures, cooler energy bills. From the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Audio Radio PSA #4. (472KB, 30 sec, MP3)

Change a light, change the world. Can we really change the world by changing a light? All it would take is to swap a traditional light fixture for an energy-efficient one. Typical lighting accounts for twenty percent of the average home electric bill. ENERGY STAR bulbs and fixtures produce seventy percent less heat, making them safer and helping to lower your cooling bills. That’s how you can help change the world. Brighten your environmental future. From the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Audio Radio PSA #5. (472KB, 30 sec, MP3)

Light cool, and be cool. ENERGY STAR qualified lighting will help you save green by going green. It’s in the lamp socket right next to your bed. How can that be? If every American home changed only one light to an ENERGY STAR, we could prevent the equivalent in greenhouse gas emissions of nearly 800,000 cars. One, small step for you…one giant step for America’s energy supply. Brighten your environmental future. From the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Audio Radio PSA #6. (472KB, 30 sec, MP3)

Change a light bulb. Save some green. Just replace traditional light bulbs with energy-efficient bulbs and fixtures. If you’re like most people, twenty percent of your home electric bills go directly to lighting. Every light we switch to one bearing the government’s ENERGY STAR label, uses at least two-thirds less energy than older bulbs. Such a light will save more than thirty dollars in energy costs over its lifetime. Brighten your environmental future. From the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.