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Watersheds in the Southeast

National Info Box

A watershed is the area of land where all of the water that is on it or under it drains to a common waterway. Watersheds are an important part of our ecosystem. Everyone lives in a watershed. In the Southeast, rapid building and population growth have taken a toll on many water resources.

EPA is working in a collaborative fashion to support our state and local partners' efforts to restore and protect the watersheds of the Southeast. Our goal is to coordinate the delivery of EPA programs to targeted watersheds using the Watershed Approach to meet national goals for water quality restoration. These priority watersheds were selected in conjunction with our state water quality agency partners with support from local watershed and stakeholder organizations.

Each state has an EPA Coordinator. These coordinators work with state and local governments and watershed organizations in the targeted watersheds to facilitate protection and restoration efforts. How to reach them as well as other staff in the Watershed Coordination Section is available in the Contacts Section.

As you explore this site, you will discover more about the Watershed Approach, the location of priority watersheds in your area and how the Watershed Coordination Section can be contacted to assist you with any concerns you may have.

For information about the contents of this page please contact Wesley Lambert (lambert.wesley@epa.gov)

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