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Oil & Gas NPDES Permits

EPA regulates discharges associated with offshore oil and gas exploration, development, and production activities on the outer continental shelf (OCS) under the Clean Water Act's (CWA) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program.

EPA Region 4 issues individual and general permits covering facilities that discharge beyond the offshore three-mile limit defining territorial seas in the Eastern Planning Area and in the Mobile and Viosca Knoll Blocks of the Central Planning Area. The issued permits meet all CWA requirements, as well as EPA's guidelines for determining the degradation of marine waters (Ocean Discharge Criteria Evaluation). New source discharges are subject to environmental review provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

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Oil and Gas Final General Permit -
Eastern Portion of the Outer Continental Shelf

The final NPDES general permit for existing and new source discharges in the Eastern Portion of the outer continental shelf of the Gulf of Mexico, GMG460000 (PDF) (138 pp, 264K), was issued on December 9, 2004. This permit expires on December 31, 2009. The permit applies to operators of leases seaward of the 200 meter water depth for offshore Alabama and Florida in the Eastern Planning Area and offshore Mississippi and Alabama in the Mobile and Viosca Knoll lease blocks in the Central Planning Area.

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Contact Information

Submit Notices of Intent to:
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 4
Water Protection Division
Pollution Control and Implementation Branch
Atlanta Federal Center
61 Forsyth Street, SW
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Submit Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) to:
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
Region 4
Water Protection Division
Clean Water Enforcement Branch
Atlanta Federal Center
61 Forsyth Street, SW
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
For permitting questions, please contact:
Karrie-Jo Robinson-Shell (shell.karrie-jo@epa.gov)
(404) 562-9308
For enforcement questions, please contact:
Mary Halback (halback.mary@epa.gov)
(404) 562-9778

For Discharge Monitoring Report questions, please contact:;
Mike Donehoo(donehoo.mike@epa.gov)
(404) 562-9745

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For more information about this page contact Karrie Jo Shell shell.karrie-jo@epa.gov

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