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Ground Water Protection in the Southeast

National Information about Private Wells

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 4 Ground Water Protection Program takes a proactive, non-regulatory approach to protecting ground water resources. EPA works in partnership with the eight southeastern states to implement Source Water Assessment and Protection, and Sole Source Aquifer programs.

State ground water programs are funded yearly through continuing program grant as part of the Clean Water Act, Section 106. States also have program funding opportunities through the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund. Regional and national project grants often are available to states and local entities. Information on project grant opportunities and competition procedures is available from Region 4's Grants & SRF Management Section.

EPA works with citizens, local governments, and states concerning domestic septic systems and private wells. Proper use of these systems helps ensure protection of human health and the environment. However, EPA does not regulate domestic septic tanks or private domestic wells. Basic information on private wells is available by clicking on the links in the box. Should you need more specific information, please contact your local health department or state agency.

Regional ground water staff coordinate ground water activities on the national, state, and local levels. The staff provides administrative and technical assistance to states, local entities, and individuals.

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