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Superfund | Safe Drinking Water Information | Hazardous Waste Data | Toxics Release Inventory | Facility Registry System | Water Discharge Permits | Air Releases | Brownfields | Grants Information | Master Chemical Integrator | National Drinking Water Contaminant Occurrence Database | Drinking Water Microbial and Disinfection Byproduct Info | Locational Information | Multisystem | RadNet, formerly Environmental Radiation Ambient Monitoring System (ERAMS)

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The Envirofacts database is composed of several individual EPA databases, which are administered by "program system" offices. In many cases, industry is required to report information to the state in which it operates; in some cases, information is collected at the federal level.

Envirofacts provides data source information so that you can trace the origin of the information.

Superfund Data

Superfund sites are those uncontrolled hazardous waste sites designated by the federal government to be cleaned up. You can find information about these sites in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System (CERCLIS), which has been integrated into Envirofacts. For more information, read about Superfund. Superfund uses several databases to track information about these hazardous waste sites.

Safe Drinking Water Information

Safe Drinking Water Information is stored in the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS). The federal database contains information reported to EPA by Regions and States; the State database helps States run their drinking water programs. Envirofacts currently contains information from the federal database. Read more about the SDWIS database.

Hazardous Waste Data

Hazardous waste generators, transporters, treaters, storers and disposers of hazardous waste are required to provide information on their activities to state environmental agencies. These agencies then provide the information to regional and national US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) offices through the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information (RCRAInfo) System. Information on cleaning up after accidents or other activities that result in a release of hazardous materials to the water, air or land must also be reported through RCRAInfo. More information on RCRAInfo.

Toxics Release Inventory

Toxics Release Inventory data are reported by individual facilities, who send yearly reports to federal EPA on a form called "Form R". EPA converts these forms into an electronic database. A facility must report to TRI if the facility:

This reported information is available from the Toxics Release Inventory.

Facility Registry System

The Facility Registry System (FRS) is a centrally managed database that identifies facilities, sites or places subject to environmental regulations or of environmental interest. FRS creates high-quality, accurate, and authoritative facility identification records through rigorous verification and management procedures that incorporate information from program national systems, state master facility records, data collected from EPA's Central Data Exchange registrations and data management personnel.

Water Discharge Permits

Water Discharge Permits are tracked through the Permit Compliance System (PCS). Facilities report their compliance and status information by submitting Compliance Schedule Reports and Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMR) to Regions or delegated States, which enter the information into the system. Inspection and enforcement information is collected and entered by Regions and/or delegated States. More Permit Compliance System Information.

Air Releases

Air information is compiled from Source Reports, from electric power plants, steel mills, factories, and universities.


The Brownfields Management System (BMS) stores information reported by EPA Brownfields grant recipients on brownfields properties assessed or cleaned up with grant funding. In addition, fact sheets about Brownfields Where You Live are available. More information on the Brownfields.

Grants Information

The Grants Information and Control System (GICS) contains information about EPA awarded grants. Read more about EPA's Grants Information.

Master Chemical Integrator

Envirofacts Master Chemical Integrator (EMCI) is used to integrate the varied chemical identifications used in four program system components currently in Envirofacts. EMCI uses an internal identification system based on Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) numbers and names as a cross reference to link chemicals in the AIRS Facility Subsystem, Permit Compliance System, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information (RCRAInfo), and the Toxics Release Inventory.

National Drinking Water Contaminant Occurrence Database

The National Drinking Water Contaminant Occurrence Database (NCOD) contains occurrence data provided by Public Water Systems and other sources (like the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Information System) on physical, chemical, microbial and radiological contaminants for both detections and non-detects.

Drinking Water Microbial and Disinfection Byproduct Information

The Information Collection Rule (ICR) required water systems serving 100,000 people or more to collect samples and report on microbial (source water) and disinfection byproduct (treated water) levels for 18 months (July 1997-December 1998). This Drinking Water Microbial and Disinfection Byproduct Information is stored in the Information Collection Rule Auxiliary 1 database; a copy of this database is stored in Envirofacts Oracle tables.

Locational Information

Locational information for EPA-regulated facilities in Envirofacts is cultivated from many sources, including EPA federal program systems, EPA regional offices, and the states. This information is used for Envirofacts query and map applications.


Multisystem contains multiple environmental databases for facility information, including toxic chemical releases, water discharge permit compliance, hazardous waste handling processes, Superfund status, and air emission estimates.

RadNet, formerly Environmental Radiation Ambient Monitoring System (ERAMS)

RadNet data provides a means to estimate levels of radioactivity in the environment, including background radiation as well as radioactive fallout from atomic weapons testing, nuclear accidents, and other intrusions of radioactive materials. RadNet also provides the historical data needed to estimate long-term trends in environmental radiation levels.

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