U.S. Department of Energy

Office of Scientific & Technical Information


Archive of Featured Sites

FY 2008

Information Bridge
October 2008 – Information Bridge: Join the discussion on important DOE research

Information Bridge
September 2008 – Information Bridge: OSTI/IAEA-INIS collaboration yields Increase in Web Access to DOE Research

Science.gov 5.0
September 2008 – Science.gov 5.0: Science.gov 5.0 Launched!

June 2008 – WorldWideScience.org: WorldWideScience Alliance established,
view Video of Signing Ceremony

DOE Data Explorer
June 2008 – DOE Data Explorer: Discover the data behind DOE's scientific publications!.

Science Accelerator
April 2008 – Science Accelerator: Now the DOE Science Accelerator includes scientific software.

Information Bridge
February 2008 – Information Bridge: Approximately 10,000 documents added to Information Bridge

Edward Teller 1958-1960
January 2008 – DOE R&D Accomplishments: January 15, 2008 marks 100th anniversary of Edward Teller's birth

Science Showcase

November 2007 – Science Showcase: Giant Magnetoresistance Research Featured

FY 2007


September 2007 – DOepatents: New database of DOE patent records launched

Science Accelerator
August 2007 – Science Accelerator: Search key DOE resources from one portal

World Wide Science - Global Science Gateway
July 2007 – WorldWideScience.org: Global Science Gateway Now Open

Energy Citations Database
May 2007 – Energy Citations Database: Alerts available now to help citizens find DOE legacy research

OSTI 60th Anniversary
May 2007 – OSTI Celebrates 60 Years of Knowledge Sharing, 1947–2007

Information Bridge
April 2007 – Information Bridge: ATP “molecular machine” highlighted

Energy Science and Technology Software Center
March 2007 – Energy Science and Technology Software Center: Get the latest in federal science software packages!

Introducing Science.gov 4.0 with DeepRank
March 2007 – Science.gov 4.0: Introducing Science.gov 4.0 with DeepRank

January 2007 – DOE partners with British Library to develop international portal for science

Science Showcase -- George F. Smoot and Roger D. Kornberg
December 2006 – Science Showcase: George F. Smoot and Roger D. Kornberg join the list of Nobel Laureates associated with DOE

Weinberg Papers
November 2006 – Weinberg Papers: Selection of Alvin Weinberg's (1915–2006) scientific literature legacy

FY 2006

Research and Development Accomplishments
October 2006 – DOE Research and Development (R&D) Accomplishments: Nobel Laureates featured!

Research and Development Project Summaries
August 2006 – R&D Project Summaries

May 2006 – Science.gov: Now search National Science Digital Library at Science.gov!

Energy Technology Data Exchange
March 2006 – Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDE)

FY 2005

Science.gov, Version 3.0
December 2005 – Science.gov 3.0 launched!

Information Bridge
October 2005 – Information Bridge: New look, new features, more reports.

E-print Network
September 2005 – E-print Network: Now search over 664,000 eprints.

Science Conferences
June 2005 – Search Science Conference Papers & Proceedings: Access conference papers and proceedings in various fields of science and technology. Users can simultaneously search the sites of scientific and professional organizations whose fields of interest relate to the mission of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

ScienceLab to N.S.T.A.
April 2005 – OSTI Sends ScienceLab to NSTA: ScienceLab – Student Online Lab for Science Stuff! represented OSTI at the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Convention in Dallas, Texas , March 31 – April 3, 2005

science.gov Alerts
February 2005 – Science.gov Alerts: DOE and other federal science agencies help the public stay "alert" to the latest R&D results with Science.gov Alert Service

World Year of Physics
February 2005 – DOE Office of Science celebrates 2005 World Year of Physics: DOE SC plans to celebrate the 2005 World Year of Physics through a year-long program of activities and materials highlighting how physics enables advances in the sciences – and how physics contributes to our quality of life. The DOE Office of Science 2005 World Year of Physics Web site includes DOE Physicists at Work: Profiles of representative DOE-sponsored physicists doing research at universities and national laboratories.

FY 2004

Research and Development
December 2004 – DOE Research and Development (R&D) Project Summaries: Summaries of ongoing or recently completed DOE research projects are available for online searching in this publicly accessible database.

Federal R&D Project Summaries
September 2004 – DOE Federal R&D Project Summaries: This system is a consortium of federal agencies providing R&D summaries.

science.gov 2.0
June 2004 – science.gov 2.0: This unified search of the government's vast stores of scientific and technical information helps citizens sort through the government's reservoirs of research and returns results most likely to meet individual needs. An advanced search capability and other enhancements were added with this update of science.gov.

May 2004 – ScienceLab: Your online stop for science stuff!

D.O.E. R&D Accomplishments
December 2003 – DOE R&D Accomplishments: A central forum for information about the outcomes of past DOE R&D that have had significant economic impact, have improved people's lives, or have been widely recognized as remarkable advances in science.

science.gov Alerts science.gov Alerts Announcement D.O.E. Office of Science celebrates 2005 World Year of Physics D.O.E. Physicists at Work