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Introduction to Health Services Research : A Self-Study Course

Module 3: Selected Players (Federal and Private) (Page 18 of 27)

International Society of Technology Assessment in Health Care (ISTAHC)

The Society was organized in 1985 to encourage research, education, cooperation, and the exchange of information concerning the clinical and social implications of technologies used in healthcare and to foster their optimal use. ISTAHC had over 400 members in 30 countries and sponsored annual meetings and workshops before it disbanded in 2003.

Issues of concern included determination of evidence for safety and efficacy, cost and cost-effectiveness, ethical aspects of access, quality of care, legal and regulatory considerations, and comparison with competing technologies.

In 2003 ISTAHC morphed into the Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi). HTAi is discussed on the previous page.

Discussion Questions

  1. Why is it important to know about entities that are no longer functioning in the field of health services research? Explain why it is important.
  2. How do you determine what the new name of an entity is five, ten or twenty years after the name change? Which source/s would you use to validate the old name of this entity?
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Last reviewed: 03 November 2007
Last updated: 03 November 2007
First published: 03 November 2007
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