FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY o Public Health Service NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH o Bethesda 14,Md. NATloN*L INsrmrE of ARTHRrrIS AND M*ABoLIC DIsf.AsEs NATIONAL CANCER nisTrNlE NAllONAL lNSTlT"?E OF DENTAL RESEARCH NAUDNAL HEART INSnTUTE NATIONAL INST17UTE OF MENTAL HEALTH NATIONAL MlCROBlDLOGlCAL INSmLm NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF NUlROLOGlCAL DISEASES AND BLINDNESS THE CLlNlCAL CENT% AIRMAIL -- DWWON OF RESEARCH GRANTS March 10, 1953 Dr. Joshua Zlederberg Department of Genetics The University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Josh: I wonder whether you and Cavalli have as yet agreed as to the title of your joint paper, which I assume will be read by him if you cannot go to FbItE. Dr. Chain is anxious now to get specific titles for use in the preparation of the preliminary program. In order to save time, instead of writing me, would you send him that information directly, perhaps with an information copy to me? I hope that since your last letter you have been able to find financial support for the trip to Italy this year. I know how interested you would be in going to both the microbiological and genetic conferences. Although the National Institutes of Health has no travel funds for its own personnel, there is a strong possibility that I will be able to find outside support for my travel expenses. With kindest regards, / I/ Cordially, National Microbiological Institute cc: Dr.Chain HE:bfb