INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA October 26, 1953 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Josh: As always, you are understanding, kind, and forgiving -- with your two Indiana problems: Dave and me. I was completely sincere in my willingness to turn the book over to you and would indeed feel immensely relieved if you would shoulder it alone or with my part being more like the part you had originally conceived as yours. I herewith make the proposition subject to your acceptance at anytime, now or later. I'm definitely interested in your suggestion that we spend a summer together, and the coming summer is a possibility. At present my summer is shaping up something like this: Grell, of mingen, hopes to spend two months in my laboratory learning methods and they may fall in the summer; also Inoki will probably not leave till the end of June. I have told Grell I like to be free for vacation during part of August and September and have advised him to arrange his tims with me so that it will be completed before the end of July. He wishes also to spend some time at Woods Hole and I have advised him of course to be there after June 15 and before September 10. It is possible that a sort of Protozoan seminar may be assembled around him. In any case, I am planning a vacation towards the end of the suxner. I'm entitled to a month, though I often take much less. Woods Hole is our favorite vacation place: my wife loves the people and the ocean and so do I, particularly since there is so much of interest going on there. What then would you think of the following plan? Let's both get to Woods Hole some time after July 31 and stay a month. We could work half-day or more on the book and still get a vacation. IId not feel free to get there before August 1; but perhaps you and Esther would consider coming here some time before that, so we could have a longer working period. I cannot urge you to come here because the summers are beastly and one cannot stay always in the air-conditioned lab; but if that means nothing to you, we'd love to have you. In any case, I'm tentatively hoping to begin serious work on the book some time during June or July. I'll be free of teaching from February 1 till September 20 in 1954 and my only absolutely required writing during that period is a detailed review on our antigen work (though there is much more I'd like to do). It might be a good idea for us to get together a short time after I finish the antigen paper (which I cannot start till after February 1) and before I start on the book. I'd like very much to visit Madison and may drive up, perhaps during Spring vacation, It would suit Dr. Joshua Lederberg Page 2 October 26, 1953 me better to keep this visit free fran lectures and in any case I would not warit expenses paid. But we can develop our plans further some months hence. I occasionally have to go to Chicago and, if such an opportunity should come during the spring, I may seize that chance to visit with you if it is convenient for you. Well, you see your letter has really catalyzed a response that surprises even me. If we agree on the Woods Hole plan, we should not long delay arranging for accommodations there. Are you a menber of the Corporation? There are some limitations on reserving a library table for work, I think. Perhaps we should try to get a small room between us in the laboratory. Your note on Sertic's acriflavine observation is intriguing. We too should try this. We have no data on cataphoretic differences. I looked for that long ago with respect to the mating types. You probably know that paramecia are not passively carried along, but orient towards and actively swim to the cathode. Thanks for the mimeografied notes you sent me. I have not digested them yet. As I think I wrote you, I have no further mimeographed sheets; but I do have very full and detailed lecture notes. I'm sending you a copy of my Congress paper. Since that was written, we have evidence that the macronuclear anlagen arise from the two Esterior nuclei, just the opposite of,Tetrahymena, as I suspected might be the case. With very best wishes to you and Esther, As always,